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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. He won't draw the black vote, which is stupid for MSNBC ot even suggest. However, he is going to go after minorities and make the case for why they should vote Republican, instead of just calling it a lost cause as in the past. He often hosted Hannity and Colmes when Hannity was out, and is on Fox News all the time. He's great on TV. Standing in unity against a bill that is becoming increasingly unpopular the more that is released about it won't do them any good? Of course it will! They already got the STD part taken out, who knows how much else will get taken out that doesn't belong in a stimulus package. Republicans lost power in part because they were increasing spending and government the last 10 years, returning to fiscal conservatism in unison is a huge step and put the President/Dems on the defense big time, especially because the vote against it was bi-partisan, not for as Obama wanted. And Republicans are doing the right thing by not only shooting it down, but offering an alternative, which is what they are supposed to do, then negotiate to the middle. That's how politics should work.
  2. MSNBC this morning implied that the only reason he won was because he was black and Republicans want the black vote. I think it helped him, especially when the other guy was from SC and belonged to an all-white cc. However Republicans know they needed a new and familiar face, and somebody that could be great on TV and speaking events to counter President Obama and compete with him for air time. Republicans need major PR work, and Steele is the right man for that.
  3. I'm happy he won, he's the one I was gunning for. Always liked him on Fox News as he's a Republican, not a right wing nut. Very much like his platform, great read: http://www.steeleforchairman.com/index.php...&Itemid=124 Imagine if they would have selected Dawson, who belonged to a white only CC? GOP would have been done with, he shouldn't have even been in the running.
  4. This is funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DscR2OPJsR0
  5. Michael Moore EDIT: Although I wouldn't eliminate Olberman...he's just as bad.
  6. I know, that's why I said they're both right. I don't think she's right about everything, and don't like her attitude often, but she's blunt and sometimes makes good points that others don't make. There's plenty like her on the other side too.
  7. I'd tell a local politician....but ask them not to do anything. Next time it happens, go back to the politician.
  8. Every player is overpaid.... Now that that's out of the way....Kelsay way overpaid, Lynch underpaid.
  9. Good read: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123318906638926749.html PS - If any head Republicans had brains or balls, they'd be the ones arguing this. It shouldn't be a talk show host.
  10. Was reading this and thought most was dead on...then got to the end, she's going to get blasted for the last line: http://townhall.com/columnists/AnnCoulter/..._at_home?page=1
  11. Never seen such a whiney article before: http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/559513.html
  12. 100% agree. That's why I said right away that they were going to Palanize her, not as much to do with what she stands for (which is what they are trying to make it look like) but because they were wrong for weeks. The media was infuriated that McCain staffers told them it was going to be Romney or Pawlenty and he turned around and selected Palin, which is the original reason they went after her. I don't really get what the Patterson beef is, the guy selected somebody, and never said it would be Kennedy, only the media said that. You hit the nail on the head. All the negative coverage has nothing to do with Patterson/Gillibrand, the media is just getting payback for being wrong.
  13. yes, but not totally man made (if at all) The planet warms and it cools....its just what it does.
  14. Very good points, I agree. Either way, she's going to get killed by the media, and how she responds will dictate 2010.
  15. Conservatives hate McCain because he voted 90% with Bush. Liberals hated McCain because he voted 90% with Bush. She's in the same boat. It's lonely in the middle in a 2 party system.
  16. To be clear, I like Gillibrand as she's a centrist which is what I am. It's not a "black and white worldview".....It's called having lived in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Brooklyn for over 11 years and still living here. The "drive by and elite media" does exist, especially here in NYC with the NY Post and Daily News. They destroy people, and when they're wrong they simply move on. I've been reading the papers for over 10 years, they just want a story. I have seen first hand them destroy people I know personally by distorting the truth to sell papers. I actually had to stop reading them at one point because I realized how distorting they were and were trying to tell people how to think. The Post and News are written at a grade school level for a reason, its so they can manipulate the under educated folks. If they don't like somebody, NYC won't like somebody and they'll make sure of it. Look at what has happened to Caroline Kennedy this week. I also know for a fact that many New Yorkers look down on the rest of the state having lived here for 11 years. Anybody not from the 5 boroughs, LI, or Westchester is hick and an idiot. It's evident in when New Yorkers refer to anybody not from this area as an "Upstater"...its not a warm term as I have learned first hand living here. In terms of the elite...they exist, I worked for some of them and saw the inner circles. Spend any time on the Upper West Side, Park Slope, the Village, SoHo and you'll understand. I remember when Mark Thomas from outside of Buffalo was running for Congress and he had a fundraiser in NYC. Carl McCall and about 5 others showed up, and that was it. Nobody cared to support an upstater. Jury is still out on her, but to say she's a shoe-in for 2010 is premature. Anything can happen. The NYC Papers can attack her, or a candidate that more appeals to NYC could run against her with more liberal views...and the liberal view is hot right now. I hope she succeeds. PS....I don't read many blogs.
  17. Don't be so sure.....she's anti gay marriage, pro NRA, and lives 3 hours away from the city which New Yorkers look down upon. The think the elite media is going to trash (Palinize) her.
  18. And the gay marriage thing.....the Upper West Side and Village neighborhoods are going to lose their minds. The media is going to destroy her.
  19. NYC Dems are not happy down here.....that's a good thing. I feel like she is going to get "Palin-ed" though....the media wanted Kennedy or Cuomo.
  20. http://www.nypost.com/seven/01222009/news/...aput_151351.htm
  21. Thank god....now let's get an Upstater or Western NYer in there.
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