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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Whoops....looks like even economists can be wrong? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/02/12...ounded-january/ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29158095/ Not saying things won't get worse....but even economists don't have all the answers. Car sales increasing makes this more than post holiday increase.
  2. I'm tired of high class players, they amount to nothing. I'm ready for a jerk on this team to smack these guys around.
  3. Post article http://www.nypost.com/seven/02112009/news/...ding_154490.htm
  4. Anybody watching Fox News? They're losing their minds! Just had Arlen Specter and a Democratic Senator on and neither knew this was in there, neither knows what it is, and neither supports it when read what it says saying its socialized healthcare. They both said they are going to look into it....uh....the vote is in less than two hours guys! Great...our government is about to spend a trillion dollars and are being rushed into it...and they don't even know what it is.
  5. She's lying low while all the people that abandoned her for Obama early on (Caroline Kennedy, Tom Daschle, Bill Richardson) are all making fools of themselves.
  6. I was angry about the 3 Republicans who sold out, but read in the WSJ this morning how this was a win for the center, as it was 20 combined Dems/Reps that made this compromise. The left and right are both angry about the compromise, so I guess that's a good thing. Although a much bigger win for the left.
  7. I wish the Bills would sign him just so I could see PETA protesters in Lot 1 next to the Pinto watching bowling ball shots.
  8. Well...looks like this Times columnist agrees on the address....in her weak attempt to say "just look the other way and vote for it!" http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/opinion/...llins.html?_r=1
  9. Reminds me of the Katrina South Park episode..."we've got hundreds of millions of people dead in the city"
  10. You think the Obama Admin hasn't realized yet that it can address the entire nation whenever it wants on national TV? I'm surprised he hasn't done that yet to get back momentum on the stimulus, I assume it must be coming soon. With his speaking ability he should be able to swing opinion in his favor. My brother said he's been using Youtube...but I think that's more of an election tactic, looks like the Obama camp hasn't figured out how to use the powers of the White House yet. This article today discusses it: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0209/18444.html It's going to get harder now, the package is up to 920 billion already and expected to rise more. Looking at polls doesn't look like anybody blames him for this, they blame Pelosi/congress, so he should use that to his advantage. Plus...Rush is on vacation this week.
  11. Another article, this time from the Right and more biased, but still good read. http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=Z...mZiYTJhZDQ5YTY=
  12. My brother in London just emailed me and said they have a lot of snow and are running out of salt for the roads because the City Council bought into Global Warming and thought they'd need to buy less salt because there'd be less snow. Thought he was joking, then looked it up....it's true!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! "West Lancashire MP Rosie Cooper accused councils of cutting the number of roads they grit, while David Frost, director-general of the British Chambers of Commerce, said the snow and subsequent disruption had cost British business "a lot of money". He said: "I wonder whether we have become a bit too complacent or we are being a bit too bowled over by the constant talk of global warming and the fact that temperatures are always going to rise and therefore when something like this does happen, we are caught very much on the hop. " http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/weather/...-continues.html
  13. Within 3 months he'll be a commentator on MSNBC...mark my words.
  14. Obama, elected saying he will play by the rules, nominates cabinet members who didn't play by the rules Banks, given money expected to play by the rules, blow money on high end parties and jets. Obama not playing by rules wants to give billions to banks not playing by the rules. I'd say there's a huge link there.
  15. Last night, instead of discussing Daschle...she showed a montage of what's wrong in the US and had a befuddled look afterwards saying "With all of this, why is everybody bothering to talk about Tom Daschle? Is it that important in the scope of things?" Just like when Spitzer resigned and she refused to talk about it, instead talking about Republican scandals from 20 years ago. Her next guest she asks why Republicans are voting no on the stimulus, inferring that there's no benefit to it. The guest outlines two paths two years from now that show Republicans coming out benefiting from voting no, which she shows that she doesn't buy. What a loser....
  16. Maureen Dowd: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/04/opinion/04dowd.html Heard Imus talking about it this morning so went and checked out the article...hits the nail on the head.
  17. I sat next to one of the Yankee's bat boys in a class in college, he had a world series ring so I assume yes.
  18. Charlie the Butcher (at the original store) or Barbells in East Aurora.
  19. Works out great here, imagine if you weren't able to vote Bush out? Iran is as much a democracy as Iraq was under Saddam. If Gaza was two dictators there probably wouldn't be a Gaza right now.
  20. I remember President-elect Obama lowering expectations before taking office by saying the economy was going to get much worse before it got better. After taking office I expected him to jumpstart the economy by saying the economy would improve. But he's continuing to say the economy is getting worse and likening it to the Depression (which its nowhere near) which is forcing people to save money instead of spending it, further damaging the economy. I've been pondering what the benefit of this approach is, perhaps the President knows the upswing will occur just in time for the 2012 election and wants to make himself the hero when that time comes. I then remembered how Dems attacked Bush for spreading fear to get his agenda across, and realized Obama may be using the same tactic in order to get the "stimulus" pushed through. How ironic is that? After 9/11, Bush told people to go out and spend money, which Obama strongly criticized him for. However it may have been Bush's focus on strengthening the economy which saved the country from a deep recession after 9/11. If the above is not the case, why is Obama continuing to trash the economy killing spending?
  21. How hot is Kurt Warner's wife with long hair? I remember her with the "Drago's Girlfriend" look the last Super Bowl.....
  22. I thought Louisiana was the worst? Remember reading how bad it was in Dead Man Walking.....of course I started reading it the last few weeks of senior year in college so only got through the first chapter....the rest is a hazy mist after that.....
  23. I thought this week's episode was the best in a long time, was actually exciting. I HAAAAATE the character Baltar has become.....
  24. Then you wait a couple years til somebody new is elected, that's democracy in action, whereas a dictator you'd have to deal with for life.
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