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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. http://buffalonews.typepad.com/sully_on_sports/
  2. I think viewing the cartoon as racist makes the viewer racist. I saw it and thought an idiot wrote the stimulus, which most Post readers are conservative and would think that.
  3. Was sent this today, depressing: http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/02/the...ad_america.html
  4. It's awesome, been watching all day like I did last time they were on....but much better in HD. It kills me to say after watching it that Millard Fillmore really was the worst president ever....son of a...
  5. Killing wives...sure. Killing your wife saying God and your religion said it was ok? No...
  6. HAHA!! You actually had me laugh out loud there.
  7. HERE HERE!!!! I've been waiting for somebody to write this.
  8. I posted this on Off the Wall when it was first reported. Said it would be huge news if not for the plane crash. Saw it on Michelle Malkin's blog yesterday and then all over Fox News today. Just found out he owned and managed the 7-11 in the village of OP where I grew up...I thought that was a joke at first but looked it up.
  9. Like Abe Lincoln the Republican freeing the slaves and Democrats forming the KKK, he'd find a way to justify that the Dems were right and Republicans were wrong on that one! Ha! Joking Blz...
  10. Compare this recession to the one Reagan inherited. Realize that one was worse. Follow what Reagan did. We're in the clear.
  11. WAAAAAY too many skeletons in his closet...he'll never be able to run for anything.
  12. History Channel, 9pm "Stealing Lincoln's Body" This should be good!!!
  13. Sweet! He's a righty. Karl Rove is gonna be on too i think.
  14. Watching The Presidents on History Channel right now. After seeing Millard Fillmore's part, I think its safe to say he should be the worst president. Anybody that thinks W was bad....man....
  15. Then they're wrong because Washington didn't occupy the Oval Office....
  16. Topic for another thread....but I feel the Patriot Act is more of an umbrella effect that many might never even experience yet is just as harmful, whereas the stimulus could have a bad/good effect on each us personally.
  17. LBJ was the real hero of civil rights and never gets credit for it. I would give Kennedy credit for the moon though...he got that ball rolling. Of course if you believe we went to the moon. Cough. Kennedy was prob good, but not top 10 No way was Lincoln overrated...not only did he deal with the civil war....his wife was a f-ing nutjob and he lost a couple kids. How he held that all together is mind boggling.
  18. I liken it to Kurt Cobain....Nirvana was going downhill at the end, their last album kinda sucked and the alternative love fest was ending. If he didn't put a bullet through his head (or if Courtney didn't) then he likely would have fallen into obscurity. But because he ate a bullet at the right time...he's a cult personality forever. Same with JFK. Some say Jim Morrison is another example, but that's a topic for another day.
  19. 1) There were handwritten notes thrown into it by dems at the very end before it was released that weren't seen until the day it was voted on 2) Republicans were left out of the meetings finalizing the bill 3) The bill has been stripped of things and had other things added in several times over the week So even though it was discussed over the week, the final bill was not "gone over by the GOP with a fine toothed comb" as by all accounts that would be impossible in less than 24 hours (when the Dems promised 48 hours...you're saying its ok they broke that promise?) Even one democrat admitted to the press he wasn't sure what was in the final bill. I never said the recession would end when the ink was dry? Not sure where that came from? As others have said, liberals are still losing their minds about the Patriot Act....but they give a free pass on this. Both are fear mongering. And bitching that its not signed in seconds? Obama is screaming on national TV that there cannot be a delay and the time for discussion was over, it had to be finalized NOW.....then he goes off on vacation for a couple days.
  20. Reagan should be higher than Kennedy....JFK was only in office for 3 years. Washington should be #1, Lincoln #2 no question. Eisenhower should not be that high. Do they say 42 previous presidents of the white house because Washington never lived there?
  21. The President goes on National TV saying if the stimulus isn't passed right away we will have an irreversible catastrophe. Congress rushes through passing almost a trillion dollars in stimulus money in record time. The vote HAS to occur on Friday, when it is physically impossible for anybody to have even reviewed the most expensive bill in history, going back on a promise to have 48 hours to review it. Bill is passed by congress and is sitting on the President's desk. President goes on vacation for 3 days, went out to dinner at an expensive restaurant in Chicago last night while the bill is sitting on the desk. My questions are: 1) If it was so urgent, why is he going on vacation and not signing into law asap? 2) If he's not going to sign it, why not let Congress actually review it? 3) I don't care what party you are in, the above is disturbing.
  22. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2233878.ece
  23. Wow..... http://www.buffalonews.com/437/story/578644.html
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