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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. The fun you could have with that first name.
  2. Still holding out hope, a message was sent to the offense, time to do it for the defense.
  3. Was the FO on vacation until today? Thanks Tim!
  4. If this all goes to the Peters extension that will be a let down......
  5. I'm ready to be disappointed, although part of me is holding out for at least one solid signing. I think they're waiting to see what happens with Lynch and how early FA goes before making a move with Freddy. Just saw that cutting Dock could be an option in TBN this morning, that surprised me but doubt it.
  6. The Kelly's Heros one with Kelly, Bruce and all of them on the tank in military outfits was the best...hahaha.
  7. I can see the "But Lynch Passes Out Turkeys" tshirts being printed right now.
  8. If the Bills are going to fork over a lot of money in FA, it has to be WR. Its the only critical position we have that can't be filled immediately via the draft.
  9. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2009/2/24/...wn-buffalo-s-li Never heard of this site but linked from CNN SI
  10. I saw that, Obama prob didn't want the distraction from the big night all about him.
  11. Sam Gash hands down....first time he was here and not used as a f-ing WR half the time like he was with Mularkey.
  12. Me too, shouldn't even be a tough choice if you only take his football career into consideration. Something tells me Thomas will come out on top though, even if fans don't vote that way.
  13. Its sad that Frank Reich is on the list of best QBs....not many to pick from huh?
  14. "This Bills offense will not be the same next year without Lynch" Isn't that a good thing?
  15. Anybody else read this part of the article in TBN this morning and let out a chuckle? I know nothing about college football and don't have any opinion on individual players, but let's be honest, who wouldn't take Polian's word over Mike Mayock? "NFL Network draft analyst Mike Mayock thinks Maybin is better suited to outside linebacker than 4-3 defensive end. However, Colts President Bill Polian, whose team runs the same defensive scheme as Buffalo, was unequivocal on his view of Maybin. Asked Sunday if the Nittany Lion could play end in a Colts-style defense, Polian said: "Yes he could." http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/587337.html Mayock = "Expert" Polian = EXPERT
  16. Does anybody still care about the combine? Other than for bottom half draft picks and FA signings? Robert Gallery proved to be what a joke the combine is.
  17. If the Bills spend the money on Taylor, them I'm convinced we're picking top 10 in the draft next year.
  18. 1) He's a gunslinger, he does NOT fit the Bills system. 2) He will NEVER resign here...EVER....case closed.
  19. I'm not sympathetic either, but the Bills tossing him on IR was a bit of an over reaction due to the Peters situation. I don't feel bad for him, but there's bad blood and he needs a fresh start.
  20. Is anybody actually surprised at this? Greer will make a killing in free agency, he deserves it since the Bills never committed to him. I wish him the best. Crowell is coming off an injury and the Bills tossed him on IR which was prob an over reaction potentially costing him tons of money in FA this season. If I was him I wouldn't come back to the Bills, he needs a fresh start.
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