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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I was in college in NYC so only saw some of the games, I just remember Flutie playing poorly and the defense being dominant whenever I saw games. If we would have won that game, Johnson playing with his shoe off would have become legendary.
  2. Like 3 months after 9-11 when he stood in front of thousands of NYPD, FDNY, and survivors and preached pacifism against the attackers.
  3. Agreed...overrated. I like being drunk by 1pm, hangover by 7pm, and feeling refreshed Monday morning.
  4. Is that you Mort? We'll just have to agree to disagree here on Mr. Donahoe. I know folks in the NFL HQ here in NYC who told me some stories about him, so I have a biased view. Moving on.... Any word on John McCargo of the Bills? Will the Bills be retaining him, or will they be using his as a package trade? Wouldn't shock me for the Bills to go DT early in the draft as a shocker.
  5. Your argument for Hangartner...you could substitute his name for Tuten Reyes. Not saying the folks we've brought in are 3rd tier...but we haven't signed any of them. My fear is we sign 3rd Tier folks who we are yet to bring in. When they had June, Peterson, etc in we didn't know we'd be going after TO. For TE, it might be a luxury this year, but TO is only here one year. Better to get one now and give him a year to develop that push it off til next year. The poster said we've had a good offseason so far. We could have one, but other than TO we have a long way to go.
  6. C'mon Tim, Polian was a HUGE Wilson mistake...but Mularkey was not taking this team to the playoffs because he'd still have Losman at the helm who is sitting alone in free agency and may be out of the NFL for good. Donahoe drove this franchise into the ground from Johnson to Bledsoe to Losman, to the Mike Williams bust, to firing Rusty Jones, to letting Pat Williams walk, to confiscating fans signs the last few games. That was all Donahoe, and Wilson rightly ran him out of town. Mort needs to check his feelings for Wilson at the door when he walks into work and lose the cheap shots. Bills fans are tired of hearing about Donahoe every time the Bills are mentioned. Edit: TD didn't release Smith/Reed/Thomas, my bad.
  7. I read that before this thread and thought "man this guy is just bitter because he probably acted pompous when asked that question about TO and said it wouldn't happen, only to be proven wrong"
  8. I'm surprised we didn't release him...we're going to need another DT.
  9. Tim - I think its fine if Mort doesn't like Ralph Wilson, we all have issues with him, his being personal due to Tom Donahoe. However when the TO story broke, he declared that the "Coaching staff obviously had no say in this decision" and used that to attack Wilson as forcing TO on the team. Since that statement, its been reported that Jauron was for the signing, and Trent Edwards instigated it, yet Mort keeps incorrectly reporting that this was 100% Wilson and continues to attack him for it, tying in his pal Tom Donahoe. Isn't it his job to report the facts and provide opinions based on those facts? I think he crossed a line here as a journalist by creating a false truth to push his anti-Wilson agenda. PS - We're lucky to have you covering the AFC East, couldn't have anybody better!
  10. Entertaining offseason? The last 48 hours have been, before that watching a rock was more exciting. Good offseason? Besides TO, they signed a backup C/G to start at C, and sub average QB with a Buster Bison head as backup QB. Still need LB, DE, LG, TE....and that's just the starters, I think we need a FS as well. The Bills made one good signing, the team is 7-9 at best, even if they hit their first 2 draft choices. I pray they don't think that since they have TO, they can get a bunch of 3rd tier players for the above positions.
  11. "Chris Brown spoke to TO on Monday" Uh....try Saturday sweetheart.
  12. I remember in high school I took an ecology class. The teacher, who now 13 years later I understand to be an ultra liberal, said that in less than 50 years there won't be enough trees in the world to produce enough oxygen for people and we'd all die. Some people are just nuts, and I throw Al Gore into that category.
  13. I renewed, knowing I could sell all of the tickets.
  14. If Peter King (and everybody else) is right and Juaron had final say, then Mort is flat out lying just to make Ralph look bad. ESPN needs to address this. One thing to crap on a team, another to make up a story that simply isn't true to take a shot at its owner for personal reasons.
  15. I'm happy about the TO signing, but not euphoric like some. The Bills have a lot of holes to fill, and Juaron/Turk might not be able to utilize Owens as well as they should. But I'm also not THIS down on the move: http://billsdaily.com/articles/bogyo/2009/owens.shtml Of course like Sully, he's usually right.
  16. Mort can't let it go: Podcast: Wilson made decision on T.O. March 9, 2009 11:44 AM Chris Mortensen says the decision to sign Terrell Owens was made by Bills owner Ralph Wilson, not coach Dick Jauron. Mort says the pressure is now squarely on the shoulders of Tony Romo and Jason Garrett in Dallas. Also, more on LT and Jay Cutler. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-6-44/...on-on-T-O-.html
  17. Did anybody see this? I had it recorded and finally watched it this weekend, one of the best documentaries I've ever watched, had no idea his body went through all of that. Was also interesting that 30 years after his death before they buried him in concrete finally, the workers opened the coffin for one last look to confirm he was in there. Very cool/weird to see them create a walking Lincoln using photographs, and cool that they were able to bring some photos to life doing the same. Didn't realize Lincoln's funeral train stopped in Buffalo: http://www.buffaloah.com/h/linc/linc.html
  18. I love that Thomas lives in Buffalo again, with Kelly dedicated to HH, looks like he is now the spokesman for the glory years.
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