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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  2. The Cooley part makes me suspicious.
  3. Nope...which is why this is all likely BS.
  4. Bledsoe might have stood a chance if TD would have put some talent on the O-line. Whatever, the team has moved on, TD's has little mark left on the team, Mort needs to move on as well.
  5. He couldn't admit he was wrong, JP would still be our QB. You know...the guy who hasn't been signed yet. The guy allowed Mularkey to let an esteemed coach like Rusty Jones be let go so he could hire a halfassed crony. I remember quite clearly how much the fans despised him at the end...way more than they despise Jauron right now, that's saying something.
  6. I agree....but does he constantly have to make Donahoe out to be a martyr? Its petty.
  7. Hey....they said Sarah Palin was still in Alaska when she was actually in that shady hotel the day she was announced. Palin trashing comment in 3...2...1...
  8. He is close friends with Tom Donahoe who after 5 years with the Bills and 1 winning season was forced out after alienating fans and the front office. I mean, the guy confiscated fans' signs about him, who does that? Since then Mort has held a grudge against Ralph Wilson which permeates into all his Buffalo Bills reporting, and will likely be the first to piss on his grave. Whoops...there I go again...this could turn into another epic thread.
  9. I still think its more likely he goes to the Jets.
  10. Better than anybody we've had since Jay Remiersamamerjhjheja
  11. I don't get it, what is the advantage of Edwards over Cutler for Denver?
  12. They didn't even know Coles was in Buffalo, and none of them knew a thing about TO until it happenned. Not saying its going to happen, because I 99% doubt it, but just because the press isn't reporting it doesn't mean its not true.
  13. My father played a round of golf with Tim McCarver and didn't know who he was until after.
  14. Somebody in the chat said there were no good FA LGs, and he had no comment. Wonder if he's talking trade then.
  15. He said the Crowell bridge is burned, and the mystery player is a LG. zzzzz
  16. From Soprano - Agent in Buffalo Cutlers agent was spotted at the Buffalo-Niagara Airport 30 min ago. Reply With Quote HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  17. As long as you know what you're getting in to....I haven't been but most folks I talk to say its like watching paint dry. We'll be throwing our 7th Annual NYCBBB tailgate party at McFadden's again, we usually pack the bar with Bills fans and have an all you can drink beer and eat wings special. Trust me, you'd have a better time there.
  18. Good breakdown of Chambers, and some cool stats comparing him, Preston, and Peters. They say Peters gave up closer to 9 sacks. Mentions although he played better at guard than tackle, the sample size for guard was too small. However, it says overall a better player than Preston and could play guard. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2009/3/15/...ine-review-kirk
  19. I'd rather see the front page video changed to Bruce Smith being named into the HOF or TO being signed as a Bill.
  20. Great article, found it interesting he senses Peters is on his way out and mentions it twice: "This team has few options. It sounds as if they are about to discard the best offensive lineman they have had since their Super Bowl days, left tackle Jason Peters, whom they should have tied up for the next five or six years. They don’t have a left guard. They may or may not have a center. They don’t have a tight end. They need a pass rusher. Now they may be bidding bye-bye to Peters. " http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/billsnfl/story/608132.html
  21. He deserves Gross money, that's just what the market dictates right now. Long doesn't deserve Long money, the NFL REALLY needs to nip these oversized rookie contracts in the bud, it's throwing off the market, forcing teams to not want a top 10 pick, and the only ones who benefit are the few players and their agents. Rookies should never be the highest paid player on the team.
  22. 2004 – Travis Henry 2005 – Mark Campbell 2006 – Takeo Spikes 2007 – Kevin Everett Jeez...that's like a Madden curse in the making.
  23. In several threads folks are using JP, short for Jason Peters. In one or two threads folks are using JP for both Losman and Peters which is quite confusing as you're not always sure which you're talking about. Even Ed Kilgore is using JP for Peters in his article today: http://www.wgrz.com/sports/story.aspx?storyid=64901 Can we hold off for a couple months using JP for Peters, or at least until Losman is signed into the Arena League?
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