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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. A lot of people hate Buffalo....he fits right in.
  2. My brother just sent me this and says its a huge deal over there, the Queen is allegedly saying to stop spending $ to fix the problems, no more stimulus, as are more and more Eupropeans. Obama is heading over to England next week. Apparently the Labour Party is trying to force Gordon Brown out. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_...icle5970954.ece
  3. Great read: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/25/opinion/...=1&emc=eta1
  4. He said the same thing about Anthony Thomas 3 years ago saying he was fine with him starting, then the Bills drafted Lynch. Don't believe any pre-draft discussion, most of it is posturing. Not saying he's not telling the truth, but at this point you can never be sure.
  5. He didn't want to come to Buffalo when they were still in the playoff hunt last season....he isn't going to come here now.
  6. I wasn't born until VCRs were becoming popular, care to translate?
  7. I'm of the opinion that folks who come into the country illegally forfeit many of their rights and should not share the same rewards as Americans who pay taxes and are here legally. However its a major problem that can't be solved by just exporting everybody, I think the process needs to be retooled and the folks who are here should have to go through some sort of process to gain citizenship or be deported if they refuse. But this editorial in the Times is just nuts: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/24/opinion/24tue3.html "The Constitution’s bedrock protections do not apply to just the native-born. The suffering that illegal immigrants endure — from raids to workplace exploitation to mistreatment in detention — is a civil-rights crisis" OK....even illegals shouldn't be mistreated in detention, that's obvious....but grouping that with raids at the workplace is a civil rights crisis?? Being paid less in cash and not paying taxes? You've got to be kidding me!! These people are here illegally, they know what they are doing is breaking the law, and the government is addressing the illegal acts. How in the hell is that a civil rights crisis? That's like a drug dealer claiming that cops watching him and that he's getting less than market value for his drugs is a civil rights violation. Its absurd, if you're going to break the law you need to accept that you might have to suffer the consequences, and that has NOTHING to do with civil rights.
  8. But is letting a rookie set the salary market a good thing in any business? Imagine if ESPN hired a hot shot intern and offered them twice what you make based on their potential. Same with anybody that posts here in their careers. It's just not a good business model.
  9. buffalorumblings.com I'd rather see Raji higher up that list...would do wonders for this defense.
  10. Maybe he's faking it so he doesn't have to write Peters a huge check?
  11. What's more boring? 1) The few weeks before the NFL Draft 2) The few weeks before training camp? I'd probably say the weeks before training camp, nothing ever happens. At least the few weeks before the draft you might get a signing or a trade.
  12. Not the angel part, but I remember the first season including cylons obsession of the gods and love. It wasn't as forward as it was to become, but when my wife explained the show to others after only seeing the first season she felt religion was a strong part of the show. I didn't agree with her then, but now I know she was right. Also....does Chief go to Ireland? A highland island off the north continent?
  13. Frack you guys....I thought it was good. Would rather have had humans fail and die, but for a happy ending it was ok....little too religious but that's what the series has always been really based on. Wonder how Caprica will be? Looks like you can rent the 2 hour pilot starting in April.
  14. The only caveat is what if Peters is driving up the price to see if the Bills will pay, and if not will take less money elsewhere on a better team. Wouldn't be surprised if Parker's next move is to demand a trade to force Buffalo's hand.
  15. Was watching Cavuto on Fox News yesterday, and think he hit the nail on the head: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,509982,00.html
  16. This was 2004. Coincidently Russert was in NYC for election coverage and joined us/NYCBBB to watch the Bills game at McFadden's only 2 days before.
  17. Same here...he hasn't earned the Bills' trust.
  18. Totally agree with your entire post. I guess I would liken Peters to a TV, would you rather spend $800 on a no-name tv (late first round draft pick) and pray for the best, or would you spend $2,000 for a top of the line TV (Peters) you know will be a great product? I guess the only thing I didn't agree with was draft position selection affecting trade value, but that wasn't Tim's opinion, it was what he reported teams are looking at. As I said, would Peyton Manning be worth more on the trade block than Tom Brady? Both are elite QBs with Super Bowl rings, but should Brady's stock be less as he was a 6th round pick? I don't think Peters being undrafted should affect his value, the guy is a rare elite tackle when he's at his best.
  19. If you knew Peters would be motivated and at his best, would he be worth it?
  20. The worst example I ever saw was when Bush was about to win the 2004 election, either Brokaw or Russert said to the other "this doesn't look good for us does it?" and the other replied "no it doesn't" and they both laughed.
  21. Does the NFL 1) Want to get rookie salaries under control? 2) Have the ability to do so? The outrageous salaries, especially top 10 picks, unproven rookies are getting only benefit two parties here...the players and their agents. Does the first QB taken really deserve to be paid like Tom Brady?
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