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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Got all the way up to the Armageddon book and stopped reading it, was just TOO religious for me. Although Obama reminded me of the Anti-Christ in the book in how he came to power. Anybody see the movies with Kirk Cameron...I mean him being in a movie means its already bad, but these were just awful.
  2. Looks like Tim agrees: Brian (Orlando, FL): If the Bills know to be successful that they need to keep Trent Edwards healthy, why are they neglecting the offensive line? SportsNation Tim Graham: (3:42 PM ET ) I'm wondering why they're so focused on a third running back. Their reasoning (or at least what they're saying publicly) is to keep Lynch and Jackson fresh. I say the best way to keep them fresh is to improve the O-line. But now they're left with the draft.
  3. hahahaha JP Losman's Beard: Hello... How could you forget about me? SportsNation Tim Graham: (3:36 PM ET ) Easily.
  4. We already have a backup tackle slated to start at guard.
  5. Left Guard and Linebacker aren't glaring holes? And potentially Left Tackle....
  6. Mark Gaughn and Sully both said in their chats today that the Bills are done in free agency, which means what you see is what you get plus a couple draft picks. Sully said he was actually surprised by it. Is it really smart to have Jauron build through the draft for this season when he likely won't be here next year?
  7. 2:31 [Comment From Adam Z] ellison starting OLB and Chambers starting LG? i just threw up in my mouth 2:32 Sully: Can't blame you. I hear they're done in free agency, which is a bit of a surprise. My feeling is they have to start hitting some home runs in the draft. That's why they should have fired Jauron. They shouldn't be making decisions based on him needing to save his job.
  8. [Comment From Matt K (Brooklyn, NY)] Would you rather see Gonzalez, Scheffler, or Pettigrew in a Bills uniform next season? 2:14 Sully: Pettigrew, because I don't think they're a true competitor and should build through the draft. But I don't think he's worth the 11th pick.
  9. This one made me stop in my tracks, a bar had it blown up to a massive size in their window when I drove by: http://evilbeetgossip.film.com/wp-content/.../britney_rs.jpg
  10. Wow...somebody did their homework. For a guy like me who doesn't know much about the college game, found this interesting/helpful: http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2009/3/26/...t-day-scenarios Something to look at on draft day!
  11. Just took the time to read this. A snapshot of where we were, where we are, and where we can go. "We are in a state of shock. In a matter of months, half the value of the stock market and more than half of Wall Street's corporate pillars have disappeared, along with several million jobs. Venerable corporate enterprises are teetering. But as we gasp in terror at our half glass of water, we really can — must — come to see it as half full as well as half empty. Now that we're accustomed to the unthinkable suddenly becoming not just thinkable but actual, we ought to be able to think the unthinkable on the upside, as America plots its reconstruction and reinvention." http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,...87728-4,00.html
  12. How to determine who gets bailed out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0WaxMn3N8I
  13. Whoops...well...hey...you're the man!
  14. Here's the transcript. http://www.usnews.com/blogs/capital-commer...rdon-brown.html My favorite: "Now, it’s not that you’re not apologising; like everyone else I have long accepted that you’re pathologically incapable of accepting responsibility for these things. It’s that you’re carrying on, wilfully worsening our situation, wantonly spending what little we have left. Last year - in the last twelve months – a hundred thousand private sector jobs have been lost and yet you created thirty thousand public sector jobs. Prime Minister, you cannot carry on for ever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecedented engorgement of the unproductive bit. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt."
  15. Anybody see this? Hammers Brown right to his face. He's going to be on Hannity tonight and was on Cavuto. Republicans better be taking notes, same thing should be said to Obama.
  16. He lives in WNY now, which means always. I used to see Jim Kelly at the bank, church, high school football games, etc.
  17. "Let the children play with squirrels!" - Randy Marsh If you didn't catch South Park....its a good one....
  18. My brother in London just forwarded me an email he received through work that lists Intelligence on where/when/what protests will be taking place. Its so long I'm not going to bother including in this post, and its all the usual suspects. I remember whenever Bush went to highly publicized meetings in Europe the media would always link him to the protesters and make a big deal of it. Will they do the same for Obama?
  19. Would you rather have Tony Scheffler or Tony Gonzalez? One is entering the prime of his career, but who knows if he's already hit his potential, and how much he'll cost. The other is a legend on the down side of his career, probably has 1-2 seasons left in him. I highly doubt we'd get either, especially Gonzalez....but what the hell, I'm bored.
  20. Very interesting, great points, capitalism in action! Thanks!
  21. True... But by granting an unheard of meeting with the Governor of the Bank of England and publicizing it, she is sending a strong signal against Brown and more stimulus spending. She may have no true power but she has powerful influence, when she speaks (which is rare) people listen. What she did is a big deal and will sway public opinion with one simple act.
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