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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. For Love of the Game......anyone...anyone?
  2. Why thank you! I love that there's 20 threads on this topic yet they all spin off in their own directions.
  3. 1) He had a down year last year 2) He sabotaged the team by not only holding out, but refusing to even talk about the situation 3) He's missed games the last two years due to injury 4) Allowed 11.5 sacks last season 5) Appears to be driven by money, not winning 6) Is an undrafted TE 7) The Bills are more than one player away from playoffs 8) Only one good season 9) Bills got burned by Dockery 10) No guarantee he'll return to form Not saying they shouldn't pay him, but those reasons are enough to make the Bills not want to make him the highest paid tackle and spend 70 million dollars on him.
  4. What does one have to do with the other? He paid his price to society, he should be able to move on with his life. You can hate him all you want, and he deserves it, but he's served his time for his crime.
  5. Wasn't sure what to title the thread to not make it sound like there was a deal. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2009/3/31/...ion-talks-jason Great breakdown and feedback from the Eagles bloggers. In short - no concrete evidence the Eagles have interest in Peters, the Eagles have depth they can use at LT if needed, if a trade were to go down a first and a third would be likely.
  6. I'm convinced the Bills are drafting a LB in either the first or second round.
  7. That's what I would have liked to have said, thank you!
  8. Cuz I want to win while the Bills are still here, not be a half assed marketing ploy to buy time until Ralph dies and the team is sold off. That's all Brandon is. No team building a solid football program for long term success would hand the reigns over to a marketing guy. He was handed the reigns because he's a stopgap. My scorn is directed at Ralph, its not Brandon's fault he's in the position he's in, I mean good for him, but Brandon being in the position he's in is not a good thing for the Bills long term.
  9. Russ Brandon said the buck stops with him, so yes, I blame losing seasons on him and Ralph. Moreso Ralph because Brandon is not a football guy and doesn't belong in his position, he's in way over his head. I'm not pretending to know what the Bills intentions are. I agree with the Toronto plan but it has to be done right. However the Bills communication with the fans on the effort have been terrible. A survey going out to fans about a 2nd game before the team acknowledges it? No wonder fans think the team is moving there, the whole situation has been handled terribly by the team. That is on Brandon's lap.
  10. That's my point, the Toronto thing is all marketing, which is great for selling tickets and the bottom line. However, the football side suffers as we saw last year.
  11. I played a college sport, that doesn't make me an expert on it, and neither it does him. Its funny how people desperate to give him football credibility point out that he played college football. The guy worked in baseball until he was with the Bills. I love the TO signing, but come on, the Bills were either the only bidder or the only one to offer close to 6.5. This was not a genius marketing move that made the Bills relevant, I don't get all the "genius" credit Brandon gets for it. We just have to agree to disagree on good moves by Brandon. He's just a marketing guy, which is why we were 0-6 in the division last year and the team has no vision other than moving to Toronto or being sold off.
  12. What are you talking about? Gibbs played high school and college football, and then worked his way up the coaching ranks the hard way. Brandon doesn't have football background, he played on a joke college team, that is not a football background. You haven't answered my question, would Brandon be hired as GM on any other NFL team? I'll answer for you, no he wouldn't, the other NFL teams want to build winning teams to market, not marketable teams that will hopefully win. Other NFL GMs don't need articles in the local paper to boost their lacking credentials.
  13. I present our new starting left tackle, Andre Smith: http://slanchreport.files.wordpress.com/20...andre-smith.jpg
  14. The article says the buck stops with him, so he does have final say (before Ralph that is.)
  15. Polian was a scout and football guy who rose up through the ranks, Brandon is a marketing guy. You can't compare the two.
  16. Would Brandon be the GM of any other team in the NFL?
  17. Its not part of it, stupid government.
  18. Clayton: "Q: What do the Eagles plan to do with their first-round picks? Are they going to try and trade for Jason Peters, trade up or stay put? Also, are they serious about trading for Braylon Edwards, or are they possibly looking at Anquan Boldin still? Brett in New York A: It's pretty obvious the Eagles will be using their draft to help their offense. If they don't make a trade, they will probably draft an offensive tackle and a running back. I'd rather see them trade one of their first-round picks to get Edwards, Boldin or Jason Peters, but there are odds against that happening. Remember, the Bills want to keep Peters. The Cardinals are trying to keep Boldin. Edwards is available, but the price has to be right for the Browns to deal him. The Eagles are loaded with 12 draft choices, so they have more clout at the table than any other team. Let's see how they do with it." http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor...&id=4026794
  19. "He's always had a great interest in scouting," said Tom Modrak, the Bills' vice president of college scouting. "Russ was trying to learn that end of the business with John and then with Tom and he continues to have a lot of interest in the personnel end of things. He enjoys that, he wants to be good at that and he keeps working at it." http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/story/624259.html Anybody else read that and relate it to having a coworker's little kid in the office and letting him sit at your desk for a few minutes to let him feel like an adult? Or better yet, the boss' son who you HAVE to be nice to and let sit at your desk?
  20. It's called capitalism, there are highs and lows, sometimes higher than usual, sometimes lower than usual. It eliminates the weak when it plummets and makes the country stronger.
  21. The pointlessness of the G20 http://www.slate.com/id/2214951/
  22. Because this team is more than one player away from the playoffs, we have a lot of holes to fill. And if I'm throwing top money down, it better be on a player that touches the ball or can personally swing a game. If he was a clear cut top 3 tackle, I'd say pay up, but he's not and his attitude isn't worth the risk.
  23. 1) Then their parents would know the tp was gone 2) You need a LOT more than what a sane person keeps in their house. Take it from somebody who went to BJs in high school to buy a ridiculous amount of tp and shaving cream one night.
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