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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Just an FYI, drove by there yesterday and for the first time, there is a structure rising above the fences, probably 100 feet high. First non crane anything we've seen above the fences.
  2. If I had to choose, Peters wanting top LT money this season, or Trent wanting top QB money after next season, I'd dump Peters and and pour that money into Edwards. That's what the "Just pay Peters" crowd doesn't get, you can't just give him $12 million a year and not understand the consequences for future signings. What if Whitner has a huge year, he's going to need an extension soon too. So is McGee. Lynch in 2 years.
  3. There's a lot of things going on that are bringing me anxiety right now. The Bills are not one of them, unless it involves them moving. Enjoy the draft, its fun!
  4. I just realized Tim referred to Jackson as Action Jackson. I thought he was Fast Freddy?
  5. The thread, started by me, said that from what Mark Gaughan said (answered YES when asked if he would be traded) and Tim said (involving into a situation where the Bills won't have a choice, they can get a first and third) that the trade was "likely" Not once did I claim it was a done deal or anything like that. When you have reputable journalists with real sources telling us a trade is becoming likely, and not one journalist saying a deal for an extension is leaning towards happening, I think its fair to say that a trade is likely. That is all I said. It appears the folks who can't accept the potential for Peters to be traded are attacking the thread instead of making arguments for why Peters "likely" WON'T be traded. Again, I don't want Peters to be traded, but I also don't feel he deserves $12 million a season based on his 08 play.
  6. Clayton today: Q: It appears Jason Peters wants to be the highest-paid left tackle in the league. With two years left on his contract, the Bills clearly have the upper hand. Has any NFL player sat out two years? If so, how successful were they when they returned to action? Marc in Pennsylvania A: Don't worry about Peters sitting out the season. He's not going to miss many paychecks this year, but the Bills should consider what to do with him long term. He is one of the more talented left tackles in the league, but his contract problems are affecting his play. In two years, he will command top left-tackle money. The Bills can get maximum value if they trade him to a team such as the Eagles, but they would take a step back in the development of their offensive line. It's a tough choice. I'd consider trading, though. This is a good draft for offensive tackles. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor...&id=4045394
  7. Ha...no....I just visited their site and saw it, then posted it here. I'm a little too lazy to take 10 min and search for it on ESPN or youtube, as I have no idea where it was linked from. If you want to do that, go right ahead.
  8. Through BuffaloRumblings.com http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2009/4/6/8...-bills#comments They're right, O-line is overrated and as Dilfer said, doesn't matter if you have TO, if your QB doesn't have time to throw its pointless. Favorite parts 1) "Pro Bowl Jason Peters of 08 was not the Pro Bowl Jason Peters of 07" 2) Mort admits he was wrong, Jauron DID want TO.
  9. I found the opening to this to be humorous. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/iain_martin/b...oes_go_on_a_bit
  10. Maybe he's not selling enough jerseys for Brandon to want to resign him. I'd rather the Bills sign him to a solid contract than bring in some over the hill 3rd running back like Fred Taylor.
  11. Good for him, the Bills should give him at least a 2 year contract and pay him what he's worth. He proved himself last year (unlike Peters) especially against New England. http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/631518.html
  12. I don't think 6-60 will do it, from what I read he wants to be the highest paid tackle and isn't budging. At LEAST 6-70+ with ton up front is what he's looking for.
  13. I read the first page and don't see anything "nuts"? Saying Maybin (who had one good season, is undersized, may be using roids) is the "obvious answer" is equally if not more nuts than everything I read on the other board.
  14. So if Aaron Schobel makes the pro bowl next year with 12 sacks, should he be the highest paid DE in the league? If Marshawn Lynch makes the pro bowl should he be the highest paid RB in the league? That's basically what folks who think the Bills should pay Peters what he wants are saying.
  15. Actually Gaughan was asked "Do the Bills trade Peters, yes or no?" not does he think he'll be traded. I'd say that pretty much means the Bills are likely to trade him. I get what you're saying, but I didn't say he was 100% being traded which is what you're looking for and I never claimed. I said it looks like he's going to be traded as all signs are pointing in that direction. I haven't seen one article or opinion saying the Bills are likely to resign Peters the last two weeks. Again, what's new is that Tim in previous chats has never mentioned the trade being likely like he has this time. That is new.
  16. Why I think a trade is going to happen? First question in Mark Gaughan's chat yesterday: 11:02 [Comment From DF] Do the Bills trade Peters. Yes or No? 11:03 Yes. Tim yesterday: SportsNation Tim Graham: (3:44 PM ET ) Excellent question. We're still trying to find out who'll be replacing Derrick Dockery. But this situation is evolving into a situation where the Bills have no choice. This isn't a decision that hinges on who the replacement will be. SportsNation Tim Graham: (4:05 PM ET ) I have the strong impression Peters doesn't care about other examples. He's doing his thing. Buffalo Rumblings source this week: "1) Let's just say the Bills think that their star left tackle not only will stay out of the spring conditioning program, but also the OTAs, and training camp come summer. Let's just also say that they think there is an excellent chance he won't come in for the 2009 season until the tenth game - thus not losing a FA year. Let's just also say that he is demanding he be the highest-paid LT in the NFL and won't budge on this in their salary negotiations. What do you think they should do, or plan to do?
  17. Difference is that Tim actually talks to people involved with the situation and is dealing with facts. Same with Mark Gaughan. Posters discussing here is all just speculation. Tim is known to have excellent sources, I don't always agree with what he says (like the 2nd round for Peters) but he is telling us what is actually happening behind the scenes. I don't think he'd throw out 2nd and 1st/3rd unless it was actually being discussed. He and Mark Gaughan both said yesterday Peters is likely to be traded, that's the first both have felt that strongly about it publicly. They wouldn't just say it for the hell of it, so the situation must have deteriorated recently. The discussion went from what it would take to sign Peters, to he will be traded. That is a change, that is an update.
  18. I love Sully Chat, especially when he's in a bad mood. Didn't see a Gaughn chat today though? Fridays are the highlight of the week with Tim and Sully chats.
  19. Even Sully acknowledged Tim has great sources.
  20. That's the dumbest, least informative thing I've ever seen posted on this board, hands down.
  21. Tim was adamant that we would not get a first round pick in a trade, now he says we likely can and more which means teams ARE showing a lot of interest. That is an update. I believe he also was more optimistic about the Bills being able to sign Peters, now he feels its deteriorated where its prob not going to happen. That is an update. Add that to Buffalo Rumblings who said their sources said things were not going well with Peters, and its looking pretty bleak for the Bills signing him. That is an update.
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