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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I voted for McCain, but when he lost I vowed that I would never sink to the level of liberals and trash the President no matter what he did. When he did things I disagreed with I'd feel free to disagree, when he did things I approved of I would give him praise. After 8 years of Bush trashing by the liberals and liberal media, I'd had enough. Rush Limbaugh just now was PRAISING (used the word 'praise')Obama, admitted he did a great job handling the Pirate Crisis and said when the President does something right, he deserves credit. I thought that showed real character from Rush. Lord knows if it was Bush the liberals would find a way to criticize him, saying something like he just wanted more blood. Hating everything the President does, no matter what side you're on is counter productive.
  2. Tim - tasering aside, how do the Bills view Donte Whitner as a player? Is he one of those players that needs a huge pro bowl caliber year? Are the Bills disappointed that he hasn't reach #8 overall pick potential yet? Or is he doing everything asked of him and they understand they need to do a better job of putting him in the right position? I'm wondering if Safety could be a surprise pick in the first 3 rounds as a successor to Whitner when his contract is up.
  3. The media didn't fawn over the Bush trips like they did with Obama. You'd think Obama was the second coming of Christ in Europe and everything went to plan. Obama apologized for Americans, called us arrogant, made us a bit more popular but achieved none of his policy goals. And do you REALLY want to bring up the Saudis after that bow to the king?
  4. Tim now saying charges might NOT have been dropped.
  5. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2009/04/fo...otball_pla.html CLEVELAND -- Buffalo Bills defensive back and former Ohio State star Donte Whitner was tasered and arrested early this morning following a birthday celebration at the House of Blues, police said. Whitner, 23, remains in City Jail. He has not been formally charged but was arrested for aggravated disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, police Lt. Thomas Stacho said. Whitner is believed to have been at the House of Blues celebrating the birthday of Ted Ginn Jr., a wide receiver for the Miami Dolphins. Whitner and Ginn played together both at Glenville High School, where Ginn's father is the football coach, and at Ohio State. Stacho gave the following description of Whitner's arrest: Several fights broke out at the House of Blues and police who arrived around 3 a.m. found a near riot. Police tried to control the crowd and told Whitner to stay back. He then aggressively forced his way past police. When officers restrained him, Whitner broke free and took a fighting stance, police said. That's when police tasered Whitner and then handcuffed him.
  6. Tim Graham said yesterday a 5th would probably be fair.
  7. Tim Bat Signal! What's the scoop on Whitner's arrest?
  8. I guess if you judge it by Michelle's publicity. "And what did he get for this obsessive denigration of his own country? He wanted more NATO combat troops in Afghanistan to match the surge of 17,000 Americans. He was rudely rebuffed. He wanted more stimulus spending from Europe. He got nothing. From Russia, he got no help on Iran. From China, he got the blocking of any action on North Korea. And what did he get for Guantanamo? France, pop. 64 million, will take one prisoner. One! (Sadly, he'll have to leave his swim buddy behind.) The Austrians said they would take none. As Interior Minister Maria Fekter explained with impeccable Germanic logic, if they're not dangerous, why not just keep them in America? When Austria is mocking you, you're having a bad week. Yet who can blame Frau Fekter, considering the disdain Obama showed his own country while on foreign soil, acting the philosopher-king who hovers above the fray mediating between his renegade homeland and an otherwise warm and welcoming world?" http://townhall.com/columnists/CharlesKrau...resident?page=2
  9. If only Donahoe would have spent that pick on a lineman.
  10. That's really interesting. At this point in your career, do sources reach out to you often, or do you have to track them down and beat info out of them?
  11. I don't get why you keep defending Tim as if I'm attacking him or saying he's being used, it has nothing to do with him. He wrote a great article. I'm saying that with all the reports out there the last week that Bills were going to likely trade Peters, the Bills were looking to pull back the reigns a little bit and say "hold on, we're not ready to trade him just yet, everybody cool it" and Tim's sources provided their stance.
  12. Never said he was. Tim is basing his article on sources within the Bills obviously, and I'm sure what's said to him is thought through carefully so their intentions are met.
  13. I'm wondering if Tim's article is the Bills trying to get the word out that a first and third will get the conversation started, but don't try and negotiate it down or they'll just deal with another holdout until somebody meets the price.
  14. These guys all chatting today? I know with the various religious holidays some things are closed today.
  15. "Today's a good day, however, to step away from the top-of-the-draft scenarios and talk about a few under-the-radar prospects. These are five guys that won't cost an arm and a leg pick-wise to grab (particularly if we acquire extra draft picks), but all have traits that could allow them to contribute to the team as early as their rookie seasons. If I'm picking for Buffalo anywhere between rounds two and five, these are guys I'm going to consider." http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2009/4/10/...ospects-to-keep
  16. Good for him, he deserves it. Just not from us.
  17. Graham's right. Lynch got away scott free the first time, then he went and got busted again. He deserves whatever is coming to him. Goodell can't make it a habit of reducing punishments, he's got to stand firm. Don't think of it from a Bills fan's view, think of it from the NFL's view. Don't blame Goodell, blame Lynch, he did the crime and has to do the time.
  18. Companies do that all the time, I used to look at My Space when hiring folks.
  19. Just saw a funny commercial on NFL Network where Rich Eisen is on the couch holding a pillow and just can't accept that the Cutler saga is over and he has nothing else to talk about. So true... Of course they end it with having Chad Ochocinco to talk about next....which is the truth. Least they can at least make fun of themselves.
  20. Of course it is, with TO and Evans it has to be. Although the O-line has to be addressed first. Can't blame him if Bell and Chambers are our starters this year.
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