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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Great read: http://retro.ign.com/articles/973/973538p1.html
  2. Yup...in fact a Bills fan friend will not be able to watch 1 or 2 of the Bills games this season for the same reason, and he's grumbling. I'm not saying the NFL should change the schedule, I'm just saying that those on the thread slamming NYC (being treated with gloves) and Jews(they need to choose sports/religion) for this just don't comprehend the situation here. I'm just trying to explain the Jet's dilemma here. I'm sure Jews make up a a huge portion of the Jets fanbase, especially in Long Island, and I'm sure their fans are ticked that they can't watch the first two games. There's over 2 million jews in the city, not including Long Island, NJ, or the surrounding areas. There are more Jews in NYC than people in Western New York, its a major part of the culture here. Plus, we have a HUGE Orthodox population which is very strict, and most NFL cities (if any) don't have. As I said, it'd be like Polish or Irish people in Buffalo not being able to see the first two games, there would be outrage if the NFL could have designed the schedule to be more accommodating. In the end its a PR nightmare for the Jets as well as the NFL, and I'm sure going forward they'll make an effort to be more accommodating.
  3. They're going to choose religion, which means the Jets are probably going to lose a quarter of their audience. All I'm saying is that its a PR nightmare for the team.
  4. It is different, people of Jewish faith will not be permitted to attend these games. Its not like Catholics who can go to 9am mass and then head over to Lot 1 having met their commitment. They are not permitted to WATCH THE GAMES ON TV, let alone go to a football game on those days, and its pretty strict unless you're not a practicing Jew. Unless you live here you probably wouldn't be able to understand how influential the Jewish faith is in NYC.....I would liken it to no Polish people being able to attend the first two games in Buffalo nor watch on TV. Its a PR nightmare for the Jets, and I'm sure they're getting an earful from their fans. I can't blame them for trying to get the games moved.
  5. Well...Buffalo threw a stink when their home schedule was heavy in the winter, saying its harder to sell tickets, so I can see where the Jets are coming from. In NYC, EVERYTHING gets planned around Jewish holidays, they're huge here. Although teams are forced to play on Christmas, so I see the NFL's side of this as well. However there's nothing that says you can't go to a football game on Christmas, there are "rules" with the Jewish faith and their holidays that might not allow fans to attend. Maybe somebody of jewish faith on here can elaborate.
  6. I think that's a valid point. I guess the hugest difference in time between high speed train and flight would be on time percentage. A little rain can cause 2 hour delays here in NYC, but probably wouldn't affect trains. If I could get to Buffalo in 4 hours via train, I'd do that in a heartbeat over flying, especially during the winter.
  7. Indeed...I always rooted for Shefter to break stories because he wasn't ESPN (no offense Tim) and it raised everybody's game. Shefter was one of the only reasons to watch NFLN. I guess its like a position at McDonalds though, take one out and you can put anyone else in there and do the same job just as well with all the NFL sources there.
  8. Hey Tim - Why are there no interviews with Parker or Peters? I'd assume that Peters is doing the silent treatment, but why not Parker? Is it that he won't talk, or can't? Is Peters at least talking to any of the players? I know he used to text Dockery who obviously isn't with Buffalo anymore. With all the holdouts you hear about, its strange that Peters is in such a bubble again.
  9. THE top suits and some of the on-air talent at CNBC were recently ordered to a top-secret meeting with General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt and NBC Universal President Jeff Zucker to discuss whether they've turned into the President Obama-bashing network, Page Six has learned. "It was an intensive, three-hour dinner at 30 Rock which Zucker himself was behind," a source familiar with the powwow told us. "There was a long discussion about whether CNBC has become too conservative and is beating up on Obama too much. There's great concern that CNBC is now the anti-Obama network. The whole meeting was really kind of creepy." One topic under the microscope, our insider said, was on-air CNBC editor Rick Santelli's rant two months ago about staging a "Chicago Tea Party" to protest the president's bailout programs -- an idea that spawned tax protest tea parties in other big cities, infuriating the White House. Oddly, Santelli was not at the meeting, while Jim Cramer was, noted our source, who added that no edict was ultimately handed down by the network chieftains. CNBC flack Brian Steel confirmed the get-together, but insisted: "The dinner was to thank CNBC for a job well done in our in-depth reporting throughout the financial crisis. As far as our coverage is concerned, we are built for balance and we are unabashedly pro-investor." Our source retorted: "That is complete bull[bleep] . . . they didn't invite a lot of people to [the meeting]. There were many staffers who were working 24/7 during the crisis who weren't asked to attend, even Santelli, who was a big star for the network during those weeks. Why not?" In addition, the insider said: "News of the meeting is starting to leak out and people are contacting a number of the on-air people to ask if they've been muzzled by GE. http://www.nypost.com/seven/04162009/gossi...hing_164608.htm
  10. Tim - thoughts on the Bills schedule?
  11. We never know, he usually just shows up. He used to stay at the Draft for the whole first day, now he usually leaves after the first pick and runs over to join us.
  12. Which means the schedule should be leaked out any minute now.
  13. There were 100+ Bills fans at our draft party in NYC, people were going insane with noise and anticipation after the 7th pick, extremely electric atmosphere. Got dead quiet when Paul Tags walked up to the podium. After the words "Donte Whitner" came out of his mouth, the place remained dead quiet for 10 seconds, then everybody just looked at each other like "what? who? why?"....and then boos came out and the 25-50 non Bills fans all started laughing. Typically, that's what happened with us and the Jets picks...now it was our turn to be laughed at.
  14. That's what I thought....then Leftwich signed yesterday so not sure if that argument still holds water.
  15. 8. Donte Whitner, safety, Bills: The Bills were criticized for drafting Whitner with the eighth overall pick -- some draft observers called it a clear reach. But Whitner has played well through three seasons. Though a recent arrest could be the start of a troubling trend, Whitner has done enough to justify his selection. Verdict (for now): Not a bust. http://www.sportingnews.com/yourturn/viewtopic.php?t=538191
  16. We pack the bar with 100+ Bills fans....its a wild afternoon.
  17. Yes, it is his job to take the negative side, that's what he's paid for. I don't think its a very difficult job either because the Bills have sucked for 10 years and he's called them out on that. I don't get why he's an ahole for that? If the Bills were in the playoffs and he wrote that they sucked, then you'd have a point. They suck, and he says they suck.
  18. 100% agree with ya on Obama/SEALS paragraph. And you have every right to feel the way you do about Bush. I have no problem with people hating him, I just got really annoyed that the left did everything in their power to make every single thing Bush did out to be evil intended. For example, Bush raised the level of aid to Africa (including fighting AIDS) from $1 billion to $5 billion and he was loved in parts of Africa as a result. I'm sure after reading that there are those that will rush to try and take that down somehow. I think its important as a country for BOTH sides to put the pride aside and acknowledge when the other side does something right.
  19. Look, even Newt gave Obama a compliment. Probably burns him to do so, but he did it. Everybody going to blast him now and compare him to Hitler too Newt offers measured praise for Obama on rescue Former Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Saturday via Twitter that "President obama is making a major mistake in not forcefully oulining the rules of civilization for dealing with pirates." "We look weak," Gingrich wrote. A day later, US Navy snipers, with authority from the president, killed three pirates and freed the American ship captain who had been taken hostage in the Indian Ocean. I asked the former speaker, via Twitter, how he felt after the rescue. He didn't respond directly to my question, but did point to a Tweet earlier today. "The navy seals did exactly [the] right thing in rescuing the american captain," he wrote. "President obama did the right thing in allowing the navy to act." http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/040..._on_rescue.html
  20. The Bills have sucked for 10 straight years, and Sully has written that they've sucked for 10 years. He points out positives when he sees them. I'd rather read a guy that tells it like he is than read a bunch of fluff pieces. Anybody that thinks Sully is an ahole because he criticizes a losing team just loves mediocrity.
  21. He was being sincere, he then went on to say they're probably going to try and make this into a TV movie and the media will be obsessed over it, but he basically said hey...he did a good job on this. And liberals on this thread are losing their minds over this attacking him left and right...comparing him to Hitler for crying out loud. Its like an instinct to just foam at the mouth and attack. See what I mean? This is how it was with Bush, everything he did was evil. I vowed I'd never be like that.
  22. I'll be here: NYCBBB's EIGHTH Annual Draft Party will be held on Saturday, April 25th at McFadden's. Like last year, the draft begins at 3pm and McFadden's will run the following specials from 1-8pm: $35 - All the draft beer you can drink and wings you can eat $25 - All the Bud/Bud Lite draft you can drink and wings you can eat $20 - All the pop you can drink and wings you can eat $1 off all mixed drinks
  23. Ha...you liberals just proved my point. You can't even acknowledge Rush when he does something right, just like you couldn't do it with Bush. Amazing the amount of hate you harbor in yourselves. You need a hug.
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