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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=87476
  2. Other than Parrish I can't see anybody trading for these guys. Kelsay is too expensive and Simpson will likely be cut.
  3. I don't care what he said, I care that he's supposed to be an impartial judge who used a setup question to try and humiliate a contestant based on her political beliefs. If you don't see anything wrong with that, I don't know what to say.
  4. Question (asked by openly gay Queen of Media mogule Perez Hilton): “Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriages, do you think every state should follow suit – why or why not.” Answer: “Well I think it’s great that American’s are able to choose one or the other, umm we live in a land that you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite-sex marriage and you know what, in my country and my family I think that I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman – no offense to anybody out there but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think that it should be between a man and a woman.” http://www.thinkfashion.com/blogs/stylosit...ge-comment.aspx Here's more info: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,517215,00.html I have no problem with gay marriage, but I don't think this should have eliminated her from winning the competition. It's also outrageous how the left is absolutely attacking her, including one of the judges! Hell, she was honest about her answer and the question was obviously planted by the judge: Newsday had this: "Hilton was clearly unhappy with her answer, and he let the world know about it on his Web site. In a video blog that he posted just moments after the pageant ended, Hilton says that Prejean gave the worst answer in pageant history, that she was actually booed. He then goes on to say, "She lost, not because she doesn't believe in gay marriage. Miss California lost because she's a dumb --, OK?" He said that Prejean could have answered that question in a more neutral way by perhaps acknowledging that same-sex marriage is a hot topic in this country and that each state should decide for itself how that issue should be handled." http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/ny-et...0,3248080.story So let me get this straight, she should have lied and said what you wanted to hear and stand for? What a joke.
  5. No way the Bills allow OJ to win, just like they didn't put Gilchrist as a fullback.
  6. We had an identity in the 90's, exciting no huddle offense, playmaking defense, solid special teams and it worked. Then Donahoe came in and tossed it in the garbage with the uniforms from that decade. We've had no identity since, other than being losers.
  7. I've done plenty of marketing across NY State, 81 is very much a divider of NFL fans with Bills fans dominating west of 81, Giants dominating the east. Basically, wherever you see Labatt Blue you see Bills fans, a strange phenomenon I noticed. You don't see many Jets fans in WNY or Upstate, I think most are in NYC and Long Island. I think this is a clear move to regionalize in the wake of the Bills eventual move out of Buffalo.
  8. I hear that, but what else could the Bills do? They weren't going to save the roster spot for a guy who would miss at least 9 games, and they can't just PUP or IR him. Hands were tied and Peters' team knew that.
  9. Just realized...with Losman and Peters off the team now, there's no more "JP" to refer to. After what, 4-5 years, that's gonna be weird on this board.
  10. Dude....he scored in the single digits on the Wonderlic....he's basically on the short bus. He's like Lennie Small from Of Mice and Men.
  11. The Bills caved in? Caving in would have been giving him 12 million a year. It was either that, trade him, or have him sit out til week 10 taking up a roster spot and being a major distraction. The Bills did not cave in, and didnt' set any precedent other than if you show up and be a team player, you get paid, don't show up and you're outa here. I can live with that.
  12. So half are pro capitalism, and the other half balance it out...isn't that the way it should be? Fox News is overwhelmingly Conservative, MSNBC and CNN are overwhelmingly liberal....if they were 50 50 they wouldn't be so bad.
  13. Who cares? I'm more annoyed that Favre gave him the easy record breaking sack, probably one of the lowest points of sports history.
  14. We could get a bag of chips in return for Kelsay and we'd be the winners for it.
  15. A "gulch"....wow...haven't heard that word used since I lived in Buffalo 10 years ago and we had one behind our house...took me a few minutes to remember what that meant. "The son of Karl Malone is listed at 6-foot-5 and 3007 pounds. Bell was inactive for every game last year." Thats a HUGE tackle Tim!
  16. I have no idea....just throwing it out there for people to be patient, a lot could happen between now and Peters actually being traded/signed. Plus..maybe the Bills didn't want to spend $ on a 3rd rounder.
  17. Was there no Graham chat today? I know he was busy. I know Sully was off.
  18. Lets wait and see how it all unfolds. Lets say the Bills want to pull a trade with Parrish for somebody they're targeting and needed a 4th to close the deal. Now they have their extra 4th and a conditional next year.
  19. 100% agree with you, that's what my friends here will be doing. I just get why the Jets have an issue on their hands because obviously enough fans are unhappy about the schedule, and we're talking about a simple 3 hour change and this would have been a non issue.
  20. It's actually Jews or Jewish people, either are acceptable. I never said they were more important, I clearly said that the religion is very influential here. I've done event planning in marketing and non-profit for 8 years, and you learn early on in NYC you don't schedule events on Jewish holidays due to (I'll say it again) the more than 2 million Jews in NYC including the largest contingency of Orthodox Jews in the country. As Bills Daily said, this city is basically Israel North America. Again, I'm not saying that the games should be rescheduled, I just understand the criticism the Jets are getting from their fans.
  21. Jealous? I'm from Buffalo, but even I can recognize NYC is the most important city on earth.
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