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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Got a long generic email from Congressman McMahon (D) and nothing back from Sen Gilibrand. Didn't bother writing Chuck.
  2. 100% agree. Although I don't think this is all organized, there really is outrage. Even I sent an email to my senator and congressman which I've never done before, and would go to a town hall if they held one. I'm not part of anything, I just don't agree with this healthcare plan and is something that can't be taken back once voted through.
  3. This is a good article outlining Obama's poll numbers over the 6 months and how the media overplayed the "sky high" poll numbers he had, when in reality they were average to below average for new presidents. http://realclearpolitics.blogs.time.com/20...s-poll-numbers/ "There is a need to correct some of the media misanalysis regarding Barack Obama's standing in public opinion polls. First, let's clarify where Obama stands in the public's mind. Obama's approval rating has declined to the low 50s, according to several recent polls. The rate of that decline is larger and faster than many presidents, such as George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, as I detailed here. Obama's approval rating was average over his first half-year in office, and he stood eighth out of the 11 modern presidents on the date of his six-month anniversary in office, as I detailed here."
  4. I read somewhere that African Americans have a lower life expectancy than whites, and that's why ours is lower than countries like Canada and Britain.
  5. All Lou Dobbs has said is that Obama should show the certificate to shut everybody up, but he doesn't think any of it matters. I listen to him several times a week and he plays the thing down.
  6. Vick is a scumbag, but he got busted, paid his debt to society, and like every other American has the right to move on. I wouldn't mind having him just to p!ss off PETA
  7. http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/feature...8?currentPage=5 Long but great article about how Harvard is in financial trouble right now, the first page is a great read. Basically, Larry Summers is named President in 2001 and forces "change" on the university by 1) Hiring more professors (avg salary almost $200,000) 2) Giving free tuition to those from families making less than $45k, then $60k (which is then upped to paying 10% of salary up to $180k by the next president, whom the NY Times applauds) 3) Spending money the university doesn't have to build the same square footage of the Pentagon this decade Economy goes to hell, and the place is in ruins. He's not all to blame, but what he did sounds eerily similar to what Obama is doing now. And guess who is Obama's economy adviser? That's right, Mr. Summers. 1) Increasing government 2) Having the "rich" pay more of the bill, income redistribution 3) Stimulus, healthcare
  8. Good balanced article on it: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=topnews
  9. People like you said the same thing when Carter was in office, and Conservatives said the same thing about liberals when Bush was elected. Its a pendulum that has always swung back and forth, and will continue to swing back and forth. Liberals know their time is ticking which is why they are rushing everything through now, and Conservatives know if they stick to their guns the people will come back after people see all the spending and taxing that is being voted on. Don't forget, a recent poll just found that around 40% of Americans view themselves as conservative, far more than liberal. People didn't vote for Obama for his liberal leaning agenda, they voted against Bush and Republicans who weren't very conservative in their final years. And once Republicans are holding the ball again, they'll screw it up and the pendulum will swing back.
  10. Gore couldn't even carry his own state in that election. Its never good for any party, Republican or Democrat, to have full control. There will be no checks and balance. This is good news for Dems as they can do what they want, but they better hurry because the tide will turn back in 2010 when people realize how much control they have.
  11. My nephew is 18, white, and attended public schools in a rough part of Staten Island. I read a letter he recently wrote and thought it was written by a 6 year old, and he's a high school graduate who had an 80 average his senior year!
  12. http://www.forbes.com/2009/06/29/new-haven...l-equality.html I actually like this article, he's right. If minorities are failing the test, then you invest in teaching them to pass the test. You don't just elevate them over more qualified non-minorities. Big win for the Constitution today, and a big loss for our future new Justice.
  13. But its saving and creating jobs, Obama says so.
  14. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2009/06/023915.php "Carlin and Davidson go on to recite the scientific work that shows rather clearly that human activity is a minor factor, at most, in climate change--which has, of course, been occurring from the beginning of Earth's history to the present. Their report is a useful summary of the evidence for those who are not familiar with it. If the Obama administration gets its way, Americans will not become aware of the scientific evidence: Obama's EPA suppressed the Carlin/Davidson report and tried to keep it secret for political reasons. The emails obtained by the CEI are revealing. Here, the two scientists' superior declines to make their report public because "the administration has decided to move forward on endangerment."
  15. I'm German and English. We have nothing to apologize for.
  16. Can somebody answer me this. What if the election results are real, and the people DID vote Achfpikfhssmd back in. Does anybody have proof that the election was rigged? Not saying it wasn't, it just appears that there is a piece missing here somewhere.
  17. Yes, I read that before I posted, a weak attempt at covering up his silence. And of course the statement had an "I" in it, because its always about him.
  18. Obama is voting present on Iran, just like he did in the State Senate.
  19. I think that's a brilliant idea, WNY would become a powerhouse (literally) between that and the Falls and would bring jobs to the area. Hell even Westchester down here in NYC has a nuclear power plant and has never had any serious issues, other than the liberals wanting to shut it down. That's right in the backyard of some very wealthy folks.
  20. Anybody going tonight? I am stuck working and can't make it.
  21. How the hell is Moorman not in the 90s?? That's robbery! He's the best player on our team.
  22. http://money.cnn.com/2009/06/05/retirement...sion=2009060912 "Normally Paul Krugman, the liberal pundit and Nobel laureate in economics, and Paul Ryan, a conservative Republican congressman from Wisconsin, share little in common except their first names and a scorching passion for views they champion from opposite political poles. So when the two combatants agree on a fundamental threat to the U.S. economy, Americans should heed this alarm as the real thing." "Krugman favors far higher taxes, while Ryan wants to curb spending, but for now what's so big and so dangerous that it distresses such diverse types as Krugman and Ryan - and should scare all Americans - is the Great Debt Threat." "The bill is far too big for only the rich to pick up. There aren't enough of them. America will have to lean on citizens far below the $250,000 income threshold: nurses, electricians, secretaries, and factory workers. Within a decade the average household that pays income tax will owe the equivalent of $155,000 in federal debt, about $90,000 more than last year. What the Obama administration isn't telling Americans is that the only practical solution is a giant tax increase aimed squarely at the middle class. The alternative, big cuts in spending, aren't part of the President's agenda. To keep the debt from wrecking the economy, the U.S. would need to raise annual federal income taxes an average of $11,000 in 2019 for all families that pay them, an increase of about 55%. "The revenues needed are far too big to raise from high earners," says Alan Auerbach, an economist at the University of California at Berkeley. "The government will have to go where the money is, to the middle class." The most likely levy: a European-style value-added tax (VAT) that would substantially raise the price of everything from autos to restaurant meals."
  23. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124451592762396883.html "The expression 'create or save,' which has been used regularly by the President and his economic team, is an act of political genius," writes Mr. Mankiw. "You can measure how many jobs are created between two points in time. But there is no way to measure how many jobs are saved. Even if things get much, much worse, the President can say that there would have been 4 million fewer jobs without the stimulus." Mr. Obama's comments yesterday are a perfect illustration of just such a claim. In the months since Congress approved the stimulus, our economy has lost nearly 1.6 million jobs and unemployment has hit 9.4%. Invoke the magic words, however, and -- presto! -- you have the president claiming he has "saved or created" 150,000 jobs. It all makes for a much nicer spin, and helps you forget this is the same team that only a few months ago promised us that passing the stimulus would prevent unemployment from rising over 8%. (its now at 9.4) "You would think that any self-respecting White House press corps would show some of the same skepticism toward President Obama's jobs claims that they did toward President Bush's tax cuts," says Mr. Fratto. "But I'm still waiting."
  24. Did you just finish watching the movie Major League?
  25. I didn't make it to many games there this year, but didn't realize the bracelet was mandatory. I'll look into it. I have no problem with them doing it at McFadden's as that place gets so packed, but they shouldn't be doing it at Calico's. If you don't like the crowds you should check out Kelly's Pub in the village, one of the owners is from Buffalo and they have a solid Bills (and Sabres) crowd. The address is here: http://nycbbb.com/features/satellites.shtml
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