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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I was on the train going into the city for work and everybody's cell phones were going off and everybody looked concerned. I was frustrated so finally asked what was going on and they said a plane hit the WTC. So when we got closer to the city I saw the tower with smoke coming out, but saw a second mushroom cloud start to rise from the other tower. I made a comment about it and then somebody said a plane just hit the second tower too. I replied "this is terrorism, not an accident" and everybody stopped talking and just looked at me. Got to the station and took the subway to my stop, got out, and a woman was crying and screaming that the towers collapsed. I thought she was nuts but ran to work where they told me one tower had fallen...a bit later they said the other one had fallen. I'll never forget being in a hospital next door trying to donate blood and it was very high up, and all you could see out the window was dark smoke literally shooting out of downtown....I thought it was would hell would look like. I'll never forget the rumors of more planes being out there and bombs going off around the city those first few hours. I will also never forget the smell that day and day after. A friend just told me she was down there and tripped over a suitcase from one of the planes while running away. It was the most scared I've ever been, and don't like to even think back on it any more.
  2. The Bills have gone 7-9 their last 3 seasons, had an 0-6 Division record last year, a coach who is coaching for his job, just fired their OC, lost both starting OTs, are starting 3 O-lineman who have never played in an NFL game before, have an OC with barely any coaching experience, a QB who looked mediocre and scared all preseason, and think a rookie is going to make all the difference in a pass rush. I don't think its ridiculous to think the Bills have the potential to be terrible this year. I hope they aren't, but its certainly not looking good.
  3. What he said: There are now more than thirty million American citizens who cannot get coverage. What he meant: I know I said as recently as last month that there 47 million uninsured, but I’m changing the baseline. Nope, 17 million people did not just find insurance in the last month. The adjusted figure is part of the White House’s effort to distance itself from claims that health reform will cover illegal immigrants. Census figures, which will be updated Thursday, show there are 47 million uninsured – but about 10 million are illegal immigrants. Another five to seven million are people who could go on Medicaid, but have not. That leaves about 30 million that the president needs to cover under the bill. Expect to hear this number instead of the larger figure from now on, according to White House aides. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/26969_Page2.html And how many of those just don't want health insurance?
  4. Exactly what I was going to write. He overused 9-11 because that's all the nation knew him for. New Yorkers don't need to be reminded of that, they just have to be reminded how Rudy fixed NYC. I moved here halfway through his term, but every single person I speak to in NYC who was here before said it was a nightmare/dump and Rudy cleaned it up and made it what it is today. Not sure what the poster meant by being a total partisian...the guy is a social liberal.
  5. I read an article that researched this and only Walmart pulled the ads, the rest of the companies never had ad time on Beck's show or didn't pull. Walmart also just transferred commercials to other shows, so Fox didn't lose any profit.
  6. Rudy wasn't ready for the national scene, governor is the right move for him. He's the kind of guy NY needs right now.
  7. Right out of the liberal playbook we've seen this month.
  8. Yup, actually did, and see no reason for a quiz about whether life is worth living, do you?
  9. But we should guilt him into "being a financial burden on his family" anyways, huh?
  10. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...0107981718.html You can bet this is going to become talked about over the next few days, started hearing about this yesterday and is being compared to the "Death Panels." Created in Clinton years, Bush killed this last year, and Obama brought it back last month and is being given to all VA patients, not just the elderly or terminally ill. Imagine a kid coming home from Iraq missing a leg and reading this. Here is a link to the actual booklet www.rihlp.org/pubs/Your_life_your_choices.pdf
  11. Sweet, do they still have training camp? And if so, are they all the same drills...again?
  12. One question, is franchise mode basically the same as in the last 5 years, or is it better? Any big differences? I don't even play the games, I just play franchise mode so if the same I'll pass again this year.
  13. 3 please, always has and always will unless the govt f-s it up.
  14. First time Thurman scored he did a celebration. Levy told him to never do that again and act like he'd scored a TD before. I still remember Thurman simply handing the ball to a ref after a huge TD once.
  15. Can somebody tell me how the offline franchise mode is? Is it the same as the last 5 years or did they change it?
  16. I'm awaiting for the economy to turn around (as it always was going to without the stimulus) and when it does somebody say "OK, we're in good shape now, I guess we don't need the other 90% of the stimulus" and to see Obama spin his wheels about why all that money is still needed.
  17. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0809/26188.html "Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box — flag@whitehouse.gov — that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Obama’s health plan."
  18. I could only stomach through to halfway of the second quarter as the Bills look like last year's squad, but liked Collinsworth. He was blatantly honest a couple times instead of spinning what he saw to be a positive. Only one I remember is when Levitre got embarrassed, he said something like the Bills should be very nervous after seeing that. As opposed to saying he's making a rookie mistake.
  19. Would love to hear more reviews, including offline franchise mode.
  20. Shove a Titan that was on his knees down to the ground after a play was clearly over? It was in the first quarter. Nice to see some toughness up the middle for once.
  21. I had a meeting here over the weekend with the head of a local community center that represents a huge population of the Russian American demographic in NYC. He has been in the USA for 15 years and is around 50-60 years old so spent much time under Soviet rule. It was supposed to be a 5 min meeting to discuss an event we're doing together, but turned into a 45 min discussion about Russian Americans. Couple interesting things... - He said he can break up the Russian American political view into one choice, big government and small government. He said Russian Americans who lived in the Soviet Union are terrified of big government and most vote Republican as a result for that sole reason. - Russians liked Bill Clinton because he governed from the center, but hate and are literally terrified of what Obama is doing with healthcare, the stimulus, the bailouts/takeover as it reminds them of the USSR. He said the Russians feel like they left the Soviet Union/Russia to get away from big government and have enjoyed the American way and feel that Obama is bringing them towards the socialism they were trying to get away from. They're honestly scared. - Most interesting thing he said was that classic rock brought down the Soviet Union. In the 70's they used to pick up very weak radio stations that played classic rock like Led Zepplin and it turned the people against the government. "I love classic rock, its what we listened to and what brought down communism in our country" were his exact words...ha. - He talked about how older Americans still hate Russians and there is still much tension for them here even as they assimilate into our culture. He was forming a partnership for this event and as soon as the guy heard his accent he said no way will he make a deal with a Russian. - He's working to build a program to help immigrants in NYC assimilate into American culture easier, and commented how some of the other demographics like the Arabs and Chineese move here but keep to themselves and refuse to assimilate which creates tension. Overall, it was a fascinating conversation.
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