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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Just me or can you not play an entire hole?
  2. Nova Scotia, one of the most beautiful places in the world and its right here, cheap, and offers everything you're looking for.
  3. Call and check, they used to do it free of charge.
  4. If a town doesn't want to provide low income housing, then why should they have to? Sure there's snobbery, but that's their right.
  5. Dems are convinced that with the One's anointment that conservatism is dead and won't ever hold power again....
  6. It frees up all the moderate Dems to oppose it. Let's see how long it takes for liberals and the Obama machine to attack him. Lieberman just made the enemy list.
  7. Well this makes things interesting..... http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1009/28788.html
  8. Good article: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1009/28764.html
  9. Move Whitner back to SS (where he was drafted and belongs) and keep Byrd at FS....with a REAL FS Whitner might be able to flourish finally.
  10. Why do teams even bother passing on us?
  11. Didn't see the game, but from what I've briefly read: Defense played great Offense sucked We were outplayed but the other team made more mistakes We played conservative at the end (which will cost us against better teams) Byrd is Rookie of the Year Basically a carbon copy of last week's win and the Cleveland Loss Sound about right?
  12. Here here! Then run off the field before the game is over when you lose.....
  13. Ticket sales...he's gone after the year.
  14. Revis was in the top 3 on Marv's draft list....Lynch, Revis, and Poz.
  15. LOVE this quote: "The British writer Edward Dicey was once introduced to President Lincoln as “one of his enemies”. "I did not know I had any enemies,” was the Lincoln’s answer; And Dicey later wrote, “I can still feel, as I write, the grip of that great boney hand held out to me in token of friendship."
  16. I think of it before every single field goal of any football game, not just the Bills.
  17. Obama receives positive coverage from ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Comedy Central, CNN, and MSNBC. The Obama administration attacking Fox News is petty and childish. Thank god for Fox News to offer a balance. I say the same about MSNBC and Bush, you need to have the media keeping the gov't honest. And the networks need to be careful how they cover this, next Republican president could do the same to them.
  18. I just get annoyed when I see them do an illegal U turn at a traffic light (which any of us would get a ticket for) and park in front of the bus stop (which any of us would have our car towed) forcing people to walk into the road to get on the bus....all so they can get their bagel and coffees in the store. In NYC firemen/cops all have special decals they can give their family members so they can park anywhere. I think Bloomberg cracked down on it finally.
  19. After Lindell missed the first game winning kick from 46 yards the announcers just HAD to go there. "It's wide right!" then started talking about Norwood's kick and Super Bowl 25. What the %^$# does Norwood's kick have to do with THIS team or THIS game??? It was 20 years ago! At least Lindell nailed the next kick which happened to be from 47 yards, the distance Norwood actually missed from.
  20. Anybody that thought Maybin would actually have an impact this season is a fool. And for those saying he is too small to EVER be a DE is also a fool, Michael Strahan played at 255lb and was 6-5. However, its going to take Maybin time to gain more playing weight and get used to it. He's only 21 for crying out loud. Hence, why I didn't want to draft him as we needed an immediate impact player.
  21. I hated the Maybin pick, but you people are unbelievable. He's not even half way through his first season and you're already referring to him as a bust. Maybin is a project, which is why I didn't want him. He's going to need at LEAST a year to develop after starting only ONE full season in college. I don't think we'll see ANY impact from him for at least two years. 6 games and calling him a bust....
  22. Great to see Fitz actually TRYING to get Lee involved...something Edwards was not doing enough of.
  23. I think Jenkins going down had a lot more to do with it.
  24. Is that the Jets are overrated and will now likely finish with a losing record, because those are the only teams we beat. I was quick to send that to my Jets fan family members telling them that losing to us was the Kiss of Death. Being a true Bills fan I am happy to win, but my hopes are still grounded.
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