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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I just checked MSNBC, Fox, and CNN and none of them are mentioning exit polls or makign predictions...so at least THEY are calling it a day yet...
  2. I hope Gallup is right, but these are the numbers that Kerry insiders are working with...
  3. Over-hearing my boss on the phone. Her best friends are extremely close to the Kerry campaign (they raised the most funds for his campaign and get an ambassadorship if he wins) and they said the Kerry group is stating they are up by 8 in Florida and 4 in OH...couldn't hear the rest....
  4. http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews923.html
  5. I don't care who you voted for....but honestly, who do you think will win? I'm voting for Bush, but the media/celeberties have bashed Bush so much that I think he doesn't have a chance. As Bill O'Reilly said, "This is not election of Bush vs. Kerry, its an election of Bush against himself"
  6. You know he's not even a Jets fan? I read an article about him a few years back when this all started and it said he was a Steeler fan (?) or something, but his Jet-fan brother used to drag him to Jets games....
  7. I like that MM is doing whatever it takes to win....bout time.
  8. Exactly....I want to research the guys I have to decide between here in Brooklyn, and not sure how the election here works? I'm thinking I'm just gonna vote for my choice for President, vote for Marty Golden who saved my express bus that I take every morning, then either voting all republican, or voting for all the incumbents, or just pick who's name is first!
  9. Of course that's in New York, where it really doesn't matter.
  10. Been down ALL DAY....I bet that is where the info is that I need...
  11. Let's also not forget his 2 starts came in windy weather on WET turf.
  12. back to the point....nobody knows where I can access my ballot? Also..what time do polls typically open/close?
  13. A ton of us NYC folks will be at Kenny's tailgate this Sunday. We have 60 people heading up for the game.
  14. Yes...we're getting close to the election which is only hours away, and yes, it's going to be a close race and stressful few days. But I'm noticing (and I'm sure others here are) that some posters are getting quite hostile with each other. Take a second...breath...and relax....no matter how much we argue its going to have no influence on tomorrow’s race. Just remember that we’re all Americans more importantly…Bills fans!
  15. I'm registered in Brooklyn for the first time. Any idea where online I can find the ballot I'm voting off of? Also...I know who I'm voting for for president.....but how the hell should I vote for the other local positions? (which I'm hoping to move out of Brooklyn in the next year or so and could care less about who wins those positions)
  16. Maybe? BF1 was bombed when I last saw him yesterday, so I wasn't sure if we would have put it up yet... Here's a link to one of the pics.. http://www.nycbbb.com/images/russert.jpg
  17. WOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. During halftime at McFaddens, a fan came up to me and said there was somebody famous outside. I walk out, and there's Tim Russert! He is doing the election coverage here in NYC and came over to watch the game. He came in and watched the 3rd quarter and some of the 4th and when it was a clear blowout left. Said he had to get back to work. He was really cool, signed autographs and talked to people. I of course felt weird because we were dressed up for Halloween (me in a hula skirt and hawaiin shirt, and Billsfanone in an afro!) I told him that he was featured on Dan Marino's apology on Inside the NFL and they showed his picture with Rick James and OJ. He screamed, "Are you kidding me??? They put me up there with a coke head and a murderer???" I think he was overwhelmed to see a bar packed with hundreds of Bills fans in Manhattan. As soon as Billsfanone put's the pics on the site I'll post them.
  19. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo Whover is up there always has bad luck come upon them!! Drew Travis .....
  20. That's so funny...I never heard that term til last week when somebody explained it to me. Now I've heard it 2-3 times since.
  21. Actually...whoever we have put up there has had bad luck....let's put up somebody incignificant...like Chuck Lester
  22. http://www.thestranger.com/current/special.html
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