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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. We have over 60 Bills fans from NYC making the trip to Ralph Wilson Stadium this weekend. Most of us will be tailgating at Kenny's Pinto before the game, so if anybody wants to punch Billsfanone in the face, its the perfect time to do it!
  2. Well...now that Bush doesn't need to be re-elected, he can work towards unifying the country.
  3. No way...Kerry would have used it to get sympathy votes then....
  4. Glad you enjoyed it, try picturing the entire bar filled wall to wall with Bills fans screaming the shout song after a touchdown. I'm suprised they had the wings and Labatt Blue there on a weekday. That bar is the COMPLETE opposite every other day of the week, Matt and I never go there unless its to watch football because they bang you out $7 for mixed drinks and $5 for beers and its filled with jerkoffs. Its right across from the NY Daily News, so you get a lot of reporters in there. Was the Irish guy Kevin bartending?
  5. Same here in NYC. This morning I saw a white lady wearing a button that said: African Americans for Kerry
  6. That's like Gore. People thought he had no personality, then at his losing party, pics came out of him drinking beer and dancing....if he would have done that before the election, he may have won.
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,137485,00.html
  8. seriously...where is the fat piece of crap?
  9. He's obviously not updating his website...so I agree with BF1 that he's eating http://www.michaelmoore.com
  10. My buddy just heard on the radio that there will be a Kerry PC at 1pm....
  11. I just walked past my co-workers all complaining saying the nation is headed for disaster...blah blah blah... walked by and was grinning and they look at me and say "don't even...." I just smiled and walked to my desk and am typing this. I'm trying to be decent, but you guys have no idea how obnoxious they've been the last year.
  12. Worst 1)listening to my boss and the other 99% of my office talking about how the exit polls were showing a Bush blowout 2) the early part of the night seeing Brit Hume and the rest of the staff of Fox News looking totally down. Best 1) Newt Geingrich (sp?) on Fox News saying "I know YOU guys have to step around things and be careful, but I'm declaring a victory for George Bush right now!" 2) Shepard Smith, boy was he arrogant, but boy was it entertaining watching him drill Kerry supporters 3) Michael Barone - how do you not love this guy? Brit and Shep basically had to keep telling him to shut up about his stats!
  13. I am the only man and Bush supporter in an office with 15 liberal women who have done nothing but praise Kerry EVERY DAY FOR A YEAR. I just walked...no no.....STRUTTED into this office with a HUGE grin and walked past everybody. Been here for 10 min and not ONE person has come over to talk to me. I am awaiting my HUGE Kerry supporting boss to call me since she stayed home today. Life is good and you have no idea how happy I am to know that the American people were not influenced by a liberal media bashing of Bush and that they announced to the country that celeberties do NOT represent the heart and soul of this nation! Michael Moore can go to hell. God Bless America!
  14. They're too busy smoking pot, drinking beer, and trying to get laid to worry about the election. I was 21 for the last election and didn't get my stuff in order to vote in time so I know the feeling.
  15. that is still holding on thinking Kerry can win this? Just wondering?
  16. C'mon John....you're 11th hour appointments made history when you were leaving office! oh...its after 12....
  17. No Matter who wins....let's stay united as Americans!!! USA USA USA!!!!!!!!!! OK...i'm drunk and off to bed.....
  18. Its still early and i've had a lot to drink....but boy i hope i wake up tp a bush victory and my vote in NYC at LEAST count for soemthing... who'm i kiddding...no it didn't but i still like tim russsert
  19. Bill, Were you living in NYC during Rudy's term? I loved him as he cleaned up this city, but a LOT of people hated him, especially minorities. Sharpton is his #1 enemy.
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