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Posts posted by BillsNYC

  1. There was somebody watching the game online this Sunday (not me cough) and right after the game ended, the guy switched to audio of somebody reporting on the Bills....may have been Coach Sal? They said that very recently, and NFL source outside of the Bills said the Bills ownership is stable and there is a succession plan in place with Wilson's "Heirs"....and he said its the first time he heard that and is a recent development. He said "heir" was the key word. The guy cut the stream in the middle of it and couldn't find it anywhere to keep listening. Anybody else hear this?

  2. i'd never take anyone that sullivan recommends - he's not a bills fan - never will be - he does not have the best interest of the bills in anything that spews from his negatuve, venemous scratchings


    Too bad he's been right more than wrong over the last 10 years. The Bills have sucked from coaching to front office, and he's been saying it the whole time.

  3. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1209/31047.html


    Classic blame the messenger when you consider this:


    "Rasmussen is quick to point out the accuracy of his surveys — noting how close his firm was to predicting the final outcome in this fall’s New Jersey governor’s race. (Rasmussen’s final survey in the race showed Republican Chris Christie edging out Gov. Jon Corzine 46 percent to 43 percent. Christie beat Corzine 48 percent to 45 percent on Election Day.) And he argues that he was among the first pollsters to show Obama narrowing the gap with Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary.


    Last year, the progressive website FiveThirtyEight.com’s pollster ratings, based on the 2008 presidential primaries, awarded Rasmussen the third-highest mark for its accuracy in predicting the outcome of the contests. And Rasmussen’s final poll of the 2008 general election — showing Obama defeating Arizona Sen. John McCain 52 percent to 46 percent — closely mirrored the election’s outcom


    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1209/...l#ixzz0bahf0Scq


    Chuck Todd also just tweeted that he doesn't buy into Rasmussen, saying his robocall system doesn't work since politicians don't use it.

  4. Why does it matter if they interviewed 2 guys or 200 guys if they got a good one?


    1) You won't know if you got a good one for at least 3 years

    2) For season ticket holders who are on the fence (like me) who want proof the team is doing everything it can to fix the organization. Interviewing Guy, Modrak, and Nix for the most important job in the organization when 2 of 3 should be fired doesn't accomplish that.

    3) Potentially hear what people OUTSIDE of the organization think of the Bills, you know, NEW ideas.

  5. :lol:


    Nix reports to Mr. Smithers who reports to Mr. Burns.


    WOW....you just summed that up better than anybody could have!


    If heads in the FO roll this week and we see some folks brought in from different teams, then yes things are changing at OBD. But if we don't see heads roll or we see some internal promotions, then it'll be the same old same old. Fresh blood is needed.

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