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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. SOURCES: BUSH TO NAME WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL ALBERTO GONZALES TO BE NEXT ATTORNEY GENERAL **Watch FOX News Channel or go to http://foxnews.com for more There goes the Rudy idea...
  2. If you were running the Democratic Party right now, what would you do over the next 4 years to regain strength? I would would first of all count my losses and move on, basically telling democrats to shut up about the election. By making comments like, "Bush supporters are dumb and need to be educated" you are alienating over 50% of the country and only digging yourself into a deeper hole. State that the election was fairly won and its time to look to the future. Next, over the next 4 years I would distance myself from the extreme liberals. Michael Moore should NOT be seated next to a man like Jimmy Carter in the spotlight. George Soros, PETA, and all these other 'hippie' groups should not represent the democratic party ever again like this year. As of now, this is a 2 party country so those people will vote Democratic even if they aren't in the spotlight. Also, I would re-focus the party and bring it more to the right, back to where it was before the Kerry Campaign. By taking a far left stance, you alienate most Americans and further divide voters. Plus, there was too wide a spectrum of views. Voting for Kerry you had no idea where he stood on any issue because they were trying to please too many people at once. Start acting like the party of the people again. Hollywood stars do NOT represent the people. Michael Moore makes movies and is NOT a representative of the people as much as he likes to think he is. George W Bush has natural leadership skills. He's the guy that you meet and you immedialty want to follow him. Intelligence does not dictate leadership, nor do debating skills. He stands for something and fights to get it. Kerry did not have that persona about him. He was more like that smart kid who tries to please everybody that you like to put kick me signs on. The democrats need a candidate with true leadership qualities that has strong views that he will act on and has the history to back it up. None of the discussed candidates have that as I've seen. Finally, the bashing needs to stop. The democrats have become a bitter party, and bitterness turns people away. Instead of attacking, offer positive solutions. And I mean REAL solutions, not baseless suggestions as Kerry did. In conclusion the party needs to avoid the far left, return to representing the average citizen, lose the bitterness, and become positive do-ers.
  3. I just remember seeing him on the field a lot.....and rarely Aiken...
  4. You think the Dolphin players are calling him 'Master' instead of 'coach'?
  5. WHY THE HELL WAS FREDDIE SMITH IN THE GAME SO MUCH????? Is Aiken not doing as well as we thought?
  7. Hopefully the CIA has guys there that can track these a-holes...
  8. I don't know how to double quote....but Campy, I too love the stats so far....and BF1...it has begun! Payback's a B word.....
  9. Anybody else happy that we have finally gone on the offensive in Fallujah? It killed me that we had to sit on our hands the last few months and watch videos of innocent American civilians having their heads cut off with dull knives. I hope we get these bastards.
  10. Why did we run down the clock on 3rd down before halftime instead of taking a shot at the end zone?
  11. I thought the Pope would get that honor?
  12. I'm gonna make up bumper stickers that read: BUSH WON - DEAL WITH IT! I'll be a millionare.....
  13. He could be our D-coordinator if Jerry Gray becomes a head coach.....
  14. Okay...they say he has only hours til he kicks the bucket and heads to Hell. So...what are your predictions for the aftermath in regards to the Palestinians and Israelis?
  15. When I voted for the local guys...if i recognized any of the names from lawn signs i refused to vote for them! ha!
  16. ugh...you're not one of THOSE people are you?
  17. And you do this with a Kerry sticker? huh?
  18. If we trade for anything...I'd rather it be for a PROVEN player...
  19. Couldn't see the 3rd down catch by Lee Evans at the end of the game. All the Jests were in the way. Was the catch good?
  20. And take Shelton out? That guy has been a monster the last 2 games.
  21. He looked fine on the sideline, wasn't receiving any medical treatment.
  22. What does having the bumper sticker of a losing candidate on your SUV have to do with anything? What...so you can tell people "I told you so"?
  23. Just got back from our trip to Buffalo for the Bills game. We had 60 members head up to Western New York for the game. On Saturday we did a tour of the stadium. Didn't get to see the locker rooms and stuff but got to check out the press box, some of the suites, and then go onto the field...which was AWESOME! We then headed over to Dannys and had some beers with retired Buffalo Bills - Joe DeLamielleure, Mark Brammer, and Lou Piccone. All three of them were awesome down to earth guys and it was a lot of fun. On Sunday we tailgated at Kenny's pinto where many of our members saw the whole steup for the first time. Aaron Shobel's father was there with some of the Shobel family and they were a nice group (all in black leather coats and cigars?). Met Rockpile, Guffalo...and some of the other TBD posters. The game was awesome! Had tix on the 50 yard line 18 rows up from the Jet's bench. Very scary when Williams went down, and you could tell how Jonas Jennings was nervous as he pumped up the crowd and went through his blocking drills to take his mind off it. Anybody see the fan run around the roof of the press boxes? Awesome! Coolest thing...our stairs led right up past Ralph Wilson's box. The old guy was sitting alone at a table in his suite throughout the whole game in a rain coat and Bills hat. At the end of the game, he was on his cell phone and then turned around and pumped his hands into the air and had the biggest smile I've ever seen. This man should be in the Hall of Fame.
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