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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. You think the US should use any napalm they have left on the final funeral procession?
  2. Nothing like playing a character with Ray Liotta's voice!
  3. Fox News has a picture of Arafat's coffin being carried by the French Military Honor Guard! Are you kidding me????
  4. I know its early...but 8 games into the season, but I think Mularkey is having a better rookie season than Williams did. You can argue personel differences, but Mularkey hasn't made a lot of the rookie mistakes Williams did. Like bad instant replay calls, putting the game on Drew's shoulders, sticking to the game-plan, and being an overall respected leader. I think Mularkey's patience is key, where Williams had none.
  5. Actually, I just read one of Tom Clancy's OP Center books. It dealt with the uprising of neo-nazis in Germany and France....
  6. He was seated next to ex-United States Democratic president Jimmy Carter at the Democratic Convention! He was given more press than any other Kerry OR Bush supporter. Like it or not, he DOES represent your party. There's a great cartoon and it showed the democratic donkey lying in bed with Michael Moore and he says "How did I get here?" the title was "Farenheit 9am"
  7. HERE YOU GO DEMOCRATS...here is your chance to seperate yourself from him! Don't let him further destroy your party!
  8. I agree with THAT...but to not believe Yassar was a terrorist?
  9. As said in that column, the red white and blue flag colors are the winningest in world history...
  10. Thank god Bush won and not the other guy who would be sucking on French teet's right now: The latest from the Political Grapevine: Explain Paris, Please? For those wondering why Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat (search) chose to go to France for treatment, a new poll there shows that 43 percent of French citizens believe Arafat is not a terrorist but a "hero of national resistance." Only 27 percent consider him a terrorist. What's more, when asked if they tend to sympathize with the Palestinians or the Israelis in the Middle East conflict, only 13 percent of French citizens say the Israelis. More than twice that many say the Palestinians. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,138175,00.html
  11. Hold on....they were allowed to show Schindler's List (nudity, violence, lanquage, BLOOD) un-edited on network tv...but not Saving Private Ryan?
  12. I just picked him up from Jail and am trying the bike mission. 0-4 on it though...ughh...
  13. Is this the one that was lost and just found?
  14. Anybody buy the guide? Is it worth it?
  15. Fate intrudes. On Oct. 10, Chris Simms sprained his shoulder in the first quarter of the Saints game. In the maintenance room underneath the Superdome the phone rang. "It's for you," one of the carpenters told Brian Griese, who didn't like to be interrupted because he was up 40 bucks in the gin rummy game. "Coach who? Oh, coach Gruden. Yeah, I'll be right there." The little used reject from Denver and, gasp, Miami, adjusted his pads on the walk over, snapped the chinstrap on his helmet, and won the game, the Bucs' first of the season. "Look," coach Gruden told him afterward, "I know you like to play a little cards on Sunday afternoon, but I think we're gonna need you, OK?" "Sure," said Griese, anproceededed to win two of the next three, while compiling a portfolio of six TD passes to one interception. If you're interested in the movie rights, you're gonna have to wait in line, because this is one of the true-life adventure stories of 2004.
  16. Anybody have this game? I love it...but its def harder than the first two!
  17. Gonzales was born in San Antonio, Texas and raised in Houston. He is a graduate of Texas public schools, Rice University, and Harvard Law School. Gonzales served in the United States Air Force between 1973 and 1975, and attended the United States Air Force Academy between 1975 and 1977. He is married to Rebecca and is the father of three sons.
  18. Solution - first play of the game...tell Evans to run deep as fast as he can and have drew throw it as far as he can. Even if he overthrows Evans, the Pats will be forced to keep Harrison deep and we can run right over these bastards.
  19. They moved to the left by putting Michael Moore in the spotlight, especially when he was seated next to Jimmy Carter at the Democratic Convention. They moved to the left during the fund-raiser in NYC when all the stars came out and bashed Bush and instead of denouncing them, Kerry got up and said they represent America. I think those two occasions were major nails in the coffin for Kerry in this race. Yes, the Bush campain may have been just as negative, but they didn't have the media backing them like Kerry did. The news was filled with Anti-Bush stories the last year and was much easier on Kerry. I live in NYC so I didn't see much of the Bush negativity, so I may be a little biased. Jerry Falwell was not placed in the media spotlight like George Soros and Michael Moore were, so he wasn't as big of a factor. To prove my point, I don't even know who Grover Norquist is? But I can sure tell you all about Michael Moore since the media and democrats put the spotlight on him.
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