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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. What I'm saying is that by placing Michael Moore next to Jimmy Carter at the Democratic National Convention, the democrats sent the message to the American people that they support Michael Moore, and John Kerry supports Michael Moore. He was not seated there by chance or because it was a better view. They put him in the spotlight to say "We support this guy and what he says"
  2. ok...fine....bumper stickers are still on and we agree its due to laziness. But what about the woman I saw in the grocery store last night STILL wearing a Kerry/Edwards pin on her shirt????
  4. I'd be happy if he became an above avg CB and a great returner.
  5. Let's just nook the whole mid-east! That place has been a hotbed for war since man scratched his ass for the first time. Otherwise I agree, let Israel fend for itself.
  6. I think they should just have the policy that the SA can set up, but not "ask" for money. Stand there, ring your bell, smile, and answer questions and say thank you.
  7. Yeah, but did they kill thousands of innocent Brit civilians, including cutting their heads off with dull knives?
  8. Because we don't want to...he just drives more people away from him.
  9. No Cost Counseling One day after we told you Kerry supporters in Florida were flocking to psychologists, suffering from what the American Health Association (search) has dubbed, "post-election selection trauma," psychologists report that the number of people seeking help continues to grow. What's more, the association has formally defined the symptoms associated with the disorder — including loss of appetite, sleeplessness, nightmares and pervasive moodiness. And, according to the Boca Raton News, the association has decided to offer free counseling through the end of the year. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  10. Aren't they allowed to start building their militaries up again soon?
  11. Republicans don't seat Jerry Falwell next to previous presidents at the Rebublican Convention. And Republicans don't put Jerry Falwell in the spotlight.
  12. Wow...how much Irony in that statement!
  13. You mean they did work...probably 90% of the time!
  14. ..that Paul "I go WAY out of my way to NOT be a Bills fan" Maguire is calling the game on Sunday night. Yes, you shouldn't act like a Bills fan when calling the game, but you also don't have to critisize them as much as possible to get the point across.
  15. Yeah, but we've played in both the last 2 weeks so: 1) we're used to it 2) we excel in it...
  16. clap clap clap clap clap clap clap Stand up clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
  17. According to weather.com Rain and Windy baby!!!!! Run Willis Run!!!!
  18. Actually, I don't want MM to go away....he's a big reason Bush won the election in my opinion.
  19. I think we should just take over France. If history repeats itself, we should be able to do it with no resistence...
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