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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Closing in on 100 NYCBBB signups.... Has this been posted on the other message boards?
  2. But at least they took the chance that he would be great...
  3. I went with Parcells....what an ego thinkign he can win with Vinnie T.
  4. That call was an early signal that the Bills season was lost...
  5. Kinda like how Pittsburgh is going through a growing pain season this year with their rookie qb?
  6. This SHOULD be pinned! Should we start a petition for that? 50 new signatures in the last 20 min since I sent that email...
  7. BillsDaily just added it from our email: Wilson For Hall: Ralph Wilson has constantly been passed over for induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. He has all the credentials to get in. He saved the AFL by lending financial support to the Oakland Raiders to keep them afloat in the early days. This saved the AFL from folding and started it on the journey to merge with the NFL. So it can be said that Wilson's accomplishments made the NFL was it is today. He also has steadfastly refused to move the Bills to a larger market and kept them affordable for the declining Buffalo market. He is once again on the preliminary list to make the hall. Lend him support by signing in on-line petition. Sign Petition.
  8. Included in my email to our members today: Ralph Wilson A movement has started to get Buffalo Bills Owner Ralph Wilson inducted into the Hall of Fame. The fact that he is not in there is simply a travesty. Mr. Wilson is the man who saved the AFL when it was in financial trouble, saving teams like the Bills, Chargers, and Patriots. He has kept the team in a small market like Buffalo, and is against teams moving between cities. Please sign this petition to get Ralph Wilson into the Hall: http://www.petitionthem.com/default.asp?sect=detail&pet=1392
  9. http://www.observer.com/pages/story.asp?ID=9831 "Democrats of Manhattan, rise and shine! It’s been over a week now. The American people have spoken, and what they said was: They don’t want you. The vote is in, the map is more red than blue, that smirking jerk you love to hate is back for four more years. So now what....."
  10. Just go back to the answers when the Bills were 0-4...and plug them into the answers for today's questions.. i'm not kidding.
  11. Kerry did say we need to be more self reliant.... Of course...are we sure this is a liberal? could be any whack-job
  12. Right? At least that crazy pro-life guy was bombing the abortion doctors and minimizing THEM....setting yourself on fire though? Should have let him burn...
  13. Man Tries to Set Self Ablaze at White House Monday, November 15, 2004 WASHINGTON, D.C. — An unidentified man tried to set himself on fire outside the White House fence midday Monday, witnesses said. Onlookers said the incident took place outside the Northwest gate. Uniformed Secret Service (search) agents were seen rushing to surround the man, who had graying hair and glasses. He was heard screaming in pain. Television cameras captured the aftermath. Smoke hung in the air around the man as paramedics rushed to provide aid. The man appeared to be clutching his hand in pain, but it was unclear how serious his burns were. A spokesman for the District of Columbia Fire Department (search) said the man suffered burns over about 30 percent of his body. The Associated Press contributed to this report. www.foxnews.com HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  14. FoxNews: Report: Man Sets Self on Fire Outside White House HAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  15. I'm not ready to give up on the Bills, even though I should. But I like to see Pittsburg doing well....they're a REAL football town.
  16. I wish they would have kept feeding him the ball. As soon as they put the game in Drew's hand I knew it was over...
  17. Didn't see that til after my post. I don't care if you think you're riding the pine the whole game...when your # is called you better be f-ing ready...which he says he wasn't.
  18. I think we have more threads on the announcers than the game. BTW...I now HATE Red Hot Chili Peppers.....
  19. I'm a little bothered by Losman's comments. Saying he wasn't ready because he wasn't expecting to play and saying he couldn't stop thinking about his leg. cry cry cry Where's the fire? I don't want excuses and don't you dare get into that habit like these other morons on the team have!
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