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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  2. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,138948,00.html Anybody else annoyed by the "you knows" by Hilary? She says it in every other sentence...
  3. No way were we getting Big Ben....nobody wanted to trade down.
  4. I can't wait to fire up my Elvis Xmas CD...
  5. I saw a report about something like this once. They were talking about creating day care/nursing homes where old people would help care for kids... they could order diapers in bulk!
  6. C'mon! What's not to love about Xmas time????
  7. hahahahaha!!! it says I'm a liberal! Now you KNOW it's not accurate!
  8. Uhh...that's because this country was founded by Christians, and Christmas is older than the country itself. On top of that, as I stated before, 85% of Americans celebrate the holiday. And in regards to your "Christmas is the holiday that dare not speak its name as if we were all hiding from the wrath of Pharoah", It's now not PC to call it Christmas season, it has to be called Holiday season. Look at the stores again, it's not Christmas they are advertising, its the Holidays. Huge difference.
  9. I've heard rumours that Coughlin wanted the Bills job (accordign to Boston College fans), but TD wanted Mularkey from the start, which is why Coughlin didn't interview here first.
  10. My fiance's family hides a pickle in the tree, whoever finds it xmas day gets a present?
  11. I saw that! It's about 10 blocks from me, been there several times. I was very tempted to go down there and meet Mike Woods. I love Fox 5 in the morning!
  12. The tree is up and being decorated at Rockefeller Center. As of yesterday, the star was on it's top Across the street Saks 5th Avenue's windows have their Xmas themes My shopping area in Brooklyn has lights up all the way down the street. And I have a salvation army bell ringer at my bus stop (no it's not in front of Target) Christmas Season is here baby!!!!
  13. What's eff? Oh..it's xmas time by my book. I live in a big shopping disctrict of Brooklyn called Bay Ridge (where Saturday Night Fever was filmed!) and the Xmas lights are up all the way down the street and there's xmas sales and signs in all the stores.
  14. Exactly. If I was to have somebody come up to me and say "Happy Kwanza", I'd return it with a "Happy Kwanza" of my own. What's wrong with that? I do the decorations for our office every year because I LOVE Xmas. But since my office is half jewish, I always email everybody and ask "who wants to help me decorate for the Holidays". In that context I can deal with it. But other than that, Merry Christmas!
  15. We started talking about the Christmas...err...HOLIDAY season yesterday and all of the politics that go into it. Yesterday, I consulted last year's World Almanac (that I keep in the can for effective reading) Get these stats on America's religious breakdown: 85% of Americans are Christian 2% are Jewish 4% are other 10% don't have a religion Based on this, WHY ARE PEOPLE TRYING TO PREVENT CHRISTMAS FROM DOMINATING THE HOLIDAY SEASON LIKE IT ALWAYS HAS???? 85% of the country celebrates the birth of Jesus on December 25th and celebrates Christmas trees, Nativity scenes, Santa Clause, Frosty, stockings over the fireplace, presents, caroling, and everything else that is associated with Christmas. Based on these facts, why should I have to stop saying Merry Christmas or calling the next month Christmas Season??? Oh yeah…Mr. Hankey wears a Santa hat so he’s included in this too… So from me to you: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
  16. There's a TON of Bills fans going....I know there are a bunch from NYC heading there...
  17. Quick...go to FOXnews, they have 2 great pictures with Bush and a turkey!
  18. I can't open it...c'mon ice! what does he say about going home???
  19. Wonder why there is no bio for Tom D? http://www.buffalobills.com/team/office.jsp
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