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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Still remember his first game. It was my first Bills game in person and he got knocked out by Bruce Smith. So telling that game was for his career...
  2. Yeah...and he actually clapped once...
  3. I've been bashing Bledsoe, and will continue to do so...but he did make some GREAT plays and some great throws in the game.
  4. Anybody have a good website for listening to xmas music? I've been looking around and haven't found a good one. Oh...and top 5 xmas movies: 5) Lethal Weapon 4) Home Alone 3) Christmas Story 2) Die Hard 1) Christmas Vacation And no...Christmas specials don't count. If you want, we can start another thread about those.
  5. I could see McNally finishing his career there as well.
  6. Letters only give you up to 26 levels in your list, unless you double them up which is lame numbers are infinite man.... numbers = cool
  7. HAHAHA! that just got me to laugh out loud! Somebody is as SICK as I am!
  8. Loser's use letters Winners use numbers I'm a winner.
  9. I'd rather get Tivo Just Kidding
  10. haha What's pink and red and spins really fast? A baby in a blender.
  11. This guy Mike REALY needs to get a life. He's that kid that sits in front of the classroom and tells on the kid next to him for throwing a spitball: Mike (Niagara Falls, NY): During yesterday's game a fan tried to enter the playing field. I found it interesting that while that was happening, music was playing over the stadium sound system that attempted to have fun and make light of the situation. Are we to assume the Bills organization encourages this behavior? TD: The two events that you are speaking of are not really related. As an organization, we would never make light of improper fan behavior. We have gone to great lengths here to improve the game day atmosphere for our fans. We still have much work to do in this area and we will continue to focus our efforts on it. We don't condone fans running on the field and individuals that do this will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Our game should be an enjoyable and safe environment for all the fans who are attending. KILL YOURSELF MIKE!
  12. I once got lost as a child in the woods. My dog found me.
  13. Was reading my copy of the Orchard Park Citizen last night. There was a log letter to the editor in the opinion section about how Christmas is losing its luster as its taken over by the "Holiday Season" Suprised to see the letter was from Tom Jolls!!!
  14. What's blue and floats? A dead baby in a toliet.
  15. Oh yeah? What's pink, bubbly, and spins round and round? A baby in a microwave.
  16. The Children! Won't somebody please think of the children!
  17. What do you call somebody with no legs or arms in the water? Bob
  18. Dude...I know how you feel. Only man in an office with 20 women. HORRIBLE
  19. He's had bad snaps...one of them turned into a big gain when Moorman had to run because of it.
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