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Posts posted by BuffaloMatt

  1. Depends- if we lose to them like last year the whole week will blow. If we get beat and they were the better team on Sunday then the first half of the week will blow. When we win it will be a glorious week and I will be thinking of eating fish and chips for breakfast on 10/8. 

  2. 14 hours ago, 78thealltimegreat said:

    Good evaluation you made me take a second look at the second int and I really didn’t notice but as Josh is throwing the ball he really did have his arm slightly hit by Williams as Morse just got blown up and it probably altered the throw a little also

    Sherfield on the play was basically supposed to decoy the safety away the safety said he ain’t throwing to him and concentrated solely on Diggs. 
    Josh had his bad plays but maybe not as bad as I first thought. 

    Not that I want him to go away from SD but there were multiple time that SD was double leaving a better option. 

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