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Everything posted by Reader

  1. We are all grown ups, that is why one of the players will refuse to follow the guidelines of getting vaccinated or not getting vaccinated and then be surprised if there are any negative consequences.
  2. The problem with this, is that if anyone is the Xena to Knox's Gabrielle...we all know it's Josh Allen
  3. And that is something I love about our coaching staff. They get it. They might not always execute, but it seems like they have such a great mindset as leaders for our team.
  4. https://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-analysis/2021/anti-dynasty-rankings-51-57-featuring-barry-sanders-lions Seems like a good discussion point for the off-season. Any thoughts as to where you think some of the Bills' droughts will place?
  5. He strikes me as a well-meaning, but sensitive individual which will make him really embrace/try, but also causes him to be vulnerable emotionally at times. It's the type of thing that I feel like he will eventually callous to, it's a question of when. Having someone like Josh and a supportive environment from McD and Daboll hopefully will do wonders for him, he seems like a great dude.
  6. I think it was the first year during the Raiders game where one of the receivers, a one year guy for us, got a first down and the entire team celebrated with him on the sideline.
  7. The play that stands out to me was the dropped punt in the 2007 Cleveland game, I feel like that really communicates the futility we felt as fans.
  8. That's not relevant, obviously anyone here would be happy with that...it doesn't change the fact that this board throws hissy fits at times as to how we should have drafted Metcalf, Wilson, etc... Yeah and? That's like saying "Well if you make more money you have to pay more taxes" I'll gladly take the problem of not paying my star running back after getting to enjoy having that RB for 5 years. In a vacuum that's true, but look at people with Mahomes, Metcalf and others...plenty of people here have buyer's remorse.
  9. https://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-analysis/2021/historical-aggressiveness-index-1983-2020 Not sure how much to trust this...they ranked Jauron 30th out of 130 coaches.
  10. Yeah, I think Corey Coleman is a good example of people thinking our GM was making a poor choice.
  11. They were playing the long game when they got all the smurfs. Now all our new guys seem really intimidating.
  12. Stefon Diggs was traded for a 1st round pick
  13. To be fair, we post about the Jets trading Darnold to the Panthers, possible dissention from Rogers in Green Bay, and other significant related news. Perhaps, there are those here who want to know about draft rumors, including those from New England.
  14. Better with clothes...worse with umm...well.... Hart's reaction to Djax's posts last year
  15. Doesn't their field hurt people? Probably not the best choice for him.
  16. Well, they certainly need defensive help.
  17. Out of curiosity, what happens if they IR Star? Can they do that?
  18. I think the question is, is that line good enough to handle the Chiefs? While I completely agree that blowing up our O-line is a bad idea, do we need to make some tweaks for the next season on the starting line? I'm not confident that if we bring back the same line from last year, maybe even Ford included, we can hold up against them.
  19. The 2021 Buffalo Bills, "GET OFF MY PLAYGROUND!"
  20. Fair point. Perhaps it is best to equate that both believe they were wronged and didn't have their opinion's valued, but Watson certainly seems to have things been more clear in terms of what had happened to him and what he wants in return.
  21. There have been a lot of coaching styles in the NFL and I personally think we are going to start to see a trend of players and coaches having a more collaborative partnership. I think at the end of the day the coach/owner/GM will call the shots, but I think the day of players not having a voice is going to disappear. I think this is the reason we are seeing Watson and Wilson acting in the way that they are. It is debatable as to how much power they should have, if they're being selfish wanting to be traded, etc... McD - For many of us, we are very satisfied with McD as a coach and I think at different points in time each of us have been won over. For me, one of the most influential things was this. Twitter post on how McD interacts with his players What is the common thread with Wilson and Watson? They feel unheard/not valued when it comes to input (cue the trolls well informed posters who want to talk about $$$) And at the end of the day it also will come down to trust. Players feel heard by McD and feel that their opinions will matter. (Albeit not be the deciding factor are going to trust McD.) Free agents are going to want to play for the Bills where the team feels like a bunch of people working towards the same goal. A therapist's perspective- Having worked with couple's and family's trust is integral in being able to help a couple (can interchange family here) work through whatever it is they are struggling with. Try to implement a new way to talk through issues? Both members have to trust the other person will listen to them, respect boundaries, etc...what are some of the most essential things to building trust/a good relationship? 1. Making an effort to understanding the other person's point of view, 2. Appreciating the other person, 3. The other person's opinion is something that will be taken into account and valued (not necessarily acted on, but valued). I think the Bills and other organizations are starting to set a precedence, one I am glad we are ahead of the curve on (how many players seem to have loved their time here in the last couple of years?) and I think other players are going to expect more from their organizations as well. Of course there will still be Diva's and some players will be unreasonable/wanting more and also winning cures a lot of ails. Personally, I think Wilson and Watson might be the start of a trend that we might see more of from players in the future. Obviously if you listen to the fans you'll end up with them still rings true, but there is a middle ground here that I think the Bills are currently hitting.
  22. Seems that the common thread is that in the year 2021, players are starting to expect their coaches/owners listen to their input. What a novel concept.
  23. To echo a few others, if there has been less opportunity to really know prospects due to COVID it seems like the more chances we have, AKA trading down, the better since everyone will be at a disadvantage (compared to other years) of nailing their first couple of picks.
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