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Posts posted by Reader

  1. 1 hour ago, GunnerBill said:


    While I agree some of the stuff here has been ridiculous and over the top there has also been some very good conversation and debate about what our legitimate expactations are for Allen this year; how best to develop him; how best to tailor the offense for him; whether to sacrifice his development to take the chance of the post-season provided by this defense; whether he still lacks sufficient weapons to succeed.


    There has been some good stuff. Some people go away because they don't want to read any constructive discussion of those topics that doesn't begin with "Josh Allen is definitely the guy and the Bills are definitely going to win 10 games." There is a place for valid question marks this week and posters of both positive and negative persuasions would do well to properly engage with them.  


    I would like this 100 times if I could. I think the challenge too is the emotional aspect of this loss. Wanting to see Allen continue to demonstrate improvement, wanting to beat the Patriots, and wanting to avoid injuries. To see all three happen in this game I think affects people to where, at least the first few days, it is much harder to step back and put things in perspective.


    My tinfoil hat hypothesis is that the NFL with their advertising and hype are trying to cause this in us fans also. To make football our God and as such we have intense visceral emotions after each game instead of being able to calmly learn from it and move on.

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  2. 2 hours ago, MJS said:

    Yes. Above average QB's are a rarity. You stick with them until you have a clear upgrade. But I think if the Rams were smart they'd be looking. Put Mahomes or Brees or Rodgers on their team and they are a dynasty. With Goff they are limited from their full potential.

     Imagine if we got to have seen a McVay, Peyton Manning duo. Although maybe that'd be a case of too many cooks in the kitchen.

  3. 28 minutes ago, yungmack said:

    The article seems very well balanced. The Bills have been erratic and low scoring, have yet to put a full game together, and have had to come back from the edge twice in three games, and both times it was self-inflicted. And all three games were against mediocre teams. Until they can put a full four quarter game together and put up more points than they've been doing, and do it against good teams, I don't see how they can be regarded as anything but average. But I do think their trajectory is up and they will be well above average by the time Christmas rolls around.  A win this Sunday will go a long way towards accelerating that.


    Yeah, I agree and a reason I posted the link. I appreciate the caveat that Allen is not playing like Jim Kelly, but that he is playing significantly better than Trent Edwards also. I just wish they used the caveat that he is playing worse than Fitz, but at that time Fitz was still Fitzmagic instead of Fitztragic.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Rockinon said:

    NE is going to have a hard time if they are trying to take your best player out.  The Bills have been spreading the ball around very well in the passing game and they have been good running the ball too.  There is talent all over the place. Their streak of games without allowing a TD is about to implode.


    I hate to say it, but my guess is Gilmore will effectively mitigate Brown or Beasley, whichever BB considers more of a threat in addition to taking away something else. That being said, I agree with you with how well Josh has been distributing the ball. I hope he keeps it up this Sunday.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    We gave up 23, 37, 25 and 24 to them since McDermott took over.  It's going to take a great day by our offense and we'll have a shot.


    Maybe this is revisionist history on my part, but I think some of those games the Bills D was able to keep the points low most of the game only to eventually wear down due to the offense not making due on their end of the bargain. If the offense can actually put up points and sustain drives it might look different this time around.

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  6. 20 minutes ago, jletha said:


    My wild card guess is that we run a lot more no-huddle than we have been. We have seen it a bit, especially late in this past game when we needed a score. My sneaking suspicion is that Daboll wanted to keep it under wraps but broke it out cause we needed a score. We will bring it out against the Pats since there is very little tape on it but they have probably been running it a lot in practice.


    Just a guess.


    I've been wondering the same as to whether we'll see something new. I wonder if we'll take more deep shots, but no huddle is a good guess too.

  7. 2 minutes ago, SCBills said:


    Probably.  I certainly think anyone beating NE in Week 4 is a tall task, especially a team like us that “should” be much better later in the year with all our youth and new players.  


    I do agree the mistakes need to chill. 


    That being said, we all talk about our schedule...  The Pats have played 3 teams with a combined worse record than the teams we beat.... and the teams we’ve beat have only won 1 game. 



    To add to this, I think psychologically we try to look for patterns to be able to predict what is going to happen, but with the NFL it is really hard to do because so much is going on. Then of course there is a team like NE which makes thing seem predictable.

  8. 9 minutes ago, SCBills said:


    All one has to do is look at the scores any given week.  Blowouts are rare in the NFL.  


    I think any objective person would say we looked like the better team each week this year.  Jets/Bengals went down to the wire because of 5-10 more mistakes than the opposition.  



    You make a good point. Somewhere lost in the spectrum of we're going to beat NE 56-3 to we're 3-0 against a combined 1-8 teams is the fact that the Bills have looked like the better team all three games and that it indicative of their playing ability.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Another Fan said:

    Hey as Dickie Jay used to say: It's hard to win in the NFL.


    Our opponents may not have been that strong but it's not something a mediocre team would have pulled off 


    It's a shame that Jauron was so poor for us, because he isn't wrong. Every game in the NFL is a battle. But because Jauron said it, that phrase has been taken less seriously than it should.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Distorted One said:


    Is it just me, or are they pass-happy in the 1st half building up points and runs mainly go up-the-gut then in the 2nd half, when they have Singletary, they start mixing up run plays with those beautifully blocked off-tackle and outside runs?  It's a brilliant plan if you can execute it THE ENTIRE GAME, which they are clearly not able to do yet.  It's kinda sorta keeping it on the pedal, if they can execute.  Get the opposing defense on it's heals with the passing game first, the demoralize then and break their spirit with a  dynamic run game to close it out.  We saw what it can do in the 2nd half of the Jets game. 


    I don't know.  Maybe just wishful thinking.  I do feel like getting in a bunch of passing out of the gate is at least building experience for Allen much more rapidly than establishing the run game first which works but is also pretty boring unless they're breaking off 30 yard runs all day. 


    Definitely stinking up the join BIG TIME in 3rd quarters so far.  You have to think it's due in some part to defenses making half-time adjustments.  Again, maybe wishful thinking.  Something is definitely not working after the half and it sucks the life out of games that should be high scoring. 


    The only thing I'd add is that running the ball in the 2nd half seems to be working or at least it did this game. It was frustrating getting to their 45 yard line only to stall once we started passing more.

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