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Everything posted by Vinaccia

  1. I'm embarrassed I started this thread. I wish I could delete it or that a moderator would close it. Tyrod Taylor has proven to be a great fit for the Buffalo Bills and should lead this team for many years.
  2. I talked to some good sources that said Tyrod is penciled in at this point but that could change if some drastic mistakes are shown on the field these last couple weeks. As long as he keeps playing as he did this week Tyrod Taylor will be the starting QB for the Buffalo Bills.
  3. How do you think TT would take advantage of that?
  4. Taylor is great and definitely not a one read and run QB, but I am scared to death for the guy with game planning designed for him like they designed it for RGIII. Watch the following video and look at what he is going to be up against: http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-network-gameday/0ap1000000067431/Mariucci-New-game-plan-for-RG3 Listen Rex Ryan is a defensive mastermind. He knows perfectly well what defenses are going to do, so if Tyrod does start, you are going to see Rex Ryan and Greg Roman minimize the happy feet and force him to throw from the pocket so that these pocket collapsing designed blitzes won't kill their QB. I want to see Tyrod be our starting QB but I am nervous when I see defensive plays designed like that without a stellar offensive line on our part.
  5. Rex Ryan states that he knew after a bad free agency in NY in 2014 that the team had no chance, and how Woody wanted to keep him there in NY, but the media and next GM wouldn't allow for it. This made me a bit emotional thinking how lucky we are as fans to have Rex Ryan in WNY, but knowing that Woody Johnson couldn't get his wish to have Rex Ryan as their coach. It literally brought a tear to my eye seeing how Ryan feels sad about the entire situation but how much he has embraced the Bills and has been positive. It is a bitter sweet moment as a Bills fan though. Watch it here:
  6. Holy flippin paper sheets man, O'Leary looked terrible! I thought he was a steal of a pick in the later rounds and was going to emerge as an elite TE, and I am seriously doubting that he can make the roster now.
  7. I really don't know. Any QB taken is a risk whether its the number 1 overall or taken in the 6th round. Hopefully we have some competent QB oriented scouts that will do their diligence and finally find us a long term solution at the QB position. Honestly I am not banking on it. I'd definitely would draft Joe Licata in the 5th, 6th round or as an undrafted free agent. He keeps getting better and led the MAC conference in passing touchdowns last year, throwing for a score once every twelve dropbacks. I just want an accurate QB that shows progression and has that killer instinct which Joe does. In every interview Joe has stated he wants to be an elite QB and will keep working towards that goal. Draft the local guy who has good size, accuracy, and pocket presence and see if it works out. I am tired of these early round QB disappointments. If Joe Licata was drafted I think he would be the answer at the QB position in the long term most definitely. Forget the hype and look at the raw talent and progression.
  8. This is not a topic regarding whether or not Kyle Orton should return. Kyle Orton did numerous interviews and has stated that he has retired and that he has no intention on playing again. The intent is to make a humorous post mocking the way Doug Marrone responded to the question. Doug Marrone is a phony. I accidentally came across this video and couldn't believe that this buffoon was our head coach. Instead of being blunt and acknowledging that the way he arrived could lead everybody to believe he didn't have the best character, and stating that from what he witnessed he is a good competitive player that gets along with his teammates, he starts trying to making up some story as he goes along and then starts backtracking and adding in things here and there and finally putting in the fact that he is a good competitive player. After watching these type of videos, I can see and understand how NFL fans outside of Buffalo would be laughing at us. This organization seemed like a joke with a head coach giving interviews and post game responses like this.
  9. Well since Kyle Orton has been brought back into the discussion, I think it's necessary to discuss his character after it has been called into question as to how he arrived in Buffalo. As stated by Doug Marrone. "He's a regular guy, you can go - you can go in Buffalo and meet a guy with his personality anywhere - a bar - a bowling alley - a pool room, ya know a place where a family is." Listen to the tone of Marrone's voice at :22 in the following video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-h4eu0uS8o Now does this sound convincing to you? I think Marrone was trying to convince himself with that affliction in his voice.
  10. What's with all the hate on Cassel? He mentioned he wanted to play the whole game. This QB has a burning desire to be a starter and was a former pro bowler. Orton never wanted to start for the Bills and did alright by us. EJ and Tyrod are both unproven. Give the guy a preseason game before you continue your corny BS "meh" jokes. If he's not starter material, then he's not starter material, but he hasn't had even a chance in the preseason with the team. Each one of these guys deserves a chance in the preseason against another team.
  11. Ryan wanted Vick but Vick wanted no part of Buffalo. This whole "the two sides mutually agreed it wasn't the right fit" is face-saving material for one player they couldn't get to come here.
  12. There will be a lot of guys available in the late 1st, 2nd, 3rd rounds that have good talent, size, and numbers. At the QB position, it's always a crapshoot. I don't expect Winston to live up to his hype and he went number 1 overall.
  13. I am not quite following your logic. If you read my posts, you will see that I have great respect for the GM Doug Whaley and Head Coach Rex Ryan. But, if you haven't, nothing in my post suggested that the coaches are incompetent or unprofessional. Every analyst/commentator from ESPN to our very own Buffalo sports reporters state that the success of the Bills will be decided upon by the QB situation. If the QB isn't consistent, which none of them outside of Cassel being decent, have been -- then the talent on this team will be wasted and will not result in a great year with a stellar record. Nothing in the post suggested that the coaches and management aren't acting competently. There is a lack of elite QB talent out there and trying to find that diamond in the rough is hard and risky. These coaches and the GM have it difficult because they need to be able to gauge the value of QBs that haven't put up a stellar record. Glennon who seems to be the best plausible trade situation is still going to cost the Bills considerably and having a pocket passer QB who has reached the pro-bowl on the roster (Matt Cassel) might not justify taking that risk. Here's the bottom line and perhaps I didn't nuance it and articulate it correctly. We need a competent young QB who can be consistent to make this team competitive-- we don't have it but for the coaches and GM the risk and cost might outweigh the investment and bar it completely from coming to fruition because not only is there no guarantee, there is no probability that more likely than not we will benefit from bringing in a guy that can be traded for. But this type of analysis and dilemma does not eliminate the fact that most analysts agree on: Without a better QB option -or- improvement of play (a QB that makes plays and throws consistently) the Bills have a very little chance of making the playoffs. Rex Ryan and Whaley will never state that they won't be successful. No matter who they have, they must believe not only for the fans, but also for their professional careers and integrity of the game that they are competitive and will go deep in the playoffs. They can't doubt their team or else there is no chance whatsoever. But I can simply follow what most analysts are saying (those both in the national and local media) that are looking outside the box and don't have that emotional connection or responsibility with the team to understand that without a better QB or more consistent play, the Bills are most likely not going to be a very good team that can win the division that also has the defending Superbowl champions in it. Lastly, I am not trying to convince anybody or lead anybody to believe anything. This accusation couldn't be further from the truth. I am making my own comments for mere contribution on the forum. The point of a forum in its traditional sense is a meeting place for discussion and not a debate podium. That being said I enjoy the discussion and debates when logical inferences backed by facts support them. I can't defend or argue against accusations that are improperly articulated after misconstruing what I have written. This results in a long winded out post having to address all of the mistakes and then further rebuking them.
  14. I am unqualified to accurately assess QBs to the point where even commenting on a computer forum is a waste of everybody's time -- most of all my own. Instead I rely on the factual assertions of scouts, analysts, and reporters that report with a present sense impression. Those that I relied on were: Sal Capaccio, Vic Carucci, Mike Rodak, and John Kryk. Everyone of these reporters stated how inaccurate EJ Manuel was and is. It can't be that all these reporters have an agenda -- if anything Sal Capaccio was and still is hoping for EJ to pull through - but if you listened to him on WGR yesterday and the day before, he calls a spade a spade and reports exactly what he is seeing. I just don't understand how fans can be so gung-ho and optimistic on a quarterback that isn't performing well in even camp. The mechanical issues with EJ's throwing issues were supposed to be resolved. They apparently aren't. I don't follow your logic. Why would having an excellent QB who is stellar equate to a horrible defense? Your assessment is conceptually bankrupt. Eight out of ten of the teams with a top 10 defense last year had an excellent QB (listed in the following from ascending to descending order): Seahawks, Lions, Broncos, 49ers, Chiefs, Ravens, Chargers, Panthers. Only the Bills at number 4 and the Jets at number 6 didn't have a franchise QB. Furthermore two of these teams didn't draft their starting QB. So please enlighten me why having a top ten defense equates to having a horrible defense? Also explain to me how it is a bad thing to trade/acquire for a "reject" as you call them when two of these teams listed here with a top ten defense have a good franchise quarterback that was not acquired by means of a draft. I am interested in hearing your response with facts instead of opinions so that I can understand where you are drawing your conclusions from.
  15. **Let's be realistic** How in the hell can EJ be the guy when he never lit it up in training camp or on the field? Don't give me that BS about the play calling, or bad coaching. EJ got all the coaching help he could get on the offseason, sat behind a veteran, and has all the good coaching he could ever need now. HOWEVER, The guy struggled in preseason and the season last year and is continuing to struggle in training camp. EVEN when he was marginalized, he played arguably mediocre at best during last season and he's still not lighting it up in camp now after all of his so called improvements. Give me a freaking break and stop being delusional. Yep there's a chance a EJ is the guy -- but that would be slim from what all the scouts and analysts are saying. You have to be freaking kidding me if you're a Bills fan and looking at this stellar roster with the most important piece missing, and feel optimistic. You got to be freaking kidding me. The report after 2 days of training camp, is EJ Manuel is EXTREMELY inaccurate. He can't make simple throws in camp. SIMPLE routs. You can't start inaccurate QBs and even expect them to be a game manager. If they don't work some offseason trade deal immediately and improve this situation, it doesn't matter how good this defense or all the rest of the offense is. QBs single-handedly are the most culpable for game changing plays - whether that's good or bad. You don't want this stellar roster wasted on somebody that is just not displaying the acceptable amount of talent. I think EJ is a great guy and a hard worker, but the same problems are recurring on the field. This is not good guys. He's not being consistent from the reports and the reports are he is throwing like a smaller weaker QB that can't see open guys down the field -- or that he doesn't put enough power in the ball to reach them.
  16. Most likely it is too late, and we gotta just be positive with the guys we have but this would be a real game changer if it happened. There's no reason it couldn't happen because we have enough good depth to make key trades in order to get the guy, either with a mid round draft pick and getting rid of Cassel, or Cassel and a receiver while saving some money while we're at it. :/ I just don't get why Rex has never wanted a pocket passer presence in his offense. I think he is an excellent coach but I venture to say that if he had a guy like Glennon back in 2009 they would have won more games in the regular season and perhaps have gone to the Super Bowl. I really believe if he changed his thinking in this regard, he would turn into a coach that is almost impossible to beat. The real problem he had was he always had young mobile QBs making CRITICAL errors that either lost the game or changed the tone on the game. None of the guys on the roster have the skill level they should have vying for a starting spot. I say this listening to what the professionals are reporting. That being said, it's possible one of these guys will have a breakout season, it's just very unlikely. It boggles my mind and I can't understand why as a coach, you wouldn't bring a different facet (young QB that displays pocket presence) to the table when there is so much uncertainty at the table. Cassel has achieved success and could have a resurgence in his career, but from what the scouts and analysts are saying, he's just not playing at that level anymore, and he is older. Why not bring a young guy who has that pocket presence, put up pretty acceptable numbers for having a worse offensive line than the bills and displayed less mobility at the QB position. I just ask myself if Ryan, Roman, and Whaley have something up their sleeves, because it seems key analysts and scouts are stating that these 3 guys just don't seem likely to become long term QBs in the league.
  17. Still holding true to this with Winston being named the Bucs starter. All the supposed statements about Glennon going nowhere are a result of no team offering even a 3rd or 4th round pick and QB in return for this guy. Cut Cassel and bring in Glennon for that pocket QB presence and let him compete. He's cheaper, better, and younger than Cassel and has game time experience with a horrible offensive line and still put up acceptable numbers.
  18. I find it very troubling unqualified people are reading judicial decisions and commenting as if they understand it. Until somebody takes a lesson on Civil Procedure and Personal Jurisdiction specifically on minimum contacts you will not understand one iota what the judge wrote there. Understanding the plain English meaning is pointless without understanding the case law for statutory and constitutional limitation in this regard.
  19. Let's look at this a little bit more realistically. If you are a coach with your reputation on the line, and EVERYBODY is waiting for you to fail -- do you go with an experienced QB that has made the playoffs with less talent and made a pro bowl in his career -or- do you go with one of 2 guys that are largely unproven and young? Rex Ryan or Greg Roman wanted Cassel -- that's telling that they think they can win with him. I just don't think as a coach you can afford to risk everything when you have a veteran on your team that was successful in his career at one point. Unless in training camp and the preseason one of the younger guys is head and shoulders above Cassel in terms of production, do you risk your career for young QBs that have never delivered? If at the end of camp it's not too obvious who is better I think the coaches have no choice but to start Matt Cassel because at least he has been successful with less talent on the offensive roster. This whole idea that Greg Roman and Rex Ryan desperately want a mobile QB at all costs couldn't be any further from the truth in my idea. I think it is something that they find unique and advantageous in terms of creating an offensive gameplan to throw off the defense, but I don't think they would be willing to give up a guy who is not going to turnover the ball and can place the ball in all of the talented offensive receivers' hands. The defense is far too good to risk it with a guy who can run and throw off defensive coordinators but makes poor decisions . In the very limited gameplay on Tyrod Taylor, he did just that. EJ Manuel also made his fair share of mistakes. But the problem is these guys didn't make enough mistakes over enough games for adequate judgment on their overall play. As bad as Cassel has been at times, he has been fantastic in other years that really make him a tantalizing type of QB. I think Tyrod Taylor is a great guy with phenomenal talent, but I think this competition boils down to whether EJ Manuel has shown enough improvement to be far better than the rest. EJ Manuel is your first round pick in 2013 and you can't just give up on him unless he hasn't shown improvement throughout the preseason. If he can't get that offense moving in preseason, like last season, -- they must start Cassel and don't have any choice. People need to start calling a spade a spade and realize that EJ Manuel is now a veteran -- it's his 3rd year and he has to show complete mastery of the game throughout this training camp and preseason. I really hope the best guy wins (whoever that may be) but to say Cassel is old and washed up is utter nonsense. Expect to see above average play from him with these offensive weapons at his disposal. His best football would SURELY be ahead of him with this team. Too many good wide receivers, running backs, and tight ends for him with an offensive line that should be adequate at the very least. He would also have a defense that is going to give him more chances to have that ball in his hands which means less having to play desperate football which he often had to play with the Chiefs and Vikings.
  20. Look at this. All of you wallowing in self-disgust superstition that we will continue to be a down-on-our-luck sicken me. Wake up. It's a new era with a new coach and new owner. I don't care whether or not Brady serves the 4 game suspension or has it overturned somehow. I am confident in the new ownership and coach that we can beat the Patriots with or without Brady. We have the weapons and great coaches to do so. Look what Ryan did against Belichick in the playoffs in 2009. If Brady somehow plays the Bills in Week 2, all the better when we win against them to prove to the world we are not the same ol' crappy Bills.
  21. After listening to arguments about the QB situation ad nausium, I think Matt Cassel HAS to either STAY on the team and compete THROUGHOUT training camp and preseason or be the guy you start out of all 3 of these players. For everyone writing he's on the roster bubble, or that he wasn't good in OTAs, which reporters or practices are you referring to? All I heard from Sal was that despite a bad day or two towards the end of practice, he was commanding the huddle the best albeit not creatively. I want EJ to be the guy but I just don't think you can go into the season without 1 drop back style QB on your roster with experience. At the very least he's gotta stay on the team. For what it's worth, Cassel had some memorable years and is our only QB on the roster to have ever made the Pro Bowl. Scott Pioli after drafting him with the Patriots wanted him on the Chiefs when he moved there. How in the world can you suggest cutting the guy even before the pads are on? Yeah, he had some TERRIBLE years. So did Kyle Orton and although the Orton never played with passion in his heart for this team, he managed to bring us to a 9-7 record. Despite what people may write about older QBs being set in their ways with no opportunity to have a resurgence, they are far less likely to continue the old habits where they risk turnovers. Roman thinks he can win with one of these QBs, and I just don't think you can afford to risk a game manager style QB being cut from the team when we have no idea whether EJ can put his newly acquired mechanics to use in a real game situation or whether his "fight or flight" response will kick into effect based upon prior stress situations which becomes ingrained deeply in the brain. Looking at the film on Cassel, he is by far the safest bet at QB. I want EJ to be the guy but if I was a HC or OC I would definitely want to see what Cassel has to bring to the table in training camp. The guy seems to have a passion to be a starter and finish his career with a legacy. He just isn't as bad as everybody stating he is. On all three past teams, when given time with at least an average offensive line, he played well. Watch most of those youtube videos that mock Matt Cassel and you will see an offensive line that is playing horribly and subsequently Cassel is forced to try and be a mobile QB. When given average time with the ball, he plays well, not elite. When given extra time, he plays GREAT. Besides that Patriots team in 2008, Cassel never had an elite squad around him and made the pro bowl. It's worth something, and in my opinion I think the Bills made the right choice trading for Cassel.
  22. Defensively: JJ Watt. A great player with a great personality. Offensively: Tom Brady. How can you not be intrigued by the guy who magically has come back to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat from us on multiple occasions. As frustrating as it was, he is the guy I am most inclined to check the highlight reel on during football season -- the guy just finds ways to win whether that's dink and dunk or putting on a 2 minute drill that nobody can stop.
  23. Finally a voice of reason on the forum. Great post and I agree fully with you. I hope EJ becomes the guy but I am just as skeptical as you.
  24. Look him up on facebook and you can just tell that he is a no good little prick.
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