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Posts posted by Vinaccia

  1. I think that Merriman is a bit all over the place stating how players such as Tyrod Taylor in Buffalo go by unnoticed but then he refers to San Diego that is LOSING their team as an example of a good large market team. Then he states at the end that if Tyrod continues to play well then the media will have no choice but to give Tyrod attention.


    Let's be realistic. It's been 10 games for Tyrod. If I am not a Buffalo fan I would be following Tyrod, enjoying his highlights but seeing if he can keep up this level of play over not only this season but the next season as well and first would want to see overall success of his team before praising him as an elite QB should be praised.


    Also it couldn't be further than the truth this year with the media covering Rex's every move including making headlines about even his smallest facial expressions.


    Tyrod is playing well and will gain his praise as he proves consistency. He also will have to end the Bills playoff drought. It's not a case of small market shunning, but rather a case of 16 years of poor performance and management that would never entice

  2. This one is going to be TOUGH. I don't think Chip Kelly's seat is cooler. It's been three weeks since they played at home and they lost that last game. They are going to do be playing with confidence. The Bills need to come out swinging early like today. The Bills need to also get tons of pressure on Bradford. The Pats had Bradford on his knees with multiple three and outs consecutively with pressure.

  3. baby steps. He threw over the middle with anticipation (Clay drop) and evaded the rush and still threw the ball downfield (right side to Sammy and the Woods slip in the end zone)

    Nice TD to Woods (who is driving me crazy) and developing chemistry with his go to guy Sammy.


    All this against a good defense.


    So far so good.

    Against the best defense statistically in the NFL actually.

  4. I am surprised that the fans here are so attached to players' stats who have had some individual success but never won anything, vs. the coaches who have won playoff games with their schemes and are in process of implementing them and getting the ideal personnel groups in place while dealing with injury after injury. Like you, as a Browns fan I want my team to make the playoffs for the first time in forever but it seems like a lot of the sentiment here is to cling to what you have had in the past that didn't work. Your team was not really 9-7 in last year, you know it was a .500 team that "won" a glorified scrimmage in the final week against backups. The Bills clearly have some really good (and young) talent, certainly better than about half the teams in the league, but it isn't like it was some juggernaut of a team that got "slowed down" by the new coach. They have a better shot at the playoffs now with 5 AFC wins than they did last year, when they had 4 actual AFC wins (NE does NOT count, people) ALL SEASON. The offense was not good last year at all and the defense was good in some games, but certainly not all the games. I think there is a bit of revisionist history going on with that. It seemed pretty inconsistent from an "outsider's" point of view. It was overrated because of some really good performances against teams like Green Bay and Detroit. And Cleveland! There were some bad ones too and I saw the denver game that people say was awesome vs Manning, but they lost partly because they couldn't stop the run in that game. Not good enough. Kyle Williams though, is an elite player on the DL and has been a huge missing piece for ya'll, not to mention your starting SS being out.


    Anyway - as far as who fits the scheme - Mo Wilkerson is a name that will be available. His agent is Chad Wiestling and I heard through someone with the Browns that Wiestling has made it known that he doesn't want to be in NY and they know that. He doesn't want to sign there, thinks their QB situation is going nowhere and they can't pay him what he has earned because of their terrible contracts with aging Revis, Cromartie and Marshall. He wants to play in his old scheme and not a fan of Todd Bowles.. Now of course Browns fans who hear this think we are getting him - and maybe so because we desperately NEED a guy like that whereas for you he's just piece- but just FYI since his old scheme is in your town. If you part ways with Mario Williams?


    Just FYI. Good luck in the playoff race!

    Excellent post. Hopefully the Browns get Paxton Lynch or Connor Cook and the good fans of Cleveland don't suffer anymore from the QB embarrassment of Johnny Manziel. People here demand immediate results and are somehow delusional about last year with how bad the coaching was. You're absolutely right. It takes time with a new system and nobody even wants to give the coach one year. It's frustrating that we haven't won more but it's more frustrating to think people are demanding for the firing of Rex Ryan before even a single season is over with. I for one have always been a supporter of Ryan. He's made the bills relevant again and a key destination for FAs.

  5. Marrone vs Ryan argument made me look at the numbers from last year, over all it's pretty close although the teams are not very much a like.


    2014 under Marrone


    after 11 games 6-5 9-7 final going 3-2 in the final 5


    stats are for all 16 games

    offense average total yards = 318.5 games scoring 20 or more 8 times

    defense average yards against = 312.2 games giving up 20 or more 8 times



    2014 remained overall extremely healthy as a team also playing with an 11 year vet at QB




    2015 under Ryan


    after 11 games 5-6 ( 5 game to be played)


    offensive average = 355.9 games scoring 20 or more 7 times

    currently after 11 games = 347.1 games giving up 20 or more 6 times



    2015 injuries have knocked out pro bowl players Kyle and Aaron Williams for more than half the season. The additions of Charles Clay has helped the offense but Percy Harvin has also joined the list of injured players after only 4 games. Playing with a first year starting quarterback who currently has 9 starts under his belt




    Great post. Thanks for posting the numbers and stats. I can't stand the ignorant comments such as "and?" after this post. If only these trolls would stay in their caves, the informative posts would be in much better focus. There is a lot of criticism against Rex Ryan and putting the games in context provides a better lens for critique. I am happy Rex Ryan is our coach. We haven't gotten worse and we are relevant again.

  6. I must say I am so amused reading this thread and all the comments on here from the guys that are hating on Tyrod but don't have the stats to defend their arguments. They are creating all of these far stretched and conceptually bankrupt claims nitpicking fine issues with his performances. Lmfao. I can't wait for another good performance from Tyrod so that I can read some even funnier arguments. Even if hypothetically NE traded us Tom Brady for a 5th round draft pick and he became our starter the same people hating on Tyrod here would find something wrong with Brady calling him too old or comment on how he throws too short passes and has bad deep ball accuracy and therefore the Bills shouldn't start him. Lmfao.

  7. Nobody was more frustrated than me when we lost against the Pats holding them to 20 pts in their own home, and I was really disappointed in Tyrod despite being a fan of his. I since got over it. I suggest everyone else do the same and see how these next few weeks play out. I still have faith in Tyrod, and as heartwrenching as that loss was, it was easy to turn the anger at the guy under center who has become the face of the franchise. However, I got over it and I suggest the rest of you do as well.

    I just wonder what people will say when Tyrod has 2 passing TDs and 1 rushing TD and 0 interceptions this weekend. Perhaps the mood on this forum will be back to figuring out how we can structure his big contract under the salary cap in order to keep other playmakers..... but then again it'll most likely be "He got lucky this time, time to figure out how to trade up and draft Cook or Lynch". :wallbash::wallbash:

  8. On TBD EJ has something to do with EVERY discussion


    Why Licata?


    Whats wrong with giving your observation.

    Who do you like

    I think we should grab Licata undrafted because he's a diamond in the rough. He's got a pretty good arm and high football IQ. There's absolutely no risk to bringing him in and seeing how he takes to training camp.



  9. With only 3.8 million dead money hit on 2016 cap if Whaley released Mario....Mario with his bad tummy and now 2 games with foot injury and 19 million....could find himself cut in the offseason providing whaley with the flexibility we may need. And worse than the injuries...its seeing Mario handled too often by 1 on 1 blocks when he is healthy and going at the QB.


    Kyle Williams with a 7 million cap hit could be a possible casualty as well due to his injury/age ...


    Rex's former Def End Muhammed Wilkerson will be a free agent this year with Jets - we may decide to make that pseudo swap of Wilkerson for the 2 high priced Williams boys

    If we got Wilkerson that would be excellent. He's younger and plays more consistently.

  10. Failure to get the ball more to the WR's is not Tyrod's fault. It's the playcalling. He underthrew a couple of balls against NE, but for the most part has been very good on deep balls. He runs the plays that are called and this is a run first offense. Blame Greg Roman if you want more passing, but I'll take Tyrod over almost every QB in the division. He has played exceptionally well for the most part.

    I definitely agree with you. I was a bit bitter writing that post over the loss. Tyrod will be fine and do well for us.

  11. Listen I like Tyrod a lot... and for what we paid and where he was drafted he has exceeded expectations BY FAR... but we have some elite receiving talent that aren't getting the ball enough... we need a QB that can get these guys the ball OFTEN on a consistent basis. Of course you need to let this season play out and see if Tyrod can do this. I have always been a fan of pocket qbs ... but Rex Ryan doesn't seem to like a pocket guy so we'll see what happens. Be calm and let this season play out.. AT THE VERY LEAST the next 2 weeks. A good promising QB will play well in 2 games against mediocre defense teams that have playoff implications. Yes the Chiefs have a top 5 run defense and the Texans have a top 5 pass defense as of right now but neither are top 5 in total defense. Tyrod needs to play well in these games.

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