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Everything posted by Vinaccia

  1. Sure there are a lot of questions as he doesn't have a track record as a head coach in the NFL. But one must remember the guy played college football, then went on to finish his degree in aeuronatical engineering, then worked for a couple years in that field before coaching football again. All of the people that he coached with have all stated how smart and lucky they were to have him. They couldn't believe the systematic way of thinking he brought to the table. He has the intelligence and football knowledge to succeed. Unfortunately, most likely by the time Ryan is fired this guy will be head coaching and successful with another team. The Pegulas are new owners and will not fire a coach after one season. It's just part of the unwritten rules of owners and GMs. Right now despite the loss of key players like Revis, the Patriots are the 6th best defense in the NFL. By the way there's a good likelihood this guy can build his own plane. He's humble and focused. Ugh I hope a miracle happens and we get this guy. http://www.bostonherald.com/sports/patriots/the_blitz/2015/11/matt_patricia_wont_say_if_he_can_actually_build_a_plane_and_fly_it
  2. I think both of those would welcome the head coach position for their friend. We're talking big money and the big opportunity in his career. Seriously whoever gets this guy is going to be a lucky team. He also is from central New York. This guy would bring brains and discipline to this team.... Something we are in desperate need of.
  3. This one is different. He's a genius. Even the defensive players couldn't believe how much he knew. You need a smart guy who can make decisions. Listen does one need a rocket scientist? Surely no, but it sure as heck makes sense if he is a great football mind and has led a defense often times depleted with the stars to success. Enough with these guys that don't know what they're doing. Finally lets bring in a YOUNG smart coach who isn't a has been with a team elsewhere. The arrows pointing up on this guy and mark my words, wherever he goes he will have success.
  4. Wow a young aeuronatical engineer that's won a super bowl as a defensive coordinator for the Patroits. Why wasn't he even considered for the position? Apparently it sure as heck is rocket science to get this team into the playoffs. http://espn.go.com/boston/nfl/columns/story?columnist=reiss_mike&id=4848283
  5. Well said, I completely agree.
  6. I'm just curious to know when I ever wrote Fitz sucked? Never happened. He's a good QB but he's proven not to be able to take a team to the playoffs. I predict it won't happen this year either. I never thought we should have got rid of him not having a better QB to replace him, but I honestly won't root for him on a division rival team.
  7. I agree with this. When players play on the Buffalo Bills they just don't play with the confidence because they are always met with constant pessimism. When teams play the Bills, they expect to win. The bottom line is that we usually lose the psychological edge in the matchup and either start playing sloppy when the opposing team surprises us with good play or the other team just rises to the occasion and outplays the Bills.
  8. Fitzpatrick embraced Buffalo and is a real gentleman. That being said as I stated in another thread, if it would be the case that Fitz and Gailey would go into the offseason, it would mean that the Jets piggybacked off of miserable years for the Bills franchise in order to let this QB and coach work out the blunders in their game plan and execution. Now I wouldn't be a sore loser about it, but I as a Bills fan wouldn't like to see that situation especially since they are a division rival. Anyways one would have to be delusional to think that the Jets will even make it to the playoffs in the end with Fitzpatrick as their quarterback. It's not going to happen. But as a Bills fan it makes no sense to hope that Fitzpatrick does well with the Jets.
  9. Hussein I agree with you 100%. I can't take the drought anymore.
  10. This just scares me. I don't want to see this guy permanently injured because we need a safety.
  11. Hahahahaha. The Murph reference was priceless.
  12. If there was no Rex there was no Tyrod period. Tyrod knew Rex had been pursuing him for years. The GM wasn't interested and still is largely skeptical of Tyrod. (Being skeptical I agree with at this point especially considering the contract situation.) However give credit where credit was due.
  13. BTW Why do so many people want to see Fitz win a Super Bowl? Look I know he's a nice guy that embraced the community, but he never even took us to the playoffs. If it would be the case that Gailey and Fitz would win it all, it would mean that the Jets piggybacked off of miserable years for the Bills franchise in order to let this coach and QB work out the blunders in their game plan and execution. Now I wouldn't be a sore loser about it, but I sure as a Bills fan wouldn't like to see that situation especially since they are a division rival. Anyways one would have to be delusional to think that the Jets will even make it to the playoffs in the end with Fitzpatrick as their quarterback. It's not going to happen.
  14. The Panthers. Cam Newton is one of the best.
  15. If you're set on a QB you give him a contract, if you're not set you don't pay a QB $18,544,000 for a franchise tag year. That's the current amount a QB gets with a franchise tag. It'll be more next year surely. It's just too expensive if you're unsure.
  16. Give me a break. Coaches and players have careers to account for. So notwithstanding a playoff chance, slim but still there, you expect a coach to throw in the towel? Unbelievable. They will try to finish with a winning record nonetheless.
  17. For some reason it just seems year after year we are stuck in a perpetual cycle of no playoffs no matter what this team does or who it acquires. Half the battle is the fact we are in the same division with the patriots that usually hand us two losses every year. It's hard to hit the playoffs even as a wildcard factoring in a default 2 game deficit at the start of the season. Imagine we would have been in a much better situation even if we would have just won one patriots game this year. Ugh.
  18. Oh I agree wholeheartedly. But out of those teams I am saying that Denver is the best one and subsequently if they're going to lose 2 it's gonna be Denver and one other no matter how unlikely and improbable. I'd love it if just one year things would swing our way.
  19. Bills win out and: -2 Pittsburgh losses (Denver and Baltimore or Cleveland) -the Jets lose 1 game before playing us (New England probably is the best case scenario) -Raiders lose one (they play Green Bay next week)
  20. I support Rex Ryan 100%. It takes time to implement Rex's defense. Ray Lewis said he didn't think any defensive players could adjust to it within the first year. As for the offense, it improved. Be patient. A constant revolving door of coaches and QBs will not do this team any good in the long run.
  21. I agree with you. This is the type of injury that you just don't take a risk with. It could leave him permanently disabled. I couldn't tolerate to watch him play knowing there's a chance he could be seriously injured on any given play. It's a real shame because he was one of my favorite Bills and just a talented football player.
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