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Posts posted by Vinaccia

  1. My favorite thread is the one where they complain it was fixed and there should've been a bunch of penalties on the Bills that weren't called

    LOL mine too! How in the world did the Jets expect to see the postseason with Fitzpatrick when the Bills had years to take the Bills to the playoffs and couldn't? Their good defense and weaker schedule got them to their record, along with a late hot streak in their season. When that defense broke down and the game was put on Fitzpatrick he couldn't sustain the pressure. His record proves that. He had a good overtime win but his track record shows he couldn't sustain that level of play over the long term. And in short he just couldn't rise he occasion like he never could. I'm happy he never made the playoffs. He might be a good man but he led us to miserable years in Buffalo and I'm happy to see a failure of a season for another team within our division with him starting.

  2. Any prototypical sized QB such as Carson Wentz or Kevin Hogan should be a priority outside of the first round. Tyrod is the starter but we definitely need a young QB to be a backup and learn. Barring a QB like Andrew Luck it's always a crapshoot to draft a quarterback. Pick the best one available in the second or third on your board that has the prototypical size, arm strength, and above 60% completion percentage.

  3. http://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2015/12/buffalo_bills_coach_rex_ryan_got_east_carolina_fans_upset_this_week.html



    Rex Ryan has a knack for getting a rise out of people.

    Even this week when he's attempted to be subdued before the Buffalo Bills' Week 17 game against the New York Jets he slipped in a comment that got some people angry at him.

    "But just to get a win, I don't care if we're playing East Carolina, you want to get a win, there's no question about it."

    Ryan's dad Buddy made a similar comment when he has a head coach, noting that there are "No East Carolinas in the NFL."

    As you might expect, East Carolina didn't take too kindly to the jab. According to WNCN in North Carolina, a former chair of the East Carolina Alumni Association, wrote Ryan an angry letter.

    Mr. Ryan,

    I find it ironic that you chose to follow your father's path with the "no East Carolina's" comment. Maybe you should share the records and the facts with him.

    First of all, your father's record as a head coach in 8 seasons is .500. I can see why you are proud of him since your winning percentage is .482 in seven years. I can see that you have proudly followed in your father's footsteps with no conference championships in a combined 15 seasons.

    As far as your team is concerned, in the last 16 seasons the Buffalo Bills have had two winning seasons with 9-7 records. Despite this great run, the Bills have failed to make the playoffs for 16 consecutive years....

    I get the angry letter against Ryan, but I found it ridiculous he goes after the Bills record when Ryan hasn't been on this team long. Perhaps he should've mentioned the fact that Ryan got to two AFC Championship games in a row his first two seasons as the Jets head coach. Such a cheap shot.

  4. So in the press conference where Belichick stated that the firing of Chip Kelly was disappointing, he seemed to get a shot at McCoy in right at the end stating " that said, a lot of the players that were on the Eagles -- that are no longer on the Eagles, aren't really doing too much for anybody else either". Here's the link:




    I think this was a shot at McCoy although I haven't really followed what other former Eagles players have been saying. I don't think it's fair to say "McCoy didn't really do too much for anybody else" as he's a pro bowler that helped bring the Bills to be the number one rushing team in the league.

  5. The Pegulas are making the right decision. With SOME of these ungrateful fans in this town often classified as “irrelevant”, nothing will ever please them. The last coach BAILED on the team... BAILED on them... now the first year in a new system and they go either 7-9 and 8-8 and everyone is acting like the world has ended. It doesn't matter 2 years prior this was a 7-9 team... everyone CONVENIENTLY forgets that. Give Rex Ryan until next year before turning your backs on him. Some of this fanbase is so off track it's not even funny. Absurd.


    Rex WANTED to come here. What relevant coach wanted to come here in the last 20 years? Oh that's right NO coach. Nobody likes Buffalo, the city or the team. Free agents FINALLY want to come to Buffalo. Too many disloyal fans expecting MIRACLES to be done. Without stability, WINNING IS NOT IN THE QUESTION. In terms of why the Jets are doing well now as opposed to last year? The GM decided to get some excellent cornerbacks that were absolutely essential to Rex's defense that he was deprived of last year. Didn't matter if the LBs and defensive line knew the system well, it hinged on good corner play. As to why we can't do well this year, it's because only a couple guys like Graham and Lawson know the system and the main guy Aaron Williams was out who was supposed to be a leader. It doesn't matter having great cornerbacks if the system isn't understood yet.


    It takes TIME. Rex Ryan decided to come here without even a mediocre QB. He brought in a QB that has exceeded everyone’s expectations and also a star offensive guard that has allowed us to be the number one rushing offense placing us as a statistically much better offense than last year. As far as the defense regressing, as it has been stated, Rex runs a highly complicated defense that takes players being forced to play it over a couple years. If we had better linebackers which the system relies on this would have been a much smoother transition. It is absurd to think that many Bills fans want to run out of town the one coach that WANTED TO BE IN BUFFALO and improved many parts of the team while making this town relevant again.

  6. Eccellente!!! I don't care if he didn't believe in Rex's system, for a million a game he should have been the leader learning that scheme and executing it inside and ot and I don't care how many all nighters it took. That was his responsibility. He has the talent and body to excel with it. He's just lazy to study a somewhat difficult playbook. Therefore it's great his lazy one dimensional mind is getting cut.

  7. He's absolutely right. People here don't want to accept we didn't have a talented team last year and that it takes over a year to turn a team like the Bills around. That 9-7 record was gifted to us by a second string Pats team the last game. Hardly we were a a 9-7 team. MUCH of that record also had to do with amazing play from Carpenter. NOBODY wants to acknowledge and attribute wins coming from Carpenter last year. He was a huge piece to that offense and simply is not producing this year.

  8. We are loaded with talent but it's been wasted. That's why I'm so down on Rex.

    Listen if next year we aren't playing well and still look lost on defense I'd say your criticism is justified, but to just criticize the head coach that REALLY wanted to be a part of this team and community after the first year is just unfair. It takes at least a year of letting the coach learn his team, evaluate the personnel, and make changes accordingly. Remember Rex decided to come here when we didn't have a quarterback that was worth anything. He brought in Tyrod Taylor that is setting team records. He brought in Incognito as well. He brought in Percy Harvin (who was critical in some wins earlier this season). He addressed the offense and yes he deserves credit -- not just Roman. So yes, I don't think for a minute that the Pegulas chose the wrong coach. Had Tyrod not got injured and we won in Jacksonville, nobody would have been talking so terribly about Ryan. Aaron Williams the key player who was going to be the critical leader on the defense got injured terribly and we lost him for the year. Then Kyle Williams went out for the season. Last week Gilmore. Why isn't anybody appreciating the fact that we have 12 starters out and we might break even? What coach did this? Marrone went 7-9 and then was gifted 9-7 by the second string Pats team in the second half of the last game last year. That defense had no injuries and played lights out. I just find it terrible this coach that carries a lot of national attention making us relevant not only to the media, but to NFL free agents as well, who chose this small market team and embraced the community, is not being supported by the fans.

  9. Yes, the Jets may make the playoffs but in large part were helped by their 4th place schedule versus the Bills 2nd place schedule.


    Doesn't make a difference, you say?


    Well, consider the Jets got to play the Browns and the Raiders while the Bills played the Bengals and the Chiefs. Jets played teams with a combined 10-20 record while the Bills played teams with a 21-8 record, both of which will likely be heading to the playoffs. If you think that doesn't make a difference, you are crazy.


    Granted, the Jets did a better job against the 8 easy games from the AFC South/NFC East, going 6-2 versus the Bills, who went 4-4, but we also beat the Jets head to head once and I wouldn't be surprised if we beat them again next Sunday.


    This great disparity people think there is between the Jets and the Bills simply doesn't exist, and in large part is reflected in their record because of playing a 4th place schedule versus a 2nd place schedule AND the fact they have been one of the healthiest teams in the NFL this year. In fact, in some advanced metrics sites, such as this one:




    the Jets have played the easiest schedule in the NFL. Notice the Bills and Jets are ranked right below each other even though the Jets have a 3 game advantage in the win column.


    So, while the Jets may make the playoffs this year, they were helped greatly by their schedule, and lack of key injuries.


    People say all that matters is wins and losses, and that is true, but who you get to play and how many players you have injured sure play a large role in determining your wins and losses as well...

    You're absolutely right. The people that will disagree with you are just negative and unrealistic.

  10. Probably but it's be easier to pull the trigger losing 4 in a row to end the season.

    Lmao like that will solve any issues with this team. Just so we can get the next Dick Jauron, Chan Gailey, etc. IM SO SURE FREE AGENTS WILL LOVE TO JOIN A NO NAME TEAM. Ugh it's fans that want immediate results after our last coach who couldn't break .500 in his tenure bailed on us, that insult the integrity of this fan base.

  11. Mario Williams is unprofessional in his behavior. I don't care if he worked well in a 4-3, he makes about a million a game and he should pull all nighters studying and watching greats like Bruce Smith videos learning how to be effective in a 3-4 defense if that's what it takes. For the money he's making, it's his responsibility to do it. He's got the physical gift and talent but he's just lazy to do it. Instead with this attitude he's got, he's getting paid about a million a game to quit on plays, complain, and discourage the whole locker room. What is his coach's response? Complete understanding and states the fan base should know the truth of how players feel. Both should be fired. Both are unprofessional. This team won't be great with either of these overpaid underachievers.

  12. It's belicheck .....don't be fooled. He is the reason they win.


    Belichick hand-picked this coach for the Patriots and has been impressed with what he has brought to the Patriots. He brings a unique skill set that no other coach in the NFL brings. Listen yes nothing in aeronautical engineering transfers over directly to football, but what does transfer over is methodology, discipline, hard-work ethic, and the ability to put in long hours of study to achieve success. Now you pair that together with a great football mind that knows offense from being a star center and guard in college calling all the plays, while also being a mastermind defensive coordinator, then you have a recipe for success.

    maybe after the Czar blows things up you will get your wish

    That's right you never know and it would be great to have a head coach that knows both sides of the ball in and out. A former outstanding center and guard he knows exactly what it takes for offensive success as well as defensive success, being a defensive coordinator with very little talent to work with and being the number 6 top defense in the league. You really need a disciplined coach that can understand both sides of the ball otherwise you will fail every season. At the end of the day who knows though, it might be the Bills go another season with Rex, lose and Patricia is still available as the defensive coordinator. That's what's more probable. I just can't see the Pegulas firing Rex even with a football czar in their first full season as owners.

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