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Posts posted by LI_Bills

  1. Sorry if I was not clear. My point is that finding a great NFL QB is not easy so if you are going to wait and find a franchise QB before you try and compete is not a satisfactory plan. Everyone can agree a great QB is really a huge help, but very few play the position well-- it's actually amazing how few given the population size. 20 or so starting QBs are B- quality and below, it's just a fact. And talent evaluators generally cannot forecast who will be a good QB, as you see so many high pick busts and the 10 or so elite ones often were not highly regarded at draft time, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Prescott, etc. I believe the dearth of QB talent and the inability to identify good QBs is having a major negative impact on the popularity of the game, given how critical the position is to success.


    So the repeated mantra is we have no chance without a QB so why worry when you don't have one is not really meaningful because it is not like making a stop at the grocery store and picking one up. And my point about buying more lottery tickets is that the Bills need to take more swings at finding a good QB, because they are so hard to find you need to get lucky and you can't get lucky without taking more possible QBs.



    I can pretty much agree with all of this.



    I agree with it as well


    Me too.


    I'll add that a rookie QB has a better chance of success if he comes in surrounded by talent and competitive teams are in a better position to attract veteran talent (i.e. - Manning/Broncos) if the draft picks are busts.

  2. I cannot wait for that day.


    The only thing I have on them is the Mets are 1-0 against the Red Sox in the WS. lol


    Me too.


    Two weeks ago I was having lunch on a ski day and a table or two away I overheard a father telling his two young sons about game 6. He was describing how torturous it was, but he did it with a smile on his face because of their more recent success (probably the Pats success too).


    One day that will be us.

  3. Blanda threw into his late 30's, but kicked until his early 90's, I think. And that was before the great Brady diet. Remarkable.


    Marino had a freaky quick release. It wasn't a hit that was his down fall as I remember it. It was a normal drop and a non-contact Achilles tear. Never the same after that.


    Kelly just had his arm fall off at some point. Not sure if there was a lingering injury or what, but it sure went downhill fast at the end.


    I was trying to point out that Marinos quick release allowed him to prevent sacks...something Matt Ryan could have done to ensure a SB trophy. As I recall Marino got criticized for giving up on plays and throwing the ball away instead of taking a sack cuz he didn't want to get hit. I never bought into that argument.


    One of the worst picks was OT Mike Williams with the 4th pick of the 2002 draft. That pick should end up as a long-time starter, which he was not. That didn't hurt that much though since Jason Peters, an undrafted free agent, eventually beat him out for the LT spot. Still you'd like better return from the 4th pick.


    I remember thinking that was a great pick. At the time a prevailing theory was that bookend tackles were smart/safe picks. Which I think was also before the rookie pay scales were implemented. It's easier now to take a chance and not be locked in to an absurd contract

    I wouldn't mind this at all. Why not???


    Throw enough ***** at the wall and somethings bound to stick? Unless you're putting everyone on a one year make/break trial I think drafting a QB every year doesn't make sense. I do think that the OP pointed out an alarming trend that needs to be corrected.


    I get what you are saying, its just unfortunately not accurate. QBs before Montana's ERA, during his ERA and even just a bit later than his ERA have played into their later 30's and into their 40's. Guys like Blanda, Moon, Marino, Testaverde, Farve all played during ERA's that took a beating for most their careers. You mention Marino, and he was 39 when he retired and still could have kept playing had he chose to but the Dolphins team was not very good and didn't have a lot of talent on it at that point of his career.


    Brady is one of the best of all time, and probably the best ever, at using his feet to create time and separation in the pocket to avoid taking hits. His longevity is a function of how mobile he is in the pocket and much he works on his body. Its like Floyd Mayweather...the reason he has lasted so long is his uncanny ability to avoid taking damage and how hard he is too hit. Its very hard to get to Brady because he is so good at avoiding the pressure and getting rid of the ball quickly.


    Any reference to Blanda deserves major props. I had to look up his stats and was surprised to see he was still throwing passes in his late 30's. I remember him as one of the last non-soccer style kickers. Never saw him throw a pass. Well done.


    My recollection is that Marino was the king of the quick release and avoided many sacks (not saying he didn't take his beatings). Something Matt Ryan could have benefited from on that fateful 2nd down.

  6. The Bills should draft a QB EVERY YEAR until they find the next one.


    I've heard this from many others in many posts and I understand the sentiment. So what do we do with the guy we pick each year? Let him sit and develop (if so, for how long?) or just throw him out there and let him sink or swim? Not worry about developing a competitive team until we have found "the guy" to build around?


    I just don't see drafting a QB every year as a cut and dried decision.


    Take this year for example. My feeling is that Tyrod is OK but needs to show improvement and we need to plan for the possibility that we need to move on from him (cue the Tyrod non-believer posts). Have we given up on Cardale? If so, we need to draft a QB this year when the general consensus is that the QB prospects will be better next year. Do we think Mahomes/Trubisky/Watson or whoever is "the man"? If so, by all means go get him but I don't think you can do that every year until it works.


    Back to the OP's point: 5 since 1996 is ridiculous

  7. With the benefit of hindsight this may sound stupid, but at the time I actually thought making the reach for EJ was a good move. They saw the guy they wanted at the most important position and made sure they got him.


    Problem was it turned out to be a big swing and miss.


    Years ago I read something about how Jerry Jones would go after talented, high risk castoffs in free agency. Coming from the oil industry he was used to spending tons of cash drilling dry holes in the hopes that he'd strike oil on one of them. As it was told, that's how he made his fortune.


    The 5 since 2001 points out that we need to take more chances regardless which round.

  8. So don't. This is sports. People debate about sports. Talking about who we feel is the greatest is something people do. If you don't like it, sit it out. No one is making you. Just don't come here and tell people that shouldn't talk about it. We can't anoint "the greatest", merely discuss it


    Lighten up. I didn't mean to imply that others shouldn't discuss. I was just expressing my opinion on the topic. If you don't like it, you could just as easily ignore it.



    Even if Montana won a fifth, 5-2 STILL > 5-0.


    This whole 'well Brady lost two Super Bowls; Montana didn't lose any' is not only the dumbest football argument I've ever heard, it defies middle school level logic. If you think 4-0 > 5-2 or even 4-2 (Brady was ALREADY the best ever before this past Super Bowl), you are NECESSARILY saying that Montana EARNED points for LOSING three conference championship games. Look, Super Bowl wins count the most, of course. But conference championships are A GOOD THING. They're not this risky proposition that "well you better be careful now that you're in the Super Bowl because if you lose it actually counts against your legacy and you'd have been better off going 6-10 this season." I don't know how else to say it. It's maddening.


    It's maddening to me why it matters to anoint a GOAT. How about:


    "Otto Graham played in the NFL for 6 seasons and 4 seasons in the AAFC (which later merged into the NFL) and went to 10 championship games and won 7 of them"


    I'm not saying Brady was better than Montana or Graham or whoever, I just think comparing across eras makes no sense.

  10. Very good point, which is why I won't waste too much time comparing eras. It's not the same thing these days.


    Could not agree any more. I'm not sure why it's so important to declare any player the "best ever". Statistics are completely irrelevant across eras and the eye ball test doesn't work unless you saw the guy play.

    It was sarcasm.


    Well then thanks for the back up!

  11. As much as I'd like to believe the coddled thing, the guy has what appears to be from an outside ameatuer speculator view an abnormal, ney almost pathological competitive nature.


    I'm not sold, there isn't a definition of football Brady wouldn't figure out how to be great at. He whines for the yards. I've seen Him bounce up after almost snapping in half on a goal line sneak.


    People think he would've gotten his tail kicked in old school football? Well so would have most of the other guys. Cam is the only guy out there looking like an LB.


    I've heard the argument that the best players in this era would be just as good if they played in another era. Could be, we'll never know. Maybe there would've been another guy back then that would've made his mark if it wasn't "old school football". Or maybe Tebow would've been a monster in a bygone era.


    The broken record (me) says that comparing players from different eras is pointless.

  12. I think it's a pointless exercise to try to anoint someone the best of all time.


    The game has consistently changed...rule changes, conditioning, free agency, salary cap...and by the way it's a team sport right? So lets throw in coaching and team make up to the mix.


    Who on this site ever saw Otto Graham? Not me, and I'm no spring chicken. From what I've been told Archie Manning was a phenomenal QB on phenomenally lousy teams.


    And while I'm on the Manning family, the Peyton Manning/Brady debate was a great one because they actually played in the same era. The perception is often that Brady killed Manning head-to-head, but how about on the biggest stage (for them it was AFC championship). And hypotehtically if they switched teams/coaches would one look better than the other?


    All my hot air aside, for years I put Peyton and Brady in the same category and never considered one better than the other. I'll grudgingly give Brady the nod for longevity and too many games like the last Super Bowl.


    But is Brady better than Graham or Montana? Not a fair comparison for any of those players IMO.

  13. Are the same people that think this is an all pass league the same ones that killed the Falcons for not running the ball in the second half?


    I'm all for balance and personnel. Right now with McCoy and Tyrod a road-grader FB makes sense to me, we are more suited to run so lets fortify that while acknowledging that the passing game needs work.


    A 16 game season from Sammy would help the passing game.


    As for Tyrod, it is what it is, there are many other threads in which to vent. IMO we can be competitive with him, but I get the concerns that the best is not yet to come.

  14. I agree. Overall I think the entire color rush idea is terrible.


    But, there were a few that were decent.


    I like the Chargers the most. I always liked their electric blue uniforms during the Dan Fouts days.


    I know the powder blue is the most celebrated of the Chargers, but the electric blue is underrated.


    No doubt...Winslow, Joiner, Jefferson.


    Alsworth and the powder blue pre-dates me...and thats saying something!

  15. That would be cool.


    I think the Chargers have the best color rush uniforms.


    That's like having the best hemorrhoids to me.


    No offense, admittedly those unis aren't as bad as some of the others, I just despise the whole concept and I'll never forgive the NFL for the Bills/Jets elf bowl.

  16. What is this Dead Set on Life and Tailgate32 Episode Buffalo filming you talk of? I'm not a fan of Thursday or Monday Night games. It makes for a long day and of course the fans are younger and Generally don't know how to pace themselves. While I enjoy going to Sunday 1pm games, a 4pm start on October 8th (Columbus Day US Thanksgiving Day Canada is Oct 9) would be a nice change of pace.


    As an out-of-towner whose youngest is dying to go to a game I've had my eye on the Columbus Day game the past few years. Don't think we'll make the tailgate...wifey would be horrified.


    As for Thursday night scheduling, I'd like to see them mix it up with less divisional games.

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