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Posts posted by LI_Bills

  1. I'll continue to say that if his leash was this short you fire him in january. Either you commit to him or you don't. You don't let a guy you don't believe in run the coaching search, free agency and the draft before moving on him


    Agreed. I think it's pure speculation that McD has been given the keys to the kingdom. It's entirely believable to me that they decided that Whaleys time behind the mike and camera should be limited after the week 16 press conference without thinking it's time to show him the door.

  2. This doesn't really relate to the specifics of to op, but I feel like McDermott is the end of a long journey for us,


    He's not going to be a 3 or 5 year coach. This is our coach for the next 10 -20. He's dedifucated to his craft. Incredibly hard worker. Smart and gets it.


    He's our Belichick. I'm stoked.


    I hope you are right (although personally I'd have stayed away from the Belichick comparison)

  3. Yes, and unfortunately the obsession with walks and "working the count" caught on around the league and is now a major contributing factor to three and a half hour baseball games, which are now the norm.


    Probably true but it's made worse by batters stepping out of the box to scratch themselves between every pitch.


    In football the game is moved along by the play clock, but the commercials drag the game out.


    Not sure how others feel but for baseball I never feel like commercials are the problem with long games, it's more the pace of play.

  4. Just saw my first "point to first" intentional walk. Hate it.


    Makes sense in softball, not buying into it for baseball.


    Not sure how much time it saves compared to other areas like the batter staying in the box between pitches, mound visits or instant replay reviews.


    What really bothers me is a softball trend I saw where guys who hit HRs over the wall but don't touch the bases. Is that next?


    Not my baseball!

  5. Born and bred Long Island, Mets/Bills/Islanders since the early 70's. Love where the Mets are at right now. Always room for improvement and plenty of legit concerns but this team is positioned pretty well for both short and long term success.


    On a brighter note, I was at Shea (it will always be Shea to me) for opening day! LGM!




    That makes no sense. You don't call a brand new stadium that never had another name by the name of the demolished stadium it replaced.


    Calling New Era Field Rich Stadium or the Ralph is completely different, because it's the same building.


    Would anyone call the dome where the Sabres play The Aud? Of course not.


    As someone who grew up at Shea, I get it HTO2. I don't call it Shea anymore, cuz I never took my boys there (missed by a year) but I get it. I've been to a bunch of Jets/Bills at the Meadowlands and it will never be MetLife to me.

  7. It's awesome that a guy with no broadcasting experience whatsoever can immediately be hired by a national network and be elevated to the top broadcasting team in his first season. I wish my career started out that way.


    That surprised me too.


    Like a few others I was skeptical when I first heard the reports that he was leaving football for broadcasting. But now I find it hard to believe he'd give up the top spot that was handed to him to and go back to playing.

  8. Wasn't this the same year as the Vinny Testaverde phantom TD where his helmet was a yard or two short of the goal line, let alone the ball?


    Pretty sure that bad officiating in 1998 spurred the reincarnation of instant replay. I always thought Bills/Pats game played a big part even though the Jets TD got more press...I think it kept the Seahawks out of the playoffs.


    As for frustrating losses, the night game we blew against the Cowboys on two late long FG's should be mentioned if it hasn't been already.

  9. Not to split hairs but I'm pretty sure the Jets have actually drafted a QB 5 of the last 6, two in a row for Maccagnan. Maybe he's like a lot of posters here...draft one until you strike gold.


    Hackenberg didn't even suit up as a 3rd stringer in a year where Fitz, Geno and Petty all got hurt so I assume he's still considered a project at best. Petty probably showed enough to get a chance to compete. McKown looks like a safety net to me.


    i expect the Jets to bring someone else in either through the draft or otherwise. The 6 spot seems like a stretch, but with QB's you just never know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


    The owner would probably love to bring Romo in, but honestly that doesn't look like it makes any sense for the team or the player.

  10. Amen brother! I can't argue with that description of myself. Why else would I choose to cheer for the Mets over the Yankees, the Islanders over the Rangers and of course the Bills over the Giants. I even moved from the NYC area 10 years ago and could have jumped on the Brady bandwagon, life would be so much easier. "Without suffering how could we know joy"? :)


    I'm right there with you on Bills, Mets, Islanders. Bills and islanders each had one good stretch. Mets are like cicadas waking up every 17 years or so and then disappearing.

  11. if i recall, the Seahawks started off in the NFC West when they first joined the league


    Outstanding. I had to look it up but you are right and I had no recollection of that. Are they the only team that changed conferences twice? Can't think of another.

    Off topic but interesting fact from Wikipedia:

    "The Seahawks are the only NFL team to switch conferences twice in the post-merger era. The franchise began play in 1976 in the NFC West division but switched conferences with the Buccaneers after one season and joined the AFC West."




    Outstanding. I had to look it up but you are right and I had no recollection of that. Are they the only team that changed conferences twice? Can't think of another.


    ....a minute late and a dollar short, thanks Uncle Joe.

  12. moved to Ontario from British Columbia when I was 19. I grew up rooting for the Raiders and Seahawks (and still do). A friend brought me to a Bills game on a bus tour package. Saw the Bills in their glory years versus Elway in his prime. That same season I went to the final home game where they clinched the division against the Jets. I was hooked. I convinced a few drinking buddies we should go in a season ticket package and we're still at it 13 years later. Bad football, great memories.


    Wasn't too long ago that the Raiders and Seahawks were division rivals.

  13. What the heck is a moneyball approach?



    It works in baseball but not for football.



    stats based personnel selection


    I could be wrong but i thought that Moneyball had to do with a small market team trying to remain competitive with large market teams through stats because they couldn't compete strictly from a revenue/salary perspective. The idea was to find value in players where other teams weren't looking because those would be lower salaried players.


    That might not translate as well to the NFL due to the salary cap, but the Osweiler trade was an interesting twist in that the Browns recognized that they had excess value in having to spend up to the minimum spot and they exploited that for the draft picks.

  14. I have a lot of similarities to others.


    Born and raised in Northern California, and as a kid I liked teams that were winning. I was actually a Dolphins fan for awhile. Even cheered for the Bengals a little.



    In my case it was Long Island and somehow I became a fan of the Super Bowl winner every year until my father took me aside and explained how bogus that was. He was from Chicago, Mom from Boston so no allegiance to Jets or Giants and neither team had a real superstar except for Namath whose knees were shot. But there was:


    ...a certain generational running back from USC... who, despite all that's happened in the intervening years, might just have been the most exciting football player that I have ever seen


    Yup, blame it on OJ! I decided on the Bills as my team in large part due to OJ and I've stuck with them ever since.


    ... my boys are fans if they want to live in my. House. Just kidding, but I raised them to love the Bills. It's too bad they've never seen a top Bills team.


    Pretty much the same. I wonder if this could be considered a form of child abuse. Both are all in with the Bills and lately have been nagging me that they want to go to a game. I won't take them to see the Jets so a trip to Buffalo is in order.



    I still have yet to go to my first game in Buffalo. I


    I've made the trip twice. Both wins (Pats and Bears) with Flutie under center, so it's been awhile. One was a guy road trip and the other time my GF surprised me with tix for my birthday. I married her. Will more than likely make it up next year with the whole family.

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