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Posts posted by LI_Bills

  1. So far I've heard, "solid vet," and "knows the playbook." He's a 30 year-old QB that averages 6.8 yards per attempt and has 6 TDs vs. 8 INTs IN HIS CAREER!! That's a "solid vet?!?" Does anyone really believe that Peterman can't equal that production?


    I don't want Peterman to equal that production, I want him to exceed it. Question to me is whether he's ready to do either. I look at Yates as a short-term insurance policy. Ideally Peterman moves past Yates on the depth chart quickly, but the kid is a late rounder who's never been to camp. I have no particular love for Yates but having a vet with a playoff win under his belt as a care-taker is fine with me.

  2. I like your concept but don't like the model presented.

    Maybe Playoff teams go from pick 32 and so on up. The remaining teams go into a lottery. The worse your record the more lottery tickets you get. Then draw lottery style for picks 1 thru 20. When your number is drawn your remaining tickets are removed and the slots are filled. So the worse team statistically has the best chance to draw #1 but not guaranteed. The 19th ranked team could draw first.


    That's pretty good.


    Would a team tank the season if they knew that coming in last only game them a 50% chance at the #1? I wonder what the threshold would be.

  3. Has there been a team that tanked and became a perennial contender as a result?


    The Colts tried to and got Luck, but how far has that taken them? I don't remember tank jobs resulting in a dominant team with Brady, Rodgers, Ben,...


    Maybe Peyton, but I don't recall talk about that being a tank job.


    No matter what system you come up with there will be some team trying to game it.


    With that said, the weighted lotto makes the most sense to me...up until a top 4 team lands a top 4 pick.

  4. I think a better plan would be to add two games and a bye week and play Superbowl on Presidents day weekend on Sunday


    Minus the extra two games, I've been saying this for the past few years. I would have no problem starting the regular season a week or two later. Football is a cold weather sport to me.


    I think I suggested the Presidents weekend SB once on this board and was told not to drink so much during the Super Bowl. Sigh.

  5. I grew up in the 60's and 70's, a time with lots of fantastic music. Time and again, I would see references to classical pieces listed as influences in the songs I liked. The catalyst fir me was the soundtrack for the movie A Clockwork Orange, specifically the Molto Vivace segment of Beethoven's Ninth:



    But many, many more gems were to follow.....


    I don't own any classical music but I appreciate well played music when I hear it. My kids are in the middle school range and play band instruments and while I much prefer jazz band there was a concert this year where I told wifey that I thought the orchestra was the most enjoyable.

  6. I became a huge JJ fan based solely on the Curious George soundtrack. I've bought everything he puts out ever since. BTW, he is overdue.


    When I saw him play Upside Down live it brought a tear to my eye thinking of my kids (couples night out).


    I associate a lot of fond memories of my life with JJ songs. I make slide shows and DVDs for family vacations and JJ songs are often the background music. I've shed a tear on many occasions with songs like Better Together as the background to great memories, First slideshow I ever were made was to Upside Down and my kids at Sesame Place.


    Putting JJ aside, I was recently at Wrigley Field for a Cubs game and shed a tear at the 7th inning stretch when they did the Harry Caray "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" tribute. It was my first game at Wrigley having watched games on TV since my youth.


    I was 26 and living in Hollywood and a huge rock fan. I used to drive by the Troubadour on Santa Monica every day and would often see the band Guns N' Roses on the marquee. Thought it was a cool name but working nights in restaurants I never was able to see them. I remember exactly where I was driving when I heard Welcome to the Jungle for the first time. The song blew me away but what REALLY blew me away was when the DJ, after the song, said it was from the debut album by Guns N' Roses. !@#$!! I'll never get to see them in a small club now. :wallbash:


    My happy ending story: I was vaguely aware of a band named Metallica after reading a review by Jon Zazula in a crude black and white publication from my local metal record store.


    At a camp site with friends on a Friday night, we got graciously kicked out by state troopers without repercussions around midnight for our behavior and things in our possession. On the way home trying to figure out where we would sleep the rest of the night we heard on the radio that Raven (an English band we were familiar with) were playing with Metallica the next night. I told my metal friend we should go based on the review i read.


    The shorter story: we saw Metallica in a small, empty bar a week before Kill 'Em All came out and it was jaw dropping.

  8. Two all beef patties

    Special sauce





    sesame seed bun


    This got an audible laugh out of me.


    My go to is the boring but outstanding French Dip.


    Serious question: how does French Dip differ from Beef on Weck? They sound similar to me.


    He's seen them many times. He refers to them as "Patriotic Hookers."


    The trailer park place looks awesome!!!


    Cowgirl Seahorse has a nice menu but, damn, 15 bucks for two hot dogs is steep! Not that I'm cheap (okay, I am) but dropping 15 on two dogs is nuts.


    Will definitely check out Washington Square Park for the street performers. We love those.


    Thanks for the suggestions, man!!


    Whatever you do, I'm sure you and your son will have a great time.


    Another thing to consider if you haven't done it already is the Blue Man Group. It's pricy but worth it. Saw it 14+ years ago wth wife-to-be and again last year with the whole fam. Loved it both times. It started in a tiny theater in NYC and is still in the same place. It expanded to a bunch of other cities so it's not as novel as it once was, but definitely something to consider either this year or in the future.


    I think my comment may have been misunderstood. When I said they "were" rock in the 80s, what I mean is that they were playing another level of real rock .. above most other bands in that era.


    I will agree, wholeheartedly, that Def Leppard and Motley Crue were also above the fray, as far as talent and originality.


    I'll also opine that no one in that era, and even in eras before and after, lived the rock and roll lifestyle harder than Motley Crue.


    Did you ever listen to the Heroin Diaries by Sixx A.M.? It's all about that era. There was a book by the same name. It was pretty cool to read his entries around the days that I saw them.

  11. Not sure if this passes the "actual experience" sniff test, but my sister said this place was pretty cool:




    I think she told me her friend ordered champagne in a can.


    I had a nice meal (and way too many drinks) at this place which isn't too far from where you are staying:




    I've seen some cool street performers at Washington Square park...I imagine any NY parks would have the same. Since you're downtown you may as well walk over to Battery Park.


    If you're hungry after the 9/11 memorial you can go across the street to Brookfield Place. They have a big food court, grab what you want and eat outside.


    I"m sorry, but I couldn't disagree with what you've written, more.


    I didn't say they defined 80s rock and roll. I'm saying that they bent it over and !@#$ed it in the arse.


    Make no mistake - GnR were a hair band. They just took the music to another level and they were real badasses and not pretty boys like many of the other posers. That's why they're still around and in demand.


    And the grunge movement was far, far, far removed from they typical L.A. hair band era, even though it was basically happening at the same time.


    I hear ya, but when I think of hair bands I'm thinking of bands like Poison, Ratt,, Extreme and Motley (once they hit mainstream). Musically it was closer to pop than metal to my ears.


    Axl teased his hair to the moon on Appetite because he had to, but musically they had nothng to do with the hair bands.


    Just my opinion.

  13. Epic album.


    Musically, there was a lot going on in the 80s. These guys managed to, in one album, incorporate hair band, keyboards, rock ballads and - thanks to Slash and his Les Paul - classic rock/blues guitar. So many rock bands back then sounded alike. Axl Rose's vocals and Slash's guitar playing (no shredding, no overuse of the whammy bar) set them apart from most of the others.


    These guys, and this album, were rock and roll in the 80s.

    Appetite came out in 1987 and took some time to get traction, so by no means did GNR define rock and roll in the 80s.


    From my perspective, that decade was dominated by MTV "bands/songs" and metal/hair bands.


    With that said, GNR kicked a## and paved the way for the grunge bands in the early 90's.

  14. Why will there never be another Guns and Roses or Metallica ?


    Why is rock so dead?


    As best as I can tell, teens of any generation prefer not to associate with the music of their parents, so from a popularity standpoint, no there will never be another G and R or Metallica.


    At the same time rock isn't dead. There are still rock bands putting out great music and touring, they just appeal less to the younger generation.


    Magpie Salute might be worth checking out if you're into bands like the Stones, Led Zep and (mostly) the Black Crowes.

  15. Last game in Chicago, Opening Day a few years back. I parked @ work by Navy Pier and was going to take a cab up to Lincoln Park after dropping my car off. So I am standing in the cab stand in front of The Pier and there are ton of people ahead of me. I see three Bills fans, all decked out in full Bills apparel, get in back seat of a cab. I shout: "Hey Bills fans, where you going?" They said Lincoln Park. I said the same and asked if they mind I grab the passenger seat. They said no problem. During the ride we talk, told them I live here, etc... etc... Standard convo. After cab ride, I paid the full fare. They thanked me and offered to buy me a drink, but we were going to different places. I thanked them for letting me tag along. They got a free ride and I jumped the huge queue. The Chicago people ahead of me didn't look amused. LoL


    So you work the lock by Navy Pier? I was in Chicago recently and went thru on a Sea Dog cruise Saturday after the 4th. I had no idea there was a even a lock there til that day.

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