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Posts posted by LI_Bills

  1. 33 pages for a rumor. Very impressive boys and girls.

    I can not believe they would have made this decision already. It has nothing to do with the Jets game.

    First they don't have to make a decision right now. Second they don't have a HC to get their input.

    This is 100% speculation.


    Could they have made the decision before the Jets game? That would have cut off any conversation about injury, no? Sure there would have been blowback from the media, but if the decision was made back then, why wait?

  2. Agreed 100 percent. Has had Dick Lebeau and Bruce Arians as coordinators. Inherited the number one defence at the time, and a hall of fame QB


    No doubt, it helps to have a HOF QB :)


    Tomlin has always struck me as a leader of men. His demeanor on the sideline and in press conferences has always impressed me. I remember he was asked about the wildcat and he made a comment to the effect that he welcomed the challenge to see if those offenses would have the will to let their QB get hit that much.


    Only time I was disappointed in him was the sideline interference fiasco.


    EDIT: I almost forgot that I also held him accountable for the Joey Porter incident with the Bungles.

  3. Tyrod will not be a starting QB in NFL next year unless it's with the Bills. I don't see that happening unless it's a clear stop gap, i.e. Case Keenum situation in LA


    Romo notwithstanding, how about the Jets? Clear upgrade in my mind. Petty didn't show much and Hackenberg didn't show enough to be active all year.


    Throw in all the picks the Jets have used on QB's recently Hackenberg, Petty, Tajh Boyd(!), Geno, took-a-year-off, McElroy and I think Tyrod would look attractive to them at the right price.

  4. Caveat - I'm not a crazy guy and I'm not saying this happened, just suggesting an interesting (and unlikely) possibility.


    I used to read a lot of Tom Clancy books. In one he outlined how to smoke out a mole and when I saw this post and thought about the other "leaks" it made me think for one crazy second about this possibility.


    So if your Pegula and you're not happy with the Rex firing leaks, how do you find the source? You plant stories with different people...Russ is told Tyrod's a goner, Whaley's told he's staying for sure,...


    Doesn't matter whether Schefter or LaConjecture (props to whoever came up with that one!) breaks the story that Tyrod is a goner, we know the source ties back to Russ.

  5. Hall-of-Famer?!?!


    Sorry Fezmid if you're out there, but maybe next year is Drew's time to shine. :worthy:


    Mawae deserves to be a finalist, but I didn't have him in. Titans/Ravens with Eddie George vs. Ray Lewis was a thing before Steelers/Ravens.

    Fairly weak class. Kurt Warner gets in this time as there is no competition.


    Now the WR log jam has cleared, it will also make way for TO.


    Others making in would be Lynch, Faneca, LT and Morten Anderson.


    Boselli like Davis will be hurt because of the smaller number of years in the league.

    Good luck to all these gr8 players.

    I'm still scarred by Boselli shutting down Bruce Smith..that was enough for me.

  6. 28 pages of posts for Hogan?


    Good player, I wish him all the best (well not really since he's a Patriot now).


    He is a healthy receiver on the Pats so he will get catches if he's good enough to make the roster.


    Who was the guy that had 20 receptions in the SB, Deion Branch? Went to Seattle, did nothing, came back to the Pats and lasted a year or so. Probably an above average receiver at his peak the SB year

  7. The thing to remember is that the Buffalo media is filled with hacks. A few are really good, but most are hacks. They are interested in grinding their ax, not reporting or finding out relevant information. That press conference was crazy - all these idiot "reporters" trying to trap whaley into sounding stupid rather than finding actual valuable information. To me it sounded like the reporters already had their narrative, and were just trying to find quotes to fill out their story. Unprofessional.


    I disagree that it's just the Buffalo media, but I agree that much of the media sucks. Sharks looking for blood and attacking at the first scent.


    In another post I linked to a Pro Football Talk article trying to kill the Cowboys for late Xmas deliveries. Football news, right?


    Did you see where a reporter suggested to the OWNER that he should fire himself in SF?



    holy cow, Mead! This is not how he came off. BB "gives nothing". Parcels "gave nothing" (except disdain and abuse to his questioners).


    Whaley came off as either clueless or (at best) deceptive.


    I though he was incapable of delivering the message that Pegula ended up delivering afterwards...and that's whether you believe the message they wanted to deliver or not.

  8. Since when is Lynn a "don't let him leave the building" guy?


    And who is the can't miss vet HC that won't come to Buffalo because of the "dysfunction"? Only one that comes to my mind is Payton and it's not clear if he's available. Plus after the Rex misfire it's time to go with an unproven.


    Much like QB's there are only 32 HC jobs available, I'm fine with Lynn...unless he isn't fine with us. A lot of fish in the pond and I'm not sure what distinguishes him from the others.

  9. Let me start by saying Doug Whaley behind a podium on a good day with good news is terrible. Whaley has needed media training from Day 1. The recent media disasters and confusing messaging with Lynn and Whaley start with the mishandling by the Bills communication team and SVP Scott Berchtold should be held accountable. And savvy experienced media relations pro would have identified the risks with both pressers and planned a strategy with prepared statements delivering succinct transparent messaging with clarity on Tyrod and Rex situations especially given Whaley's media experience. Whaley had the perfect opportunity to come clean on both situations and take charge. Well thought out scripted statements with honesty and clarity would have improved the Bills position and credibility. Instead they put Lynn in the line of fire and Whaley delivered a presser that was a national disaster raising red flags with any potential coach not to mention upcoming free agents. The presser was so bad the Bills had to go into "damage control" with an exclusive article by John Harrow, all likely set up by Bertchold. Why didn't they set the record straight before the Whaley and Lynn pressers. While the damage is done more questions should be asked about the role of the Bills communication team and SVP Scott Berchtold in this mess.


    I only disagree with the insinuation that the damage control interview by Pegula being set up by Berchtold was a bad thing. Whaley and Pegula pretty much conveyed the same things, but Whaley was ill-prepared and/or ill-equipped to deal with the media onslaught and Pegula didn't have to deal with it.


    These are people who are writing about sports in a local paper in a small market, we're not talking about people at the top of their profession. As in many other professions were there is a "big league" and minor leagues, the people in the lower reaches tend to pump themselves up so they can feel validated. I'm sure TBN reporters think they are "holding the organization accountable" and being mavericks asking "tough questions." The problem is, these reporter aren't good at their jobs. I got more information from Jenny Vrentas and Wawrow's articles than I did from that whole 40 minute press conference. I didn't need a 40 minute press conference to tell me that the organizational structure here is a poor one; I have been posting for weeks about how Whaley has little real power and how I think it's a huge mistake not to empower your GM.


    Twenty four hours after the PC and outrage with the press and/or the Bills FO is still going strong in this and other threads.



    It's amazing to me because I went into the press conference with low expectations that I'd learn anything of value. A day later, my impression is that Whaley and Pegula knew the story they wanted to tell but Whaley was ill-prepared and ill-suited to deliver the message. So then Pegula goes into damage control mode to re-deliver the message through Wawrow and it comes off better. Whether you're buying into the story they're telling is a separate matter to me.


    The problem in my eyes is that too much of the press are sharks in the water, sniffing for blood and attacking at any sign of weakness. Whaley provided that in spades yesterday.


    But it isn't just the Buffalo media. If you thought the reporter who asked Whaley what his responsibilities were was being unprofessional, how about the reporter who asked the 49ers owner if he should fire himself:



    Or how about Pro Football Talk taking a shot at the Cowboys over Christmas orders that didn't arrive in time:


  11. I've posted this elsewhere. Owning two teams doesn't mean a damned thing. The Pegulas rely on others to run the day to day operations and I seriously doubt they have any involvement in significant decision making as it pertains to the product on the field. That said, Tyrod Taylor is as good as gone without a renegotiated contract. Let's be honest fans. They sat him because they didn't want to pay his $30m guarantee if he had gotten injured. It's not really all that complicated. Manuel had a chance to show his stuff and crapped himself on the field. He's done/gone. Life without Tyrod will be life without mediocracy. That's my reality.


    You and I are on the same page.

  12. Why the hate? Short memories.


    I've lived my whole life on Long Island but was stressed at the notion of the Bills leaving Buffalo. Can't begin to imagine how that felt for locals, but now its left to the Chargers and Raiders to worry about a move. That alone could/should stop the conversation.


    Moving on, the Pegulas came in and hired a high-profile coach to a long term contract. I wasn't crazy about the hire except that they got a high-profile guy and spent money. Two years in, it isn't working and they cut and run, eating the money.


    And I am back to OP's question: Why the Pegula Hate?

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