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Everything posted by Mojo44

  1. Thanks, I appreciate that.
  2. Explain to me how my understanding of the HC/GM relationship is sad and dribble. Are you saying it was Idzik and not Rex who was primarily responsible for the 4-12 record? In other words, even Shula, Belicheck, Landry etc. would also have been 4-12 with the same personnel? My understanding of the game is just fine. BTW, I'm glad you noticed I was back. If I actually hurt anyone's feelings in my posts supporting Marrone I'm truly sorry. It seemed like good back and forth repartee to me. I thought I was giving it back as good as I was getting it. But apparently I crossed some line and got suspended. Not my intention. Again, sorry I may have ruffled someone's feathers.
  3. My biggest concern about Ryan is that he doesn't have a sufficient skill set to be a head coach. Specifically he has a reputation of being disorganized. Sure he must know something about offense because he specialty is D. But this doesn't necessarily mean he really gets how offenses work in any deep sense. Even his public statements suggests, to me, he doesn't care about the offense on his own team to even be involved sufficiently as a HC should be. A HC needs to be a control freak by definition of the job. He's responsible, ultimately, for the product on the field. I don't feel like I need to be able to have a beer with the Bills HC. I don't care if he comes across surly or boring. He needs to be a control freak and disciplinarian. Rex has a lot to learn about being a HC still. A 4-12 record on a downward trending team is not a good recent history. That's Rex's record, not the GM......I'm hopeful he can make that change and time will tell.
  4. The Bills may be the fickle ones. On the face of it this doesn't make sense. I don't think he's really head coach material. He's not enough of a control freak. He really doesn't care about the offense. That's not good. The HC has to have his hands in everything. That's why Marrone gets credit for the mass improvement in the D. I'll support him because I'm a Bills fan. To me this seems like a serious downgrade. Don't worry about Marrone. Why do you think the knowledgable football world sings his praises. Weird but here we go.
  5. Ryan has always struck me as being way more style than substance. Don't get it. This will need some period of adjustment for me to get used to. How ironic if he does turn out to be the guy.
  6. My God! The Pegulas are in over their heads. Can't believe they couldn't have done better than this. Prove me wrong, Rex, please!
  7. Now that's what I call a real intelligent and thought out post. Let me know when you actually have something even half way intelligent to post. Love to hear it. In the mean time keep sitting around eating your bon bons like a bored housewife and post genially dumb stuff like this. Pathetic!
  8. Stop the ridiculous soap opera, already! The titles of these threads is like something from the Days of our Lives. It's simple. Marrone opted out because he was hired to revive the offense then was hamstrung by Whaley. Marrone didn't want EJ and he didn't want to give up the 1st round pick for Watkins. That's it. He wanted more control over these decisions and the Bills said no. I remember when EJ was drafted many posters said that he and Marrone were married to each other in terms of their future. It turns out that it was a shotgun wedding. That's it!...was it Parcells who said "if you want me to cook the meal you have to let me pick the food"? However I am working on the theory that it was Marrone, not the North Koreans, who hacked SONY.....
  9. It was a dumb move and Marrone was right. We keep the pick the Bills then could have bolstered the O line and then drafted a viable QB option like Carr. A much better scenario for the Bills. Tack on what we now seem to know that Marrone didn't want EJ and you realize the no win catch 22 predicament he was in. He's tasked to build an offense then is totally hamsrtinged by Whaley about personnel decisions. You can't hire somebody to do a job then put roadblocks in his way. And he still got the team to 9-7 with a cowardly sloth as the best option at QB. I would have opted out too once I learned that it wasn't going to change.
  10. Marrone didn't opt out until 12/31. The players were long gone. What was he supposed to do? Call a team meeting and have everyone come back to Buffalo from the 4 corners? Think!
  11. This is actually not true at all.
  12. I felt the same way, artmalibu, when the season ended. Then the HC who led us to the record in 2 short years was basically run out of town IMO (I know I'm in the minority here. No debate, please). We don't have a viable QB and we don't have a first round pick. Bizarre, isn't it, after the best season in a decade?
  13. Tipster, at least as one poster noted, I have argued my support of Marrone and the coaching job he did elsewhere on the board. I'll just say this. The Bills were 9-7 which was the best record they had in 10 years. Marrone gets the lion's share of the credit for this. That's how it works for a head coach for better or for worse. He did not under accomplish by any means whatsoever. Go ahead, you get the last word.
  14. FWIW this strikes me as 100% sour grapes. I lived in the Syracuse area and have some insight into this. Casullo has had previous stints as an assistant coach at Syracuse without her head coaches and is typically been let go. He was simply a barely competent wherever he has been. Marrone fire him because he was bad at his job. In my opinion Casullo has embarrassed himself with this report. He says nothing at all about Marrone. While at Syracuse there were no issues whatsoever regarding his alleged self-centeredness, etc. In my opinion this is basically all crap. Why do you think Casullo hasn't been able to get a coaching job since? All of his other assistant coaches sang his praises. For him it was just a matter of putting together the best coaching staff he could to win games. This stuff has gotten way out of hand. Take it with a grain of salt would be my suggestion .
  15. With regard to Marrone, at least, the WNY media is tougher. It's so small that when they get into someone there is not enough outlets so there is at least one voice of reason. Not a problem in NYC.
  16. Kelly. WTF are you talking about? Of course when a HC takes over a bad program there is a high probability of an early losing season or two. That's what we call rebuilding. Typically it can't be done overnight. Ay the Cuse his first two seasons he had losing seasons but there were clearly promising signs. He was responsible for the losses and the gradual improving, I.e. changing the culture. Then, the next two years he turned the promise into reality with winning records and two bowl wins, when he left for the Bills the Cuse's fortunes were on the rise, I.e.upward trending. Thank you coach Marrone! Not to drag things out. In just TWO years HE has done the same with the Bills. He's not perfect and mishandled some things. And of course he's responsible for the seven losses. So: In his only two head coaching stints he has taken two programs to either relevance or near relevance in a short time and upwardly trending. And, YES, my main point of all this that this change in the Bills is largely (I would capitalize the L) Marrone's doing. As head coach that his first and most important responsibility to reverse the pervasive losing mentality. He did it! That's what I'm saying with all this. Not, Schwartz, Not Whaley. Marrone did this because it was his , and only his, task to do. I hope this at least makes sense. Well, everyone. Thanks for kind of listening. I had fun on the board for my first day.
  17. Kelly, wrong again. My contention is not all time W-L record and this should be quite obvious. From dead in the water to a winner. That's what he did, period. In TWO YEARS with the Bills from 6-10 to 9-7 and...now this is crucial...trending upwards. No one has done this in TEN YEARS with the Bills. Sounds like you may be losing your grip some with this W-L issue. Nope, criterion absolutely 100% met. Maybe you should cut your losses and back away from the table.
  18. 3rd and 12. Do you have a take on this. Seriously love to hear it. Clearly fresh blood is needed. Even if you disagree with me.
  19. Wrong again Kelly. His last 2 years were winning records with 2 bowl wins. The criterion is met. Yeah, I'm in Syracuse. So what. I'm a Bills fan. That's all you need to know Tuesday. Brilliant riposte! I'm in awe of you. Hey bandit. With a crap O line and a cowardly sloth as the best option Marrone actually did a remarkable job with the offense. You tell me, seriously, what could he have done better with this?
  20. Kelly, I appreciate your posts but your clueless about what he did at Syracuse. I live here. Any true Cuse fan knows that rather amazing job he did in four years to literally resurrect a dead D1 program to relevancy before he left for the Bills. The record is actually quite impressive during the time he was there. These are the facts. Besides, if you really claim to know a lot about him you would know he has a long NFL coaching pedigree starting ten years ago. OK, I'm asking this a lot, what is your take as why he is so esteemed a a HC candidate in the knowledgable football world (please don't even try to debate this, it's an actuarial fact) but so reviled in WNY. It's a mass hysteria to me. A shared group delusion completely ignoring the facts (9-7 in 2 years with THIS franchise). In my field of work I have seen this before but never in the sporting world. I would really love to hear how you understand this.
  21. Coach Tuesday, can you elaborate with an intelligent answer? Be specific. Shoot down my point if you can. Love to hear it. I'm serious. Tell me how I'm wrong that he is seen as a top HC candidate. Come on, now. Something truly meaty this time. Punch, you missed again. I repeat it because you have not made a direct response to my basic point. The HC is responsible, ultimately, for the product on the field period. If you must use ad hominen attacks let me go to your level. I'm repeating because clearly you cannot even comprehend what I'm saying. I can try to dumb it down some more so you have at least a 50-50 chance of at least getting my point but I'm not very optimistic.
  22. Doc, so be it. Sorry for the cliche but we agree to disagree. BTW the fact that Marrone got no credit in WNY is why this episode is a case of mass hysteria. He deserved the lion's share actually by far. Personallythe burden of "proof" you ask for is part of this group psychotic delusion. Please check out my post above. Why is he seen, rightfully so, as a prime head coaching candidate in the knowledgable football world. Sadly the only place he seems to "suck" is in Bills nation. I do appreciate the discussion. Know this. Clearly I believe Marrone was hung out to dry with no choice for him but to opt out. Clearly I believe this was lunacy and the guy should be praised and extended for what I see as a great job. I'm well aware I'm in the minority. But I'm a Bills fan and will totally support the new regime. My motivation for finally joining the board was that losing Marrone could be the dumbest thing this franchise has ever done.
  23. Hey, Stony. I suggest you get down on your knees and pray like crazy he goes to Oak Land. If he goes to the Jets the Bills will likely pay for it. Question. What is your take as to why in the entire knowledgable football world outside Marrone is considered a top head coach prospect? BTW, please don't even challenge the accuracy of that statement. If you pay attention to this sport you know it's true. And I don't mean some hack reporter for the NY post. I mean the Polians, Casserlys, Cowers, etc. of this world. Oh yeah, please don't give me the BS that they're old and the game has passed them by. That's truly BS. I'm serious that I would like your opinion on this.
  24. Punch, just plain wrong. Head coach = total product on the field = 9-7 record. Cherry picking this player or that player is not a viable argument to this. I'll add this, the head coach is also responsible for the overall team attitude. For the first time in a decade the team believed they were winners and played that way. Credit Marrone! He actually DID change the culture in a positive direction.
  25. Doc, why does a head coach have to publicly state the obvious. By definition the HC is responsible for the entire product on the field..and the won-loss record. To state this publicly would be the same as calling a pressed to state that his hair is actually brown. This is still captain obvious stuff. Come on already. Absolutely yes, BTW, given what he had to work with the offense probably over performed. He did this in only two years! With a QB and a better O line the O would be fine. Head Coach=responsibility for the product on the field=9-7 and trending up.
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