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Everything posted by Mojo44

  1. He would be a great fit. The stuff about his temperament is pure BS...a myth perpetrated by the Buffalo media who had an irrational hatred for him because he was...God forgive...a little on the curmudgeonly side. They vilified him when they should have been praising him. Two stupid fumbles vs. KC or he's 10-5 and likely in the playoffs. I'm here in Syracuse and have a longer "history" with him than most Bills fans. Like I said, pure BS. At what point do some Bills fans just admit they were wrong about him. Why is he considered across the league as a top candidate still??? He had it turning around and he got run out of town. Not at all a popular opinion, I know. But it's more likely than not the truth.
  2. We have enough evidence that this is true. Because he was a first rounder I think we have to consider the "B" word. We could do better for a backup. But, yeah, seems like a great guy.
  3. There is a lot to like about TT in his first year. But, among all those areas that need work, his tendency to come up small when we needed him to come up big is major. As much as any single problem with this team, with the one exception of Rex Ryan, this kept us out of the playoffs. This is his Cardinal challange IMO.
  4. Whatever else you think of Marrone he is no castoff. Good move for the Browns if they get him.
  5. Are you sure this isn't from the Onion? Otherwise...Jump..Rex...Jump!
  6. If the Giants fire Coughlin they will likely go after Marrone. Good for the Bills. Sorry, but he is way better than Rex and if Marrone and Hackett, yes Hackett, had this offense with Schwartz handling the defense the team would have 11 wins. To this day I'm amazed at the delusional level belief that Marrone was a bad coach. He will coach again and when he does, I just hope the Bills are winning otherwise there will be serious envy and remorse that he got run out town by the media and fueled by delusional fans.
  7. I don't disagree but we have no evidence that Rex went to Mario and talked to him about his concerns like a good coach/boss should. We also have the undebatable fact that Mario did live up to his contract for three years before Rex took over and killed things. Now, if I was the boss, went to Mario and he would not listen to any reasonable attempts to address his concerns and he continued to not make the maximum effort his ass would be on the street. So no, I don't think I'm being shortsighted about Marios attitude and my approach to it given what we know (I.e. Rex is very likely a bad coach) Mario would get the benefit of a doubt. I do recognize that there is some chance I could be wrong and it was all on him. But, too me, all of the current evidence points towards Rex.
  8. OK. So you're just repeating what Always Billeve said and nothing more. You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I find it short sighted and missing the big picture. Just cut and paste my last post for my response to yours.
  9. In this case yes. The actuarial fact is that Mario lived up to his contract until this season. You see, if I'm the boss and I see an employee who has performed at a high level for so long then falls off a cliff my first question is to myself. What did I do that caused the employee to suddenly start performing at a lower level? The evidence points towards a failure of management and not the employee. Your comment, on the face of it makes it seem like you're really on to something but, as you can see, it's easily dismantled when you look at the big picture. So, no, I wouldn't give you a raise. But I would give you the benefit of a doubt and work with you to find out why your performance dropped so much after three highly productive years.
  10. The thread is about the season long process that led to the loss of Mario. That process was Rex and his abject inability to be a HC. If it was just Mario it would be one thing. But this season Huges, Dareus, PB, Graham, Bradahm, K. Williams, etc. all had bad years after being part of the great 2014 defense. This all points to the HC!
  11. The excuse that Ryan failed because he didn't have the "right" players is BS! He had the "right" players handed to him on a silver platter. He failed miserably, period. You don't have a Mario Williams covering a WR in any scheme! Rex is the biggest jug of cyanide laced Kool-Aid the Bills have had since the SB years. Not firing Rex just doubles down on the colossal blunder the Pegulas made to begin with. I give Mario the pass, not Rex.
  12. The genuine shock is that they did not make a critical business decision based on actuarial data: Ryan's history!
  13. This is the entire problem in a nutshell. Rex is seemingly incapable of doing just that. What a HC needs to do first and foremost: focus more on being a head coach and overseeing game day operations. There is enough history on him to cast doubt that he could ever develop this skill set. But now I hope he does.
  14. Yeah, this is great news about Rex. This disaster, yes disaster of a season is not Rex's fault. Clearly it's John Idzik's fault. Rex gets another pass.
  15. Disagree. I'd take Polians n a heart beat. Contrary to what some believe, the game has not passed him by. That's a stupid cliche, any way. What proof do you have to the contrary?
  16. Unless the Pegulas turn out to be dumber than we all think there is certainly a buyout clause in the contract. They can, and should, readily fire him...right after the last game of the season!
  17. Actually, blowing it up would be wrong and not what we need. Quantum difference between blowing it up and firing Ryan. Rex is a damn malignant tumor that will only grow if not cut out. Yes! He's that bad! It has to be done the Monday after the last game.
  18. Maybe because it's the most recent but it was the non call on the obvious pick play that allowed the Eagles to score the winning FG.
  19. There is most definitely turning back if the Pegulas have the courage to admit their mistake and jettison Rex. He was a flash in the pan as a DC and as a HC. His first two years were likely the result of what Mangini left him. He stinks! What Rex was this year is who he is. He will not change. It has nothing at all to do with his "scheme" and the players getting it. He is in way over his head. He needs to go away.
  20. What half way competent coach loses control of his locker room since day one? Think of your favorite coaches in the NFL. Do you thing this could happen to them? To me it's inconceivable. This is on Rex. It was a horrible hire!
  21. This only looks at one side of the equation regarding the offense. Regardless of the rather misleading total stats, the Bills were in 4 or 5 games in which the offense could/should have moved down the field at the end for a winning or tying score. TT was an epic failure each time. This is actuarial fact and not debatable. And a rationalization like "if the Bills played better on D and didn't have all those penalties they wouldn't be in that position" doesn't matter. I'm fine with seeing how TT develops but he absolutely deserves that criticism.
  22. If Ryan stays it will be interesting to see how the Pegulas rationalize it. Rex is a nightmare for this franchise. Jettison him no matter what it costs!
  23. I know you did. I just wanted to get in one more dig at Rex.
  24. Rex's Jets. But you're right on.
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