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Everything posted by Mojo44

  1. This post makes no sense. It sounds like that for you and the OP your hatred for Marrone blinds you to what is , essentially, an actuarial fact...Marrone is widely seen as a top candidate. It has nothing to do with Adam Schefter and who has what agent. Schefter, who I tend to like, does not create interest in one candidate or another. He's not that powerful. He just reports it. I don't know if Marrone gets another HC job or not. But the interest in him is actual and valid.
  2. Sorry, my last post accidently go embedded in the OP. But my point is made.
  3. This is a good point. There is a risk there. But the good part of this is that either the Bills are in the playoffs or Rex is gone. For Rex to be even a competent HC he has to transform his character. He is not a leader and he really doesn't have a HC skill set. I'm not optimistic but, at last, it's only for on more year if it goes bad again which, sadly, I think it will.
  4. I can handle it fine. Particularly from you. Your insult says more about you than me. I have found it to be the case that those who rely on insults during a discussion know they come from a weak position. But, I've learned my lesson, Mods, I will stay on the high road.
  5. This misses the point entirely. What is being compared is what Marrone got done with EJ and Orton to what he would have done with the current team. You actually make no point.
  6. I have..in other posts. In a nutshell they were vilifying him when they should have sung his praises. Go find it if you want more details.by the way, why do you find it necessary to be insulting, we can disagree without that, or can you?
  7. Did I miss something. You mean he didn't go 9-7?
  8. Like I said...11 wins with this team and Marrone.
  9. Offense was better in 2014 and, again, what Marrone did to squeeze out nine wins with that offense is a testimony to his skills. This is the biggest part of the irrational beliefs held by some of you...he did a great job with that offense!
  10. It's a fun game, yes. The Pats game was a win, period. Such BS to not count it because Brady didn't play the second half. The game had to be played on the field and still had to be won..Rex loses that game. Also, missing/making a FG not quite the same as giving away a game that they had won handily. Still having fun?
  11. Do you really want to talk about 2013? Let's see...we went from the rookie EJ to the undrafted rookie Tuel to ?Thad Lewis?! 6 wins looks pretty damn good. Besides, combine the two years...pretty nice upward trend!
  12. He was basic because he had no choice. Come on! He did as good as any coach could have with EJ and Orton. He did not have the QB who could run his offense. He adjusted and made do and did a damn good job in the process. And, no, comparing him to Rex is the crux of the matter. Who's a better HC. I say it again, Rex would be lucky to have two wins with what Marrone had to work with. If Marrone had the current team he gets 9 wins easy..especially with TT.
  13. What's funny..that he went 9-7 with crap at QB? 10-6 if not for 2 dumb fumbles in the KC game. Yeah, so his film looks pretty good given what he had to work with. The ultimate criteria is wins and losses. You know, Yolo, you come across as one of the more level headed and open minded posters here. I guess I'm a little surprised you seem to be part of Marrone as anti-Christ crowd. You seem to usually be able to see through these things.
  14. My post already answered your question. The offense absolutely struggled. The point here, that you're missing, is that Marrone squeezed everything possible from the offense to help get the team to nine wins. He actually did a great job. If Rex had the same team they would be lucky to win two games. And let me point out, again, if it weren't for two stupid fumbles in the KC game they are 10-6. But, that's history now. I'm a Bills fan and have to support Ryan even though he is an incompetent buffoon and his history suggests that it is less likely than not that he can change.
  15. In this case, absolutely!,
  16. Wishful thinking on your part. The league knows what happened. Marrone was run out of town because he wasn't liked by the media so they did an axe job on him. If you're even paying a little attention to what's going on in the league you would know you're post is wrong. Sorry it seems to cause pain for you and some other fans, but he is a legitimate hot commodity.
  17. Hackett was only handcuffed by the crap offensive personnel he had to work with , not Marrone. We now EJ is not a starting NFL QB. Marrone knew that faster than anyone. He was left with that old sloth, Orton and Marrone/Hackett some squeezed nine wins out that combo. Could have been 10 or 11 if Orton wasn't a coward (Denver game) and Bryce and Leodis didn't fumble the KC game away.
  18. Sorry, your reference to out of context media snippets as evidence, to me, is very weak. What you're doing is engaging in rumor mongering, nothing more IMO. Sorry, you've got nothing. Good night and happy New Year.
  19. Why? What's your point? Do you have verifiable evidence he was inappropriate with the secretary. This would be big news. Please share it. Otherwise you're just validating my point about the irrational character assassination he was victimized by while leading the team to its first winning record with a great defense and a total crap of offense that he was able to get nine wins out of. But...like I said, if you have actual evidence that he was abusive to a secretary I personally would like to see it. Your turn.
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