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Everything posted by Mojo44

  1. For chrissakes! Throw the ball Tyrof!
  2. Taylor’s. chronic inaccuracy shinning through.
  3. To believe that going to Alex Smith from TT is a lateral move is just so fundamentally wrong. Smith is a quantum leap or 2 better! The existing actuarial data proves this without rational debate. I’d love to have Smith here next year. Wow!
  4. I have the flu. Despite the fact that I got a flu shot. It’s also my week off from work during the winter. And ....... I still feel great!!
  5. I haven’t seen Ohio State much. And I don’t know his measurables. But every time l’ve seen Barrett play he comes up big in big games against big time competition. He just wins. I’d take him in the third. He strikes me as this year’s Dushaun Watson. Maybe even the second.
  6. Well deserved. If he did tail off near the end it was negligible.
  7. Sorry if this was already posted. Didn't read the whole thread: Since we're stuck with Rex for now, it seems to me the only way for him to install his defense, which he seems to want to do, is to get a legit NT. In his scheme the D line is predicated on that. Whether in the draft or FA this is what he needs to do. Other posters have more info than me about what's actually out there. This way Dareus and K.W., if he stays can move to DE. Hughes can then be an OLB in the scheme. Fortunately, he may already have the CBs for his scheme.
  8. Too under appreciated. So long.
  9. On the balance of it I like how TT developed in his first year as a starter. But to get the big contract, for me, he has to prove he can come up big when the game is on the line and the ball is in his hands. This was his biggest weakness in 2015. The Bills are right to wait until next year. The audition is not over.
  10. I don't pity him. I certainly am glad he was incarcerated for his crimes, But his adult life..and death...was tragic.
  11. Another ring is added to the circus.
  12. Please be more specific. I really don't get what you're saying. Just tell me and I would appreciate it.
  13. If you believe this you clearly know nothing about social media, or anything else for that matter. Good luck with th rest of your year in middle school.
  14. Okay, here is my response. No, if he doesn't get hired there is nothing to admit. But, if he does get a job and seems to really stink at it I will personally start a post where I'll admit I was wrong and let myself get ganged up on again, which doesn't bother me. The only way to answer this is for him to get a job first. The Schefter is pure BS hearsay. Nobody has really proved at all the point of the OP which, on the face of it, is just plain bizarre to me. It's a non issue as to whether he gets hired or not, Now, if he does get a job and succeeds will you admit you were wrong about him? Let me add this. I thought the Ryan hire was a disaster waiting to happen and posted this right after the hire. The Pegulas were clearly bamboozled. Donald Trump has proven beyond any doubt that you can be stupid and also be rich. Now this is a it hyperbolc in reference to the Pegulas as I'm pretty sure that, unlike Trump, the Pegulas weren't born with silver spoons in their mouths. But the hiring of Ryan shows they have a big learning curve regarding how to be good owners. I just hope they've learned something from this debacle. Also, despite hating the hire, I would gladly have eaten my words with gusto if Rex led the team to the playoffs. I'm a Bills fan, period and, since he will be the coach next year, I will root for him to succeed. Anyway, on to the IMAX to see "The Revenant". Happy New Year to all. I'm sure I'll have some zingers to read when I get back.
  15. Yes, it's a mistake on your part. If someone started a post about Donahoe I might respond to it. Referring to ancient Bills history is not relevant to me. Most of my posts recently have been about Rex and wishing he was fired this year and on issues with players like Mario Williams and TT. Like I said, I let go of Marrone a long time ago. It seems you and others cannot.
  16. Not personal at all to me. I let go of Marrone awhile ago. I didn't start this. It seems very personal to many fans like the OP who can't seem to let it go and seem to absolutely hate the idea that Marrone is widely seen as a top HC candidate so they come up with weird conspiracy theories about why that is without one iota of proof. What's personal for me is being a Bills fan, period. My wish is that they win a SB before I shed this mortal coil. It's my belief that Marrone was the best chance we had at this in many years. So when it ges brought up in the manner of this OP yes, I respond.
  17. WE DISAGREE. I remember my first beer, too. I can also yell but prefer not to.
  18. No, not any of those things you say I am. Certainly not screaming and thumping. Not close. You still have no real proof about your thread and I think you know it. This is when the personal attacks come in, when you're really out of ammo. I swear, you and some other posters hate Marrone so much that you really do seem to be obsessed and tortured souls about him.. I'll bet you have a little Marrone voodoo doll you stick pins into on a daily basis...LOL.
  19. I absolutely do post in other threads. Also, note that I have never started a post about Marrone. I only respond to them. So you're challenging my Bills pedigree? I've been a Bills fan literally since day one of the franchise growing up in Niagara Falls. Became a fully informed fan at age 10 in 1963 when the Bills finished second to the Boston Patriots led by Babe Parelli. Shall I go on. So, you're way out of line calling me out about my "fanship". You know nothing about me. BTW, I started posting here not after Marrone left but after they hired Ryan. At that time I thought it would turn out badly. Also, Mr Fan Police, this season, like every season since 1963 I've rooted for the Bills and wanted Rex to succeed. So yes, I am a Marrone fan. I believe he got run out of town. I respond to threads like this because it's just another bizarre jab to taken at him because many fans just can't stand that he is seen around the league as a top HC candidate. I'm very happy to let the Marrone thing go but I can't let a thread like this one go by without commenting. Are we clear, now? Do I satisfy your criteria to be a Bills fan? So, now let's hear your pedigree to see if you pass muster.
  20. An absolutely good post. Well said. Your are a voice of common sense!
  21. So some journalist whom you to claim has a widespread crap reputation nevertheless is influencing the front office of multiple NFL teams about who to hire as a HC? Really? If true this is a big deal. Again, proof. Specifically show us documentation that this has or is actually happening...and not just some other person's opinion, even another journalist because that is just hearsay Well that really proves the point, doesn't it. Brilliant. You must be on your high school debate team. Damn, you're good!
  22. Once again your post makes no sense and sounds like frat boy trash talk. You sound like one tortured soul about this. You seem obsessed with Marrone with your recurring fantasies about him..my guess is you haven't slep much this past year just imagining bad things happening to him.....the OP is about an assertion that the real reason behind Marrone being seen as a top HC candidate is, somehow, the influence of Adam Schefter. Do you have anything to say about the thread itself? I would be genuinely interested in hearing it. Some advice, of course take it or leave it as you please, let go of your obsession with Marrone. You may be heading towards a CVA. As Bills fans we have enough to worry about with the buffoon HC the Pegulas hired.
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