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Everything posted by Mojo44

  1. OK Mr. Swift. I’ll let you have the last word. Don’t get me wrong. I’m sure your daughter is a really nice person. But it’s not a musical preference,. It’s just my take on her musical ability which I think is good but not great. Oh, by the way, just to remind you, Aretha Franklin was a soul singer.😂
  2. In this case just objective analysis nothing more. Ironclad guarantee there. Been doing this for over 40 years. I know the difference. Let it go boy
  3. Read more carefully next time. What I said was and clearly it’s noted there that she does not have as much talent as her acolytes think so. Clearly I am then suggesting that she has musical talent. Are you just trying to build a strawman argument or just not focusing on my post. Come on. Enough already. I don’t hate her at all. And as I said to another Swifty defender earlier that one thing we have in common is that we are both quite woke. I do like that about her. Fair enough and go Bills. I’m an analyst myself of a different sort so I know what you’re saying.
  4. First of all what does your job have to do with this? And I think it’s pretty clear that I do not disrespect her. And there have been many Popstars with average ability who have become quite rich. I think she is talented and never said she wasn’t. But she is not a great musician and she is indeed not a great singer. OK. Talent and popularity do not equate in this situation. If they always did equate then Joni Mitchell and Bonnie Raitt would be trillionaires.
  5. First of all Aretha was not a pop singer she was a soul singer. Secondly, I never said she had no talent. I just think she has less musical talent then given credit for. Why is everyone so triggered about this! I’m beginning to think, and I can vouch for this professionally, there’s some of you are having intense sexual fantasies about her and therefore rush to her defense when not necessary
  6. OMG you people. Trigger much. Her voice is adequate. That’s it. And if you don’t know the thousands of musicians who can play all those instruments and sing well then you don’t know much about music. look I have nothing against her. In fact, the one thing we seem to have in common is that we are both quite woke! I don’t hate her music. I don’t think it’s much special. If you can relate to her lyrics then good for you. I find that they sort of belie her mid-30s age but that’s me. Personally I find her to be much more style than substance. But good for her that she seems like a nice person and I don’t care that she is Uber rich. We are just having some fun here. Holy crap!
  7. What you state is in no way in indication of musical talent. It never has been. A herd mentality never appealed to me. What you say is inconsequential to me. I stand by what Aretha and I say.
  8. Come on Swifties and fellow travelers! The situation has become just a bit nauseating. It’s coming across more and more like a high school romance. I’ll always remember what the great Aretha Franklin said when asked about Swift’s singing: “ That girl sure can dress“. She’s really not as musically talented as her acolytes make her out to be.
  9. With respect you seem to be missing the point that it’s not a matter of “clicking”. Instead it’s very possibly a matter of Josh trying to get the ball to Davis when he is double covered when he should be throwing somewhere else. Personally I think this is more likely because Davis is the one receiver on the team who runs more high risk, i.e. deep routes. But you do seem to be acknowledging that your data is not really all that conclusive in terms of supporting your OP. If you would couch your opinion something like this: “It seems to me that the offense is better without Gabe” without the “data” it would be more palatable. I am 100% certain that the real Einstein would agree with me. Anyway, I will leave it at that and I really do appreciate your posts and your opinions
  10. OK. Thanks for the reference. Now let’s dig a little deeper. Let’s look at some of the variables that may go into this that may have nothing to do with Davis. In particular, we all know Josh has a tendency to try and force throws. When he does so downfield they often end up in an interception. Davis is usually that target. In other words, what you’re not considering is that these interceptions are more on Josh than on Davis. The data does not prove that Gabe is the problem. It’s just as likely, if not more so, that Josh is the problem on these throws. Do you see what I’m saying now? This is still not sufficient to back your original opinion. The null hypothesis remains in effect. But thanks again for showing me that. let me add this, and I’m not trying to be snarky here. But I am a scientist. I have published empirical research papers in scientifically refereed journals. It’s an area of expertise that I happen to have and occasionally comes in handy here. Your opinion is an OK one but it has way too many holes in it. It’s still an opinion not based on probative data. You seem to be taking an empirical approach to your opinions and that’s why I am responding in the way I am. This would not pass muster as far as good science is concerned. But I will not be belabor it with you after that. Other than to say I still think the team is better when Davis is on the field because he has an element that the other receivers on the team do not have.
  11. Simple. You cherry pick what you assert to be a 40% interception read when Josh passage to him would you provide no support of evidence for. Nor do you account for all the value he adds. There is no compelling reason to believe your “data“. Even if it was true, which we don’t know, it’s correlational and cause-and-effect can’t be determined. My biggest problem with your take is that you presented as empirical evidence when it is only an opinion that is really not based on such evidence. Otherwise, yes we can disagree as to whether or not the team is better with him on the field. I believe it is. But that’s my opinion.
  12. Your “data“ seems cherry picked. Also, without quoting a source how do we know if any of this is true? You are also missing all of his contributions and many games that include both his pass catching and his run blocking. None of what you have said here is predictive or backs your hypothesis. It is an opinion without substantial facts to back it up. The bottom line is the team is better when Davis is playing.
  13. One game and you derive such a absolute conclusion! An N of 1 doesn’t cut it. The real Einstein is turning in his grave right now. Respectfully, a bad take.
  14. Philadelphia has devolved into a pile of foam.
  15. True, but I do wonder how much of his success was really the result of having BB as his head coach?
  16. That’s a great memory for me. An epic collapse. St. Louis ended up winning the pennant and beat the Yankees in seven games. This collapse comes pretty close
  17. Not me. I didn’t even have it in my wildest dreams!
  18. The eagles have lost every game since Matt Patricia was named defensive coordinator. The mystique endures
  19. The Cowboy fans are going to run out of the stadium as fast as they ran in 😂
  20. Thanks a lot! Up to now I was just worried about the weather. Now I have something to really worry about! 😳
  21. I lived in western and central New York for 66 of my 70 years. Storms like this have always been taken seriously. The only legitimate assumption from your take that you’re doubling down on is that the “weak and pathetic” stuff is a projection of how you feel inside.
  22. Great point and I agree. However, I doubt even those folks are “trembling in their boots“ about it. Legitimate concern yes. Panic attacks, doubtful.
  23. I just did go through all 18 pages. Nobody is trembling in their boots. There is a distinction between that and legitimate concern. My guess is you know the difference. Apply it here.You’re just misinterpreting in my opinion.
  24. Nobody’s trembling in their boots here. It’s a legit discussion about some severe weather. Maybe you should step outside and suck in some of those nice hot Santa Ana winds and get over yourself.
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