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Everything posted by Mojo44

  1. At least the rush defense figured it out for the second half. I hope this is a good omenAt least the rush defense figured it out for the second half. I hope this is a good omen
  2. OK, I suppose there is something to that. But ultimately, wins is an outcome measure that you are trying to predict with metrics. To me that is fundamental to this discussion. The metrics are the many variables that may or may not predict the only important statistic which is wins. So it may be a matter of semantics. To me the metrics are the variables and wins is the outcome measure.
  3. Don’t mean to pile on here but ......If Hughes and Oliver don’t get at least two sacks each out of the five or more then it’s a bad day.
  4. The Bills are 5-2 and you’re talking about “failure”? ............way too much anxious ruminating on this board. ?
  5. No, I think he’s right. Let’s see. The Bengals, the Falcons, the dolphins, the Jets, the Broncos and the Redskins, all in apparent freefall. Throw in the giants, the browns and the Buccaneers as trending in that direction. I think this is atypical, also.
  6. My compliments. An impressive amount of data and an appropriately cautious interpretation of it. The validity of any genuine correlation between 300 yard passing games and playoff appearances further suffers because there are too many significant uncontrolled variables. These would include, among others, your team’s defense, the other team’s defense and strength of schedule. In my opinion, there’s no compelling reason to believe that a quarterback must have a 300 yard passing game to help get his team into the playoffs.
  7. Yes! Now this makes sense. It is the correct take regarding this issue! A notable minority of posters on this board have a genuine fetish about 300 yard passing games. You know what gets me aroused, wins. And that is the only statistic that matters. It is a truism that you are what your record says you are. The Bills are 5-2!That is all that matters.
  8. I could see Dalton having a pretty good second act to his career if he lands in the right place.
  9. Wow, might be the first time I’ve seen am offensive linemen flagged for PI
  10. The other Josh Allen is having a lot better day.The other Josh Allen is having a lot better day.
  11. There will be a lot of unnecessary catastrophic thinking going on tonight and, more importantly, posted on 2 Bills Drive. Not our day today. At least the big picture is good. 5-2 with Washington in town next week. But I get it.
  12. I feel some trading about to happen over the next day or two.
  13. The bills will have the wind in the fourth quarter. Philadelphia gets the ball to begin the second half which means the kicking team chooses which goal to defend.
  14. In brief, no, not in the least as far as the OP is concerned. Not only that, I have always considered it a psychologically healthy to maintain solid boundaries between your personality and anyone else’s.
  15. Conventional wisdom has it that a sloppy field always favors the receivers. This has always made some sense to me as the receivers know their routes and know when they’re making their cuts. However, I don’t know that this is such a great advantage for the bills or not
  16. To put it succinctly, what happened to the Chiefs is not generalizable to other teams and is actually an outlier example.
  17. Offensive line play is a key to any game anytime. The bills offensive line has been playing pretty well all season. Not the biggest concern for me.There are always several keys to a game.To me the biggest key is the continued progress of Josh. He needs to build on a good game from last week. Specifically, he needs to play well all 4 quarters and start hitting the occasional bomb. I think our defense is going to do just fine against the Eagles.
  18. Just a bit before my time. Started paying attention in the mid 60s just before they got Murphy. That’s when they had Manny Leaks at center.
  19. Played at Saint Bonaventure I believe? I also certainly remember the amazing Bob Lanier. I think it was his freshman year they were heading for the final four and maybe a national championship then he blew out his knee in the tournament. The little three was something back then. They had the two best freshman in the country.
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