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Everything posted by Mojo44

  1. The last I heard they have decided to keep the game at 1 PM after all.
  2. The most sense the OP has ever made on this forum. Well done!
  3. That just sucked all of the energy out of me.
  4. The titans are tackling great tonight.
  5. The 2021 season begs to differ. I’m just talking about the current team, not the franchises whole history. Do you remember what happened after last season’s midseason swoon?
  6. I have the same worry. I’ve had it for more years than I like to think about. Just have to keep trying. By the way, did I say in my original post that I’m having a few bourbons to help take the sting out of today’s loss. It could be affecting my thinking Disagree! It’s quite true of the NFL. And I actually think you’re making my point anyway. Recent history has showed us that this bills team is likely to get hot again.
  7. I’m watching the Titans play the Chiefs. It occurs to me that Buffalo has already beat both of these teams. So they’re having a bit of a swoon at this moment. I’m a strong believer that, in most cases, the past is prologue. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. I could be wrong, but I think the Bills will be OK.
  8. Methinks he sleeps with the fishes.
  9. Another 28 year veteran here. And…..yep
  10. This is exactly the point of why Hyde is so valuable. Well stated post! I would just add one other example: how many times has he been in the right place in coverage so that a quarterback can’t make the throw resulting in a coverage sack?
  11. This is not the most relevant Criterion to assess the quality of his play. Frankly, given your chosen screen name, I thought you would know that.
  12. Purely speculative and not at all empirical. How do you know that the defense wouldn’t have been even better with Hyde playing? You don’t because you can’t know that.
  13. But apparently he can no longer drive the train.
  14. I feel so good I’m gonna break somebody’s heart tonight! Richard Thompson
  15. Good find! How can you not like that?
  16. Too many missed opportunities. Should have been a comfortable win. We had the “wind game” last year. For me, this is the heat and humidity game. At this point I take it as a pure anomaly.
  17. Is it me, or does Aikman seem to be his unusual “It’s almost OK to listen to him” self? It’s probably me
  18. Ok. Here comes the fumble
  19. I’m……Any fans of What We Do In The Shadows?
  20. We definitely look like a Superb Owl team
  21. Maybe his feelings were hurt
  22. For me, this is the best story of the off-season. While the NFL is dithering about “taunting“, the CFL has their head screwed on right. The real issue is eating a fan’s food while jumping into the stands after scoring a TD. Duke! What the heck is wrong with you!?
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