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Everything posted by Franchiseneedsme

  1. I'm not up on the rules. Is it possible for the bills to Interview Frank for our OC? My dream situation is we keep Schwartz as DC get Riech as OC and Cowher as HC.. Then Polian as a top overseer and Whaley as our GM.. That would be the best organization in the league in my opinion. Add a owner with deep pockets and I see a championship in our future.but I think we need a OC like Riech to jump start a pathetic offense. Thoughts
  2. So now I think it's most likely Schwartz, and we will be looking for a new OC
  3. The hard decision this organization has to make is, to keep a lot of cap room open for a good QB when one becomes available. Or to spend all the cap to build up the team around EJ. If In a year and half from now we still suck and miss out on a good QB because we spent big to try it with EJ. It will suck. And I don't know what I would do If I was Whaley.
  4. O this was my first post. I love the bills and hope Ican add to all the great discussion that goes on here.
  5. I know the guys a jerk. But I would love him running in Buffalo.. If we can't get a qb he might be the next best option to get the offense going. And if he does get released he could be had for like 5m, that's a bargan.
  6. She has a huge nose.. And I would take a home playoff game over any chick She has a huge nose.. And I would take a home playoff game over any chick
  7. Let him walk.... Wynn looked good with his short playing time.. We can get a cheap replacement and probably get the same production. I wouldn't give him more than 7.5m.spent the $ on a qb. If we can't find a qb , spend on the O line.
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