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  1. Here’s an idea maybe one of our shot beat writers can figure something out. They have no connections aside from game day. Zero. Sal C is probably writing an article about dead ass Cuse
  2. I hardly ever come on here and this is the first thing I clicked in. What a bizarre take. Fantastic name though, sir.
  3. What are you rambling about??
  4. I’m sorry the kid. I know the dad quite well. He’s arrogant but very quiet.
  5. He was an entitled POS. A small snap shot into that was when he listed his high school on MNF. It was the prep school he went to for half a year. But hey, you’re allowed your own opinion.
  6. Hey, just a heads up…It’s Geno.
  7. Keep underwear on! He was taking the easy completions. His mechanics were bad today. Flat footed and not stepping into his throws.
  8. Yep! You’re slowing down!
  9. Come on. He’s talking basham.either way, the og poster is an idiot.
  10. I have a house for rent near the 90 right by Timmy hos and media play
  11. Reminds me of that how we got here
  12. If nothing else McDermott is a heck of a salesman selling his process.
  13. I know..im clogging the board. We need more information on Steve tasker and kay Adams. If you want to ignore why the GM jumped through hoops to select Ford and he’s been a no show at RT, that’s your prerogative. Personally, I’m sick and tired of watching this mess of an oline. If they don’t get it together Allen will never develop. Heel!
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