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Everything posted by GottaRun

  1. If it was just a pure ticket purchase I could agree with you. If the PSL was the same price throughout the stadium I could agree with you. With the very limited info we have to go on it sounds like PSL prices are far, far, far higher for those of us who sit lower level near the middle of the field. So as a longtime season ticket holder I might end up being punished as I can't afford a PSL in the area the Bills expect me to sit in. It's a logical move by the Bills in the sense of making sure they sell the expensive seats, but it's a bs move in the sense that I could move to a cheaper seat any of the last 21 years I've had tickets and no one would have batted an eye. Now all of a sudden I'm tied to my area ... or maybe I'm not. For sure I'm left guessing as the Bills aren't releasing info.
  2. People are guessing at what the PSL will be for the cheaper seats... then they are getting outraged at the imaginary number they came up with
  3. As a PSL - Yes I think there will be cheap seats within that range. I think people respond to rage on social media, so rage based posts and articles get more clicks and attention. Bills posts about the common fan, the Mafia, getting priced out by insane PSLs is just a way to get attention. Ultimately this is all the Bills fault for not releasing the info, we're all left with playing a guessing game.
  4. Lower than $15 - $20K? Yes Lower than $6K Yes Write down the sites that are telling you the prices will be that high or higher... then abandon getting info from those sites when their "sources" and "info" turn out to be garbage.
  5. Live view is up, site looks very active this morning! (lots of activity when I looked... probably just one lonely backhoe when you look)
  6. Today's live feed is active ... go full screen on your desktop and give it a minute for the feed quality to improve, you can see quite a lot
  7. Well.... there have been 30 games played on Christmas day and the only teams that haven't played on Christmas yet are: Atlanta Falcons Buffalo Bills Carolina Panthers Jacksonville Jaguars New England Patriots New York Giants Seattle Seahawks Washington Commanders So me may just be due...
  8. Follow this channel for some good video updates https://www.youtube.com/@BuffaloStadiumLive Today's live stream has started
  9. I wish him no ill will, but I'm glad he is gone.
  10. I'll be one of those people at the Super Bowl party sitting in a room with no tv... talking about.... knitting, or whatever those people talk about. I'm new to the not really watching routine.
  11. Can she just flat out STEAL McD's move like that? Isn't this a copyright violation?? Do something Beane!
  12. I'll watch it, but I won't like it.
  13. Ok, but then the same can be said about donating to Oishei for Josh Allen, the Dalton foundation for Andy Dalton, Lamars Backpacks for Kids, etc... For some reason Bills fans donating money to good causes seems to bring out the absolute best in most people, and the worst in a few others. We donate because we like too, if you've ever volunteered at a not for profit you'll know how much they need the money. I suspect most of us have reached the point where we understand that we'd love to see a Bills Super Bowl but we also understand that our day to day lives won't change at all based on the Bills winning or losing. No one's treating it like a kids little league game, just the opposite, we're treating like a full grown adult man is receiving death threats for missing a kick in a football game. Death threats. Death threats. I say again Death threats. We're treating it like. a serious send this man some big time love and support because he doesn't deserve F***ing death threats.
  14. Kid next to me (guessing 9 or 10 years old) wore Bills gear all year, then on Sunday he shows up in Chiefs gear... in the end it doesn't matter, cheer for whatever team you want to cheer for. Be interesting to ask your kid how he thinks his life will change if he switches teams though.
  15. I guess I'm nostalgic over 2018 and so many Bills fans donating $17 to Lamar's charity because I'm the Ravens v Lions train.
  16. Just numb to it all. Our chances to win it all in our much loved old stadium feel like they are over. Vet hell next season, some kind of rebuild the season after so that we are exciting again when the new stadium opens.
  17. How much new snow did Orchard Park receive?
  18. Really chill about it. We wanted to see how the Bills would do in a playoff game at home against the Chiefs and we are going to get our chance to find out. If the Chiefs win so be it. With that said, I think the Bills will win. The Bills seem to be finding offensive production all over the place right now, the Bills made the playoffs and gelled at the right time and that's always dangerous in the playoffs. The Chiefs have Pacheco and he can be a handful, but they don't have Tyreek, and Travis seems checked out and ready to retire. The Bills are 8 - 1 at home this year (Counting Pittsburgh - Not counting England) so the Bills are feeling the home field advantage this year. Bills win!
  19. Pacheco is the only one who worries me for this game. Normally it's Kelce but he's dropping most of what Mahomes throws him lately, even if the passes hit him in the hands. Something on his mind, I guess he can't shake it off.
  20. I got to 219 (20A Big Tree) about 12:45 and took until about 1:30 to get down Big Tree to my usual lot, the lot was full but the owner recognized me as a regular and let me into one of the spots he kept behind for his regulars. I saw lot owners with shovels saying if you shovel out a spot you can park, and lots that did not open. Leaving the game I saw people walking to their cars on the other side of the 219 (2 miles from the stadium)
  21. Is the Peace Bridge closed? Google maps shows it with the dreaded circle.
  22. I just figure I'll wait and see if Hammer posts an update tomorrow morning. See if his lot is ready, see if he can give an update on what the stadium lots are looking like.
  23. I don't think they pre sell parking passes for single games... do they pre sell for playoff games? https://www.buffalobills.com/stadium/parking "Single game parking passes are not sold in advance of the game. Fans can use a credit card to pay upon arrival."
  24. It's just that the weather has taken over the situation. At this time I have forgotten everyone who plays for Pittsburgh and may forget who plays for Buffalo... on the other hand I'm learning waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much about weather.
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