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Everything posted by GottaRun

  1. So sad, what a waste of life. May the victims find heaven and the attackers find hell.
  2. Great to hear, seeing him in Hamilton, Ont next week. Really looking forward to it (please don't die before next week Sir Paul).
  3. Between the distracted drivers and the distracted walkers we should all be dead by around 2018.
  4. I hate paying for the pre-season games more than the actual pre-season games. Please drop two so I only have to pay for one pre-season game. C'mon NFL, I said please.
  5. Pass don't punt, stay in the playoff hunt. What were you thinking? :-)
  6. Thank god there's no bunt in football.
  7. 1. My old neighbor worked for the NFL and the Bills In Toronto series. At one point they were thinking $200 lowest seat price, steak and lobster in the suites, easy money, easy sellouts. On the eve of the first game he walked over with a fistful of premium tickets that he couldn't give away and asked me how many more seats I could fill. Disaster on the ticket selling front. 2. Game wise the stadium had no atmosphere. Dead. The people who showed up were really just NFL fans who came along for the sake of being there. Handful of Bills fans, more 'away' fans. Disaster on the atmosphere front. 3. Bills wise it showed that the NFL that Toronto fans weren't the suckers the NFL thought they'd be. The Bills remained in Buffalo and have a new Buffalo biased owner. I only really care about #3. So the Bills in Toronto was a massive success.
  8. I love them enough to make the trek from Burlington, Ont most home games for the last 13 years, but not enough to get a tattoo or buy an official jersey. If the stadium moves and tailgating is banned I'm not sure the hassle of getting to Buffalo would outweigh the delight of watching the Bills live. We've all watched some pretty craptacular football games over the no playoff streak and I'm not sure Bills football alone would have kept me coming back.* * But I'll always watch them on TV
  9. Me too, maybe a little less.
  10. I see this phrase pop up often 'The Pegula's are very smart owners' usually used when trying to back up an argument that requires a belief that the owners will do the 'right' thing in relation to a potential problem. Question: I don't watch much of the NHL, when I do it's not the Sabres. Are the Pegula's particularily smart owners? or do we just give them that because they saved the Bills in Buffalo?
  11. Part of the emotional fan game is having evil enemies who battle the hometown heros. Toms made one hell of a villain out of himself. No doubt a top 3 QB and one of the best villains in my time.
  12. I hadn't thought about my own response to this question when I thought it up. My actions would relate to Tom's actions. If the game ends and Tom applauded the fans I would return the gesture. It happens regularly in soccer games around the world, even in MLS. Players applaud the fans after some games, the greats almost always applaud the fans at home when they retire (often on the road too - depending on the stadium). I'd like to see more of it in the NFL. Fred Jackson's the only guy I can think of recently who did something similar (a game where he brought his son out after the game).
  13. Take a break from the Buffalo (the animal) and simulate the NY Rangers jersey (I'm not a Rangers fan, I just love this jersey).
  14. I'll call my shot. I won't be a Bills season ticket holder by the time a new stadium is built. I'll be 49 this year and I don't see me making the trek past 60. Having a hard time picturing everything coming together in 11 - 12 years. Location, funding, blueprints, workforce, time to build, I'd be shocked if it's ready in my season ticket lifetime. Beyond that I like Orchard Park as the location, it feels like home. Keep it there and get some kind of legacy agreement from the NFL to allow traditional tailgating forever and ever.
  15. Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz followed by The Road Goes On Forever - Robert Earl Keen followed by Choctaw Bingo - James McMurtry
  16. Taken from a FB post Amanda O'Donoughue Yesterday at 9:25pm · I am going to try to clear up a few things that have been weighing on me about Harambe and the Cinci Zoo since I read the news this afternoon. I have worked with Gorillas as a zookeeper while in my twenties (before children) and they are my favorite animal (out of dozens) that I have ever worked closely with. I am gonna go ahead and list a few facts, thoughts and opinions for those of you that aren't familiar with the species itself, or how a zoo operates in emergency situations. Now Gorillas are considered 'gentle giants' at least when compared with their more aggressive cousins the chimpanzee, but a 400+ pound male in his prime is as strong as roughly 10 adult humans. What can you bench press? OK, now multiply that number by ten. An adult male silverback gorilla has one job, to protect his group. He does this by bluffing or intimidating anything that he feels threatened by. Gorillas are considered a Class 1 mammal, the most dangerous class of mammals in the animal kingdom, again, merely due to their size and strength. They are grouped in with other apes, tigers, lions, bears, etc. While working in an AZA accredited zoo with Apes, keepers DO NOT work in contact with them. Meaning they do NOT go in with these animals. There is always a welded mesh barrier between the animal and the humans. In more recent decades, zoos have begun to redesign enclosures, removing all obvious caging and attempting to create a seamless view of the animals for the visitor to enjoy watching animals in a more natural looking habitat. *this is great until little children begin falling into exhibits* which of course can happen to anyone, especially in a crowded zoo-like setting. I have watched this video over again, and with the silverback's postering, and tight lips, it's pretty much the stuff of any keeper's nightmares, and I have had MANY while working with them. This job is not for the complacent. Gorillas are kind, curious, and sometimes silly, but they are also very large, very strong animals. I always brought my OCD to work with me. checking and rechecking locks to make sure my animals and I remained separated before entering to clean. I keep hearing that the Gorilla was trying to protect the boy. I do not find this to be true. Harambe reaches for the boys hands and arms, but only to position the child better for his own displaying purposes. Males do very elaborate displays when highly agitated, slamming and dragging things about. Typically they would drag large branches, barrels and heavy weighted balls around to make as much noise as possible. Not in an effort to hurt anyone or anything (usually) but just to intimidate. It was clear to me that he was reacting to the screams coming from the gathering crowd. Harambe was most likely not going to separate himself from that child without seriously hurting him first (again due to mere size and strength, not malicious intent) Why didn't they use treats? well, they attempted to call them off exhibit (which animals hate), the females in the group came in, but Harambe did not. What better treat for a captive animal than a real live kid! They didn't use Tranquilizers for a few reasons, A. Harambe would've taken too long to become immobilized, and could have really injured the child in the process as the drugs used may not work quickly enough depending on the stress of the situation and the dose B. Harambe would've have drowned in the moat if immobilized in the water, and possibly fallen on the boy trapping him and drowning him as well. Many zoos have the protocol to call on their expertly trained dart team in the event of an animal escape or in the event that a human is trapped with a dangerous animal. They will evaluate the scene as quickly and as safely as possible, and will make the most informed decision as how they will handle the animal. I can't point fingers at anyone in this situation, but we need to really evaluate the safety of the animal enclosures from the visitor side. Not impeding that view is a tough one, but there should be no way that someone can find themselves inside of an animal's exhibit. I know one thing for sure, those keepers lost a beautiful, and I mean gorgeous silverback and friend. I feel their loss with them this week. As educators and conservators of endangered species, all we can do is shine a light on the beauty and majesty of these animals in hopes to spark a love and a need to keep them from vanishing from our planet. Child killers, they are not. It's unfortunate for the conservation of the species, and the loss of revenue a beautiful zoo such as Cinci will lose. tragedy all around. *me working (very carefully) with a 400+ pound silverback circa 2009
  17. I see your Canadian Costco footage and raise you this footage from yesterday of a Florida driver running over bikers http://www.newstalk1010.com/news/2016/05/31/watch-driver-plows-over-motorcycle-in-fit-of-road-rage
  18. It makes me feel like listening to Morrisey because 'Heaven knows I'm miserable now'
  19. Them lousy apes...
  20. I watched the cars vs cyclists video, crazy stuff. Some of those are clearly on the drivers, but they sure prove the point of who wins the battle.
  21. Giving 3 ft minimum space is the law now in Ontario. These members of the 'Spandex Mafia' (thanks Gugny!) are using it like an impenetrable field to frustrate drivers. They seem to think the shield will save them if a car attempts to enter 'their' space. The city caved into this group of people and provided bike lanes on our most popular streets so they could ride in safety. Problem solved, right? No. Instead of riding in the provided lane these asshats ride side by side so that one of them continues to block traffic. Others ignore the lane completely because it's their 'right' to ride on the road. I can appreciate that most riders (myself included) ride with common sense based on survival, but these idiots ride like they think they are bulletproof. Some kids are going to grow up without dads because some idiot gets himself killed trying to prove a point.
  22. This is what's really pissing me off. I know several cyclists who are fantastic and look after themselves, I ride my bicycle mainly for 4 months a year, but I never ride directly in front of a car because somehow it's 'my right'. Some cyclists are mixing up being an environmental rebel with being a moron.
  23. Which I don't want to do, but **** am I getting annoyed with these people. We've got a new law in Ontario which says all cars must give cyclists 3ft of clearance when overtaking. Fine. This morning I was driving through our downtown when 30 of these people were riding in a group (no big deal), the same 30 were taking up an entire lane (again no big deal as there were two lanes), but (and here's the kicker) apparently everytime one of these high end cyclists farts or gets a small arm movement it's a sign to other cyclists to move away from a crack in the road, manhole cover, rock, piece of gum. Today these idiots were randomly zipping over from the entire lane they were in and into the lane I was in, without looking. I almost hit one today. This led to me screaming every swear word I know (and I discovered I know several) and to them yelling at me about their rights to be on the road. So my question is this, am I ever going to be in a position where I hit one of these morons with a death wish and it's not going to be my fault? Surely when a bike darts in front of a car without looking it can't be the drivers fault. Do you have this problem in NY state? Or is this just a rich wanker Southern Ontario problem?
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