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Everything posted by GottaRun

  1. Just like the Rogers centre in Toronto will always be the SkyDome to me, the Ralph will always be the Ralph.
  2. I expect the Bills to be in comfortable control of this game from opening kickoff until late in the 4th quarter. Then some unimaginable chaos happens and we lose.
  3. We had to bring in Bush for those 4 games. We didn't 'already' have him for those 4 games.
  4. Good Raiders fan comment 'Can you imagine if they move to Vegas? The 15 will be a solid pipeline of DUIs on Saturday mornings before home games and the slot machines at Circus Circus will be a scene from Fight Club. The Vegas drunk tank on Saturday nights will be a lovefest, though. lt’ll be a massive skull-tatted circle jerk to memories of Napoleon Kaufman.'
  5. Apparently she is the first summer Olympian born this century to win gold. Pretty cool little thing to be able to say when she goes back to high school.
  6. I'll be in the resistance. I'm not much of a character, I'll die in the first scene. Fart on brothers, fart on.
  7. The trial I sat through was similar. Slam dunk 'not guilty' but one guy kept voting guilty because he thought it would look bad if we returned to court 60 seconds later with a 'not guilty' verdict.
  8. Today I learned that Ireland was a net exporter of food during the potato famine. Read it in a Bill Bryson book 'At Home' but here's a link http://ighm.org/exports-in-famine-times/
  9. Got called once and selected. The defendant was standing at the front of the court and we were called up and asked to look the defendant in the eye. I did and I had to sit on the jury. Later learned the key to getting out of serving is don't follow the instructions. People who looked at his shoes were not selected. Something to do with lawyers wanting to pick people they can lead. Canadian court FWIW
  10. I'll be there falling in love with the whole spectacle once again. Silly early to Hammers because what's the point of sitting home. My wife will ask me 100 questions in the morning, I won't be listening enough to answer any of them, she'll say, 'just go to the game'. Off I'll go. Meet the usual crowd at Hammers. Set up near Kenny on the hill. Watch people watching the ketchup ceremony. Think I'll be into the game before kickoff. Won't make it. Hello to all the regular STH. Scream and go crazy. Drive home. Best day of the year.
  11. I'd like to see floss debating as an Olympic sport.
  12. I've switched it up from my usual beer beer beer. This summer it has been Cocktail, beer, red wine. I find I'm enjoying the drinks more with change in taste from drink to drink. Cocktails have been either Gin and Tonic or Bourbon and Ginger Beer... mmm
  13. Saw them many years ago in Toronto. I've always enjoyed their music when it comes on the radio but I've never liked it enough to buy it.
  14. Thanks - maybe I'll just walk home... Or maybe I should just ask - are Buffalo airport taxis as horrible as most other taxis in North America?
  15. I'm flying in for the Oct 30th game after driving a friends car to Florida. I hate taxis so much that I am going to drive my car 90 minutes to the Buffalo airport the day before I drive to Florida, then take the Megabus back to Toronto, so that I can have my car at the airport when I fly in. Chicago and Vegas are the only places I have found decent taxi service. The rest are generally scum sucking dirty pigs* (minus a few exceptions). If Uber was in Buffalo I would happily grab an Uber ride. * To clarify - drivers who watch movies while they drive, drivers who talk on the phone the entire trip, drivers who stink to high heaven, drivers who never clean their cabs, drivers who don't say hello or thanks, drivers who just point to the meter when the drive is done.
  16. Hammer - Is there a prepay option this year? I'm usually with Al (eh!) and Tobin but I might have to drive in solo for the opener. I don't need to be on the hill, just in the lot.
  17. Thanks for sharing - it was a great moment for sure.
  18. Saw him last night in Hamilton. 2 hours 50 min, no one was pulled on stage, didn't seem too gimmicky at all. Phenomenal Mull Of Kintyre will full pipes and drums band from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Definitely exceeded my expectations.
  19. TIL - when you need to enlarge an existing door-handle hole due to the old hole being smaller than your new lock or handle, you must first cut a round slug smaller than the existing hole, then shim the slug to be a tight fit. This allows the guiding bit to bite into something (slug) so your hole saw doesn't slip everywhere.
  20. This may be the first time the words 'Better Cleveland in December' have ever been uttered. In my world all of the Florida road games will be Nov/Dec - Make it so NFL!!!
  21. I'm seeing him Thursday in Hamilton with my wife and my 89 year old in-laws. Told my in-laws to bring ear plugs and my father in-law says 'no problem, I still have some from the Mack Truck plant' - He hasn't worked for Mack truck for at least 23 years!!!
  22. I'd rather have us with Tampa, Jacksonville and Miami. That's a November/December road trip I'm up for. Who the hell wants to road trip to Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Cinci in December?
  23. Was glad to see them go, but I'm ready for them to come back. I haven't heard 'Simply Irresistible' for a couple of years now or whatever crappy old songs they were dancing to.
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