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Everything posted by GottaRun

  1. Ah. Having heard of the team. What a great strategy, I should have used that.... or should I? Ask me on the 20th. If Notre Dame is still alive I clearly should have used your strategy.
  2. I read one article about college basketball this week, so I now consider myself an expert. I went with Villanova, Gonzaga, UCLA, and Kansas. Villanova to be champions.
  3. and school was held outside...
  4. The Bills will sign Romo to a 1 year $25 million guaranteed contract, then cut him before the season opener.
  5. I asked my doctor a few years ago. They showed me a chart. The chart showed my life expectancy at 0 drinks per day. At 2 drinks per day my life expectancy went up. At 3 drinks per day my life expectancy was the same as at 0 drinks per day. At 4 drinks or over per day life expectancy went downhill fast. So I have settled on 2 - 3 per day. Must be standard drinks. Free pouring mixed drinks gets me in trouble fast and defeats the purpose of the chart.
  6. Like I say, maybe it will become apparent in the fall. As for now, we finished the season with a 1 - 4 run, the only win being against Cleveland. We have a brutal looking schedule coming up. Dareus was a massive disappointment, for now I assume he will be next season as well. Watkins may or may not bounce back from multiple surgeries on his feet, but for now I assume he has trouble. We have a first time head coach coming in. The skies the limit, but for now he's a first time head coach. Who knows how Ragland will be this season coming off an ACL injury. Maybe I'm overly bitter after watching the super bowl, but I do not see a lot of light on the horizon.
  7. I feel a 4-12 year coming on. I'm not sure how we achieve 7-9. Maybe that will become apparent in the fall.
  8. Any perks for early renewal? I didn't notice any in the email?
  9. Sorry for your loss.
  10. I've been worrying lately, that 'Just one before I die' refers to playoff game, not Super bowl
  11. To the bar - for whatever the bar has.
  12. I got married in June of 1994. I've been married for 22 years since Super Bowl 28. IF I had put away $10/month since then for future Super Bowl tickets I would currently have around $2,640 (without interest).
  13. Did they send out the renewal notice? I'm heading into year 14, and for some crazy reason I must stay on until I get a 15 year certificate (plus I love the tailgate).
  14. We (Canadians) can thank our 'free' health care for that.
  15. Everyone has a different 'in' and 'out' point, that would be my 'out' point for sure.
  16. Yeah, but if the money didn't go here it would go somewhere else. You can't take it with you. For me the $100/game I spend is good value for what works out to be about 10 hours of entertainment (thank god for tailgating)
  17. No kidding Jan 31, 1993 Cowboys 52 - Bills 17 Jan 30, 1994 Cowboys 30 - Bills 13 I can handle Atlanta or Green Bay winning. I'll be annoyed if the Steelers win it and physically ill (due to drink) if NE wins.
  18. If you like a good, slow moving, British comedy check out seasons 1 & 2 of 'Detectorists' - The lives of two eccentric metal detectorists, who spend their days plodding along ploughed tracks and open fields, hoping to disturb the tedium by unearthing the fortune of a lifetime. Mackenzie Crook - Pirates of the Caribbean, The Office (original), The Brothers Grimm
  19. Watching this game and thinking, is it better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all? As much as I want to see the Bills in the playoffs I don't want our first playoff game back to look like this one looks for Miami.
  20. And if I remember the story correctly the Bills won that day and a tradition was born.
  21. I'm 4 or 5 cars up from the ketchup and mustard every home game, have been for ages. I've seen the ceremony enough that I don't really watch it anymore, instead I watch the people around it. It's fun to watch the reactions, people get excited, cellphones are out taking pictures, people want photos with Kenny, the crowd cheers. Fans that may only make it to a handful of Bills games in their lives make a point of being there for ketchup. There is a story behind it, Kenny's told me a few times, but I'm not great with remembering fine details so I'll leave the story telling to someone else.
  22. I could swing New Years Eve or New Years Day with no problem. Christmas was always going to be a non starter for me. On one hand I hate the idea of Christmas Eve/day games, but on the other hand it gave me a chance to show my wife I value the big family traditions over football traditions. I actually came out of this pretty good. Thanks NFL!
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