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Everything posted by GottaRun

  1. I tried one for a few nights. Ended up returning it, there was no way I could ever get used to it and I was choking in my sleep when wearing it. I've gone low tech, switched to the extra strong breathe strips from CVS + taking vitamin D every day (supposed to help with sinuses) + I'm also trying to lose some weight. If I can't manage it low tech I'm going to try out a dental retainer for night breathing.
  2. Been to about 120 games. None on the road but I did go to the game that was moved to Detroit and to the Toronto games. No idea what their record is when I attend but seeing as I've had seasons for the last 16 years I'm going to assume the record is bad.
  3. A standard beer can is 12 oz, 24oz is a double beer. I think the old standard tall cans were 16oz? So really you are paying $7 for a beer, but you are buying 2 of them if you buy the 24oz can. Or you are paying $0 a beer if you make game time your sober up time and don't drink during the game.
  4. The Cowboys are the most valued sports franchise in the world vs all other sports, and they haven't been all that good lately, as in they haven't won a Superbowl (Championship) in 22 years. As much as the Bills have a bucket list tailgate the Cowboys have a bucket list stadium. That's not going away any time soon. Football mad Texas ain't turning on the Cowboys in our lifetime. If they do, football will be dead everywhere. It's an older book, and I know the league has changed, but 'The Rise and Decline of the NFL' went into great detail about the how the league and the team owners made sure that values just kept going up, even if it meant loaning each other money for bailouts. I suspect the current NFL can't afford for a team like Dallas to be anything but the most valuable team, or at least very near the top. They'll do everything they can to make sure Jerry is successful, it's good for the league.
  5. You mean Jerry and the 5 Billion dollar valuation just placed on the Cowboys? I don't think he's sweating it.
  6. Which fan base could be in the biggest meltdown after 3 weeks? If we don't start 2-1 or better this place would be unbearable. Soft looking games to start with the Jets, Giants, and Bengals Browns fans expectations are so high they will be a fun watch if the Browns stumble out of the gate
  7. Was hoping his dream sporting event to attend was him playing in the Superbowl for the Buffalo Bills. You've dropped the ball there Josh. Next man up!
  8. Gabe Northern came by Hammers several years ago after the game. He was having a great time picking people up over his head, I'm pretty sure he had a good day inside the stadium.
  9. Agreed - why keep something 50% of your fans hate?
  10. Usually I can predict which direction a thread on this board will go, but this one is in its own universe. Well done!
  11. Just because we have a wall doesn't mean someone has to go up on it. From that list I'd say Kyle Williams but it's too soon. Give it a few years.
  12. Get rid of the train horn, we're the Buffalo Bills, go back to the sound of the stampede and the Buffalo stampeding on the big screen. The train horn is annoying af, why was it introduced? The shout song after field goals is pathetic, unless it's a game winning field goal. Bring in better known bands pre-game. Better known band = more people through security earlier = less line ups. Let people who have been season ticket holders a long time access via the club seat entrance line. Whatever they have to set the number at to be workable. Maybe 25 years or more?
  13. Ed Oliver - In the time it took him to walk to the stage on draft day I had already decided that Ed Oliver will be my next Bills jersey. I've never seen anyone that happy to become a Buffalo Bill. Boom or bust I love his attitude. Duke Williams is a longer shot that I'm pulling for, hope he can keep his head on straight and shine in Buffalo.
  14. How does he feel about the over/under being 6.5?
  15. If the tents are like the ones in the picture on their homepage you should be able to fit a good sized group under one. These aren't popup canopies from Dick's https://tailgateguys.com/home
  16. Get to the playoffs and it will be successful. Win 1 against New England and it will be superb. Win 2 against New England and I'll give everyone in my family extra Christmas presents.
  17. I haven't picked up a new jersey in 10 years, but Oliver's enthusiasm has me thinking about it. So nice to see someone that excited about coming to Buffalo. He's a physical beast and he wants to get into that new state of the art workout facility. #GoBills
  18. Nice to see someone that excited about coming to Buffalo.
  19. Damn. Sending you every prayer I've got Poncho.
  20. "Nobody Likes Us, And We Find That Upsetting"
  21. Best schedule ever! - 2 home games in Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan What's not to love?
  22. Then they cheer for a touchdown, then you say "That was the Cowboys!", then they say "Oh? Is that the wrong team?"
  23. I was thinking about best author's the other day and I figured if someone could write a book I loved in a genre I do not like then they were probably the better author. I'm not into fiction, but Daphne Dumarier's Jamaica Inn (1936) was a book I couldn't put down. It's set in the 1820's in Cornwall, England. Drinking, murder and mayhem, it will make you glad you are alive today and not back then.
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